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#!/usr/bin/env python3
This script:
- Builds clang with user-defined flags
- Uses that clang to build an instrumented clang, which can be used to collect
  PGO samples
- Builds a user-defined set of sources (default: clang) to act as a
  "benchmark" to generate a PGO profile
- Builds clang once more with the PGO profile generated above

This is a total of four clean builds of clang (by default). This may take a
while. :)

import argparse
import collections
import multiprocessing
import os
import shlex
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys

### User configuration

# If you want to use a different 'benchmark' than building clang, make this
# function do what you want. out_dir is the build directory for clang, so all
# of the clang binaries will live under "${out_dir}/bin/". Using clang in
# ${out_dir} will magically have the profiles go to the right place.
# You may assume that out_dir is a freshly-built directory that you can reach
# in to build more things, if you'd like.
def _run_benchmark(env, out_dir, include_debug_info):
    """The 'benchmark' we run to generate profile data."""
    target_dir = env.output_subdir('instrumentation_run')

    # `check-llvm` and `check-clang` are cheap ways to increase coverage. The
    # former lets us touch on the non-x86 backends a bit if configured, and the
    # latter gives us more C to chew on (and will send us through diagnostic
    # paths a fair amount, though the `if (stuff_is_broken) { diag() ... }`
    # branches should still heavily be weighted in the not-taken direction,
    # since we built all of LLVM/etc).
    _build_things_in(env, out_dir, what=['check-llvm', 'check-clang'])

    # Building tblgen gets us coverage; don't skip it. (out_dir may also not
    # have them anyway, but that's less of an issue)
    cmake = _get_cmake_invocation_for_bootstrap_from(
        env, out_dir, skip_tablegens=False)

    if include_debug_info:
        cmake.add_flag('CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE', 'RelWithDebInfo')

    _run_fresh_cmake(env, cmake, target_dir)

    # Just build all the things. The more data we have, the better.
    _build_things_in(env, target_dir, what=['all'])

### Script

class CmakeInvocation:
    _cflags = ['CMAKE_C_FLAGS', 'CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS']
    _ldflags = [

    def __init__(self, cmake, maker, cmake_dir):
        self._prefix = [cmake, '-G', maker, cmake_dir]

        # Map of str -> (list|str).
        self._flags = {}
        for flag in CmakeInvocation._cflags + CmakeInvocation._ldflags:
            self._flags[flag] = []

    def add_new_flag(self, key, value):
        self.add_flag(key, value, allow_overwrites=False)

    def add_flag(self, key, value, allow_overwrites=True):
        if key not in self._flags:
            self._flags[key] = value

        existing_value = self._flags[key]
        if isinstance(existing_value, list):

        if not allow_overwrites:
            raise ValueError('Invalid overwrite of %s requested' % key)

        self._flags[key] = value

    def add_cflags(self, flags):
        # No, I didn't intend to append ['-', 'O', '2'] to my flags, thanks :)
        assert not isinstance(flags, str)
        for f in CmakeInvocation._cflags:

    def add_ldflags(self, flags):
        assert not isinstance(flags, str)
        for f in CmakeInvocation._ldflags:

    def to_args(self):
        args = self._prefix.copy()
        for key, value in sorted(self._flags.items()):
            if isinstance(value, list):
                # We preload all of the list-y values (cflags, ...). If we've
                # nothing to add, don't.
                if not value:
                value = ' '.join(value)

            arg = '-D' + key
            if value != '':
                arg += '=' + value
        return args

class Env:
    def __init__(self, llvm_dir, use_make, output_dir, default_cmake_args,
        self.llvm_dir = llvm_dir
        self.use_make = use_make
        self.output_dir = output_dir
        self.default_cmake_args = default_cmake_args.copy()
        self.dry_run = dry_run

    def get_default_cmake_args_kv(self):
        return self.default_cmake_args.items()

    def get_cmake_maker(self):
        return 'Ninja' if not self.use_make else 'Unix Makefiles'

    def get_make_command(self):
        if self.use_make:
            return ['make', '-j{}'.format(multiprocessing.cpu_count())]
        return ['ninja']

    def output_subdir(self, name):
        return os.path.join(self.output_dir, name)

    def has_llvm_subproject(self, name):
        if name == 'compiler-rt':
            subdir = 'projects/compiler-rt'
        elif name == 'clang':
            subdir = 'tools/clang'
            raise ValueError('Unknown subproject: %s' % name)

        return os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.llvm_dir, subdir))

