PassStatistics.cpp 9.04 KB
//===- PassStatistics.cpp -------------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the MLIR Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

#include "PassDetail.h"
#include "mlir/Pass/PassManager.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Format.h"

using namespace mlir;
using namespace mlir::detail;

constexpr StringLiteral kPassStatsDescription =
    "... Pass statistics report ...";

namespace {
/// Information pertaining to a specific statistic.
struct Statistic {
  const char *name, *desc;
  unsigned value;
} // end anonymous namespace

/// Utility to print a pass entry in the statistics output.
static void printPassEntry(raw_ostream &os, unsigned indent, StringRef pass,
                           MutableArrayRef<Statistic> stats = llvm::None) {
  os.indent(indent) << pass << "\n";
  if (stats.empty())

  // Make sure to sort the statistics by name.
  llvm::array_pod_sort(stats.begin(), stats.end(),
                       [](const auto *lhs, const auto *rhs) {
                         return llvm::array_pod_sort_comparator<const char *>(
                             &lhs->name, &rhs->name);

  // Collect the largest name and value length from each of the statistics.
  size_t largestName = 0, largestValue = 0;
  for (auto &stat : stats) {
    largestName = std::max(largestName, (size_t)strlen(;
    largestValue =
        std::max(largestValue, (size_t)llvm::utostr(stat.value).size());

  // Print each of the statistics.
  for (auto &stat : stats) {
    os.indent(indent + 2) << llvm::format("(S) %*u %-*s - %s\n", largestValue,
                                          stat.value, largestName,,

/// Print the statistics results in a list form, where each pass is sorted by
/// name.
static void printResultsAsList(raw_ostream &os, OpPassManager &pm) {
  llvm::StringMap<std::vector<Statistic>> mergedStats;
  std::function<void(Pass *)> addStats = [&](Pass *pass) {
    auto *adaptor = getAdaptorPassBase(pass);

    // If this is not an adaptor, add the stats to the list if there are any.
    if (!adaptor) {
      auto statistics = pass->getStatistics();
      if (statistics.empty())

      auto &passEntry = mergedStats[pass->getName()];
      if (passEntry.empty()) {
        for (Pass::Statistic *it : pass->getStatistics())
          passEntry.push_back({it->getName(), it->getDesc(), it->getValue()});
      } else {
        for (auto &it : llvm::enumerate(pass->getStatistics()))
          passEntry[it.index()].value += it.value()->getValue();

    // Otherwise, recursively add each of the children.
    for (auto &mgr : adaptor->getPassManagers())
      for (Pass &pass : mgr.getPasses())
  for (Pass &pass : pm.getPasses())

  // Sort the statistics by pass name and then by record name.
  std::vector<std::pair<StringRef, std::vector<Statistic>>> passAndStatistics;
  for (auto &passIt : mergedStats)
    passAndStatistics.push_back({passIt.first(), std::move(passIt.second)});
  llvm::sort(passAndStatistics, [](const auto &lhs, const auto &rhs) {
    return < 0;

  // Print the timing information sequentially.
  for (auto &statData : passAndStatistics)
    printPassEntry(os, /*indent=*/2, statData.first, statData.second);

/// Print the results in pipeline mode that mirrors the internal pass manager
/// structure.
static void printResultsAsPipeline(raw_ostream &os, OpPassManager &pm) {
  std::function<void(unsigned, Pass *)> printPass = [&](unsigned indent,
                                                        Pass *pass) {
    // Handle the case of an adaptor pass.
    if (auto *adaptor = getAdaptorPassBase(pass)) {
      // If this adaptor has more than one internal pipeline, print an entry for
      // it.
      auto mgrs = adaptor->getPassManagers();
      if (mgrs.size() > 1) {
        printPassEntry(os, indent, adaptor->getName());
        indent += 2;

      // Print each of the children passes.
      for (OpPassManager &mgr : mgrs) {
        auto name = ("'" + mgr.getOpName().getStringRef() + "' Pipeline").str();
        printPassEntry(os, indent, name);
        for (Pass &pass : mgr.getPasses())
          printPass(indent + 2, &pass);