    # Note that we don't allow capturing stdout/stderr. This works quite nicely
    # with dry_run.
    def run_command(self,
        cmd_str = ' '.join(shlex.quote(s) for s in cmd)
            'Running `%s` in %s' % (cmd_str, shlex.quote(cwd or os.getcwd())))

        if self.dry_run:

        if silent_unless_error:
            stdout, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, subprocess.STDOUT
            stdout, stderr = None, None

        # Don't use because it's >= py3.5 only, and it's not too
        # much extra effort to get what it gives us anyway.
        popen = subprocess.Popen(
        stdout, _ = popen.communicate()
        return_code = popen.wait(timeout=0)

        if not return_code:

        if silent_unless_error:
            print(stdout.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'))

        if check:
            raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(
                returncode=return_code, cmd=cmd, output=stdout, stderr=None)

def _get_default_cmake_invocation(env):
    inv = CmakeInvocation(
        cmake='cmake', maker=env.get_cmake_maker(), cmake_dir=env.llvm_dir)
    for key, value in env.get_default_cmake_args_kv():
        inv.add_new_flag(key, value)
    return inv

def _get_cmake_invocation_for_bootstrap_from(env, out_dir,
    clang = os.path.join(out_dir, 'bin', 'clang')
    cmake = _get_default_cmake_invocation(env)
    cmake.add_new_flag('CMAKE_C_COMPILER', clang)
    cmake.add_new_flag('CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER', clang + '++')

    # We often get no value out of building new tblgens; the previous build
    # should have them. It's still correct to build them, just slower.
    def add_tablegen(key, binary):
        path = os.path.join(out_dir, 'bin', binary)

        # Check that this exists, since the user's allowed to specify their own
        # stage1 directory (which is generally where we'll source everything
        # from). Dry runs should hope for the best from our user, as well.
        if env.dry_run or os.path.exists(path):
            cmake.add_new_flag(key, path)

    if skip_tablegens:
        add_tablegen('LLVM_TABLEGEN', 'llvm-tblgen')
        add_tablegen('CLANG_TABLEGEN', 'clang-tblgen')

    return cmake

def _build_things_in(env, target_dir, what):
    cmd = env.get_make_command() + what
    env.run_command(cmd, cwd=target_dir, check=True)

def _run_fresh_cmake(env, cmake, target_dir):
    if not env.dry_run:
        except FileNotFoundError:

        os.makedirs(target_dir, mode=0o755)

    cmake_args = cmake.to_args()
        cmake_args, cwd=target_dir, check=True, silent_unless_error=True)

def _build_stage1_clang(env):
    target_dir = env.output_subdir('stage1')
    cmake = _get_default_cmake_invocation(env)
    _run_fresh_cmake(env, cmake, target_dir)
    _build_things_in(env, target_dir, what=['clang', 'llvm-profdata', 'profile'])
    return target_dir

def _generate_instrumented_clang_profile(env, stage1_dir, profile_dir,
    llvm_profdata = os.path.join(stage1_dir, 'bin', 'llvm-profdata')
    if env.dry_run:
        profiles = [os.path.join(profile_dir, '*.profraw')]
        profiles = [
            os.path.join(profile_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(profile_dir)
            if f.endswith('.profraw')
    cmd = [llvm_profdata, 'merge', '-output=' + output_file] + profiles
    env.run_command(cmd, check=True)

def _build_instrumented_clang(env, stage1_dir):
    assert os.path.isabs(stage1_dir)

    target_dir = os.path.join(env.output_dir, 'instrumented')
    cmake = _get_cmake_invocation_for_bootstrap_from(env, stage1_dir)
    cmake.add_new_flag('LLVM_BUILD_INSTRUMENTED', 'IR')

    # libcxx's configure step messes with our link order: we'll link
    # libclang_rt.profile after libgcc, and the former requires atexit from the
    # latter. So, configure checks fail.
    # Since we don't need libcxx or compiler-rt anyway, just disable them.
    cmake.add_new_flag('LLVM_BUILD_RUNTIME', 'No')

    _run_fresh_cmake(env, cmake, target_dir)
    _build_things_in(env, target_dir, what=['clang', 'lld'])

    profiles_dir = os.path.join(target_dir, 'profiles')
    return target_dir, profiles_dir

def _build_optimized_clang(env, stage1_dir, profdata_file):
    if not env.dry_run and not os.path.exists(profdata_file):
        raise ValueError('Looks like the profdata file at %s doesn\'t exist' %

    target_dir = os.path.join(env.output_dir, 'optimized')
    cmake = _get_cmake_invocation_for_bootstrap_from(env, stage1_dir)
    cmake.add_new_flag('LLVM_PROFDATA_FILE', os.path.abspath(profdata_file))