    // Otherwise, we print the statistics for this pass.
    std::vector<Statistic> stats;
    for (Pass::Statistic *stat : pass->getStatistics())
      stats.push_back({stat->getName(), stat->getDesc(), stat->getValue()});
    printPassEntry(os, indent, pass->getName(), stats);
  for (Pass &pass : pm.getPasses())
    printPass(/*indent=*/0, &pass);

static void printStatistics(OpPassManager &pm, PassDisplayMode displayMode) {
  auto os = llvm::CreateInfoOutputFile();

  // Print the stats header.
  *os << "===" << std::string(73, '-') << "===\n";
  // Figure out how many spaces for the description name.
  unsigned padding = (80 - kPassStatsDescription.size()) / 2;
  os->indent(padding) << kPassStatsDescription << '\n';
  *os << "===" << std::string(73, '-') << "===\n";

  // Defer to a specialized printer for each display mode.
  switch (displayMode) {
  case PassDisplayMode::List:
    printResultsAsList(*os, pm);
  case PassDisplayMode::Pipeline:
    printResultsAsPipeline(*os, pm);
  *os << "\n";

// PassStatistics

Pass::Statistic::Statistic(Pass *owner, const char *name,
                           const char *description)
    : llvm::Statistic{/*DebugType=*/"", name, description} {
  // Always set the 'initialized' bit to true so that this statistic isn't
  // placed in the static registry.
  // TODO: This is sort of hack as `llvm::Statistic`s can't be setup to avoid
  // automatic registration with the global registry. We should either add
  // support for this in LLVM, or just write our own statistics classes.
  Initialized = true;

  // Register this statistic with the parent.

auto Pass::Statistic::operator=(unsigned value) -> Statistic & {
  return *this;

// PassManager

/// Merge the pass statistics of this class into 'other'.
void OpPassManager::mergeStatisticsInto(OpPassManager &other) {
  auto passes = getPasses(), otherPasses = other.getPasses();

  for (auto passPair : llvm::zip(passes, otherPasses)) {
    Pass &pass = std::get<0>(passPair), &otherPass = std::get<1>(passPair);

    // If this is an adaptor, then recursively merge the pass managers.
    if (auto *adaptorPass = getAdaptorPassBase(&pass)) {
      auto *otherAdaptorPass = getAdaptorPassBase(&otherPass);
      for (auto mgrs : llvm::zip(adaptorPass->getPassManagers(),
    // Otherwise, merge the statistics for the current pass.
    assert(pass.statistics.size() == otherPass.statistics.size());
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = pass.statistics.size(); i != e; ++i) {
      assert(pass.statistics[i]->getName() ==
      *otherPass.statistics[i] += *pass.statistics[i];
      *pass.statistics[i] = 0;

/// Prepare the statistics of passes within the given pass manager for
/// consumption(e.g. dumping).
static void prepareStatistics(OpPassManager &pm) {
  for (Pass &pass : pm.getPasses()) {
    OpToOpPassAdaptorBase *adaptor = getAdaptorPassBase(&pass);
    if (!adaptor)
    MutableArrayRef<OpPassManager> nestedPms = adaptor->getPassManagers();

    // If this is a parallel adaptor, merge the statistics from the async
    // pass managers into the main nested pass managers.
    if (auto *parallelAdaptor = dyn_cast<OpToOpPassAdaptorParallel>(&pass)) {
      for (auto &asyncPM : parallelAdaptor->getParallelPassManagers()) {
        for (unsigned i = 0, e = asyncPM.size(); i != e; ++i)

    // Prepare the statistics of each of the nested passes.
    for (OpPassManager &nestedPM : nestedPms)

/// Dump the statistics of the passes within this pass manager.
void PassManager::dumpStatistics() {
  printStatistics(*this, *passStatisticsMode);

/// Dump the statistics for each pass after running.
void PassManager::enableStatistics(PassDisplayMode displayMode) {
  passStatisticsMode = displayMode;