    # We'll get complaints about hash mismatches in `main` in tools/etc. Ignore
    # it.
    _run_fresh_cmake(env, cmake, target_dir)
    _build_things_in(env, target_dir, what=['clang'])
    return target_dir

Args = collections.namedtuple('Args', [

def _parse_args():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Builds LLVM and Clang with instrumentation, collects '
        'instrumentation profiles for them, and (optionally) builds things'
        'with these PGO profiles. By default, it\'s assumed that you\'re '
        'running this from your LLVM root, and all build artifacts will be '
        'saved to $PWD/out.')
        help='an extra arg to pass to all cmake invocations. Note that this '
        'is interpreted as a -D argument, e.g. --cmake-extra-arg FOO=BAR will '
        'be passed as -DFOO=BAR. This may be specified multiple times.')
        help='print commands instead of running them')
        help='directory containing an LLVM checkout (default: $PWD)')
        help='disable the final, PGO-optimized build')
        help='directory to write artifacts to (default: $llvm_dir/out)')
        help='where to output the profile (default is $out/')
        help='instead of having an initial build of everything, use the given '
        'directory. It is expected that this directory will have clang, '
        'llvm-profdata, and the appropriate libclang_rt.profile already built')
        help='use a regular build instead of RelWithDebInfo in the benchmark. '
        'This increases benchmark execution time and disk space requirements, '
        'but gives more coverage over debuginfo bits in LLVM and clang.')
        default=shutil.which('ninja') is None,
        help='use Makefiles instead of ninja')

    args = parser.parse_args()

    llvm_dir = os.path.abspath(args.llvm_dir)
    if args.out_dir is None:
        output_dir = os.path.join(llvm_dir, 'out')
        output_dir = os.path.abspath(args.out_dir)

    extra_args = {'CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE': 'Release'}
    for arg in args.cmake_extra_arg:
        if arg.startswith('-D'):
            arg = arg[2:]
        elif arg.startswith('-'):
            raise ValueError('Unknown not- -D arg encountered; you may need '
                             'to tweak the source...')
        split = arg.split('=', 1)
        if len(split) == 1:
            key, val = split[0], ''
            key, val = split
        extra_args[key] = val

    env = Env(

    if args.profile_output is not None:
        profile_location = args.profile_output
        profile_location = os.path.join(env.output_dir, '')

    result_args = Args(
        do_optimized_build=not args.no_optimized_build,

    return env, result_args

def _looks_like_llvm_dir(directory):
    """Arbitrary set of heuristics to determine if `directory` is an llvm dir.

    Errs on the side of false-positives."""

    contents = set(os.listdir(directory))
    expected_contents = [

    if not all(c in contents for c in expected_contents):
        return False

        include_listing = os.listdir(os.path.join(directory, 'include'))
    except NotADirectoryError:
        return False

    return 'llvm' in include_listing

def _die(*args, **kwargs):
    kwargs['file'] = sys.stderr
    print(*args, **kwargs)

def _main():
    env, args = _parse_args()

    if not _looks_like_llvm_dir(env.llvm_dir):
        _die('Looks like %s isn\'t an LLVM directory; please see --help' %
    if not env.has_llvm_subproject('clang'):
        _die('Need a clang checkout at tools/clang')
    if not env.has_llvm_subproject('compiler-rt'):
        _die('Need a compiler-rt checkout at projects/compiler-rt')

    def status(*args):
        print(*args, file=sys.stderr)

    if args.stage1_dir is None:
        status('*** Building stage1 clang...')
        stage1_out = _build_stage1_clang(env)
        stage1_out = args.stage1_dir

    status('*** Building instrumented clang...')
    instrumented_out, profile_dir = _build_instrumented_clang(env, stage1_out)
    status('*** Running profdata benchmarks...')
    _run_benchmark(env, instrumented_out, args.include_debug_info)
    status('*** Generating profile...')
    _generate_instrumented_clang_profile(env, stage1_out, profile_dir,

    print('Final profile:', args.profile_location)
    if args.do_optimized_build:
        status('*** Building PGO-optimized binaries...')
        optimized_out = _build_optimized_clang(env, stage1_out,
        print('Final build directory:', optimized_out)

if __name__ == '__main__':