target-and-abi.mlir 5.69 KB
// RUN: mlir-opt -split-input-file -verify-diagnostics %s | FileCheck %s

// expected-error @+1 {{found unsupported 'spv.something' attribute on operation}}
func @unknown_attr_on_op() attributes {
  spv.something = 64
} { return }

// -----

// expected-error @+1 {{found unsupported 'spv.something' attribute on region argument}}
func @unknown_attr_on_region(%arg: i32 {spv.something}) {

// -----

// expected-error @+1 {{found unsupported 'spv.something' attribute on region result}}
func @unknown_attr_on_region() -> (i32 {spv.something}) {
  %0 = constant 10.0 : f32
  return %0: f32

// -----

// spv.entry_point_abi

// expected-error @+1 {{'spv.entry_point_abi' attribute must be a dictionary attribute containing one 32-bit integer elements attribute: 'local_size'}}
func @spv_entry_point() attributes {
  spv.entry_point_abi = 64
} { return }

// -----

// expected-error @+1 {{'spv.entry_point_abi' attribute must be a dictionary attribute containing one 32-bit integer elements attribute: 'local_size'}}
func @spv_entry_point() attributes {
  spv.entry_point_abi = {local_size = 64}
} { return }

// -----

func @spv_entry_point() attributes {
  // CHECK: {spv.entry_point_abi = {local_size = dense<[64, 1, 1]> : vector<3xi32>}}
  spv.entry_point_abi = {local_size = dense<[64, 1, 1]>: vector<3xi32>}
} { return }

// -----

// spv.interface_var_abi

// expected-error @+1 {{'spv.interface_var_abi' attribute must be a dictionary attribute containing three 32-bit integer attributes: 'descriptor_set', 'binding', and 'storage_class'}}
func @interface_var(
  %arg0 : f32 {spv.interface_var_abi = 64}
) { return }

// -----

// expected-error @+1 {{'spv.interface_var_abi' attribute must be a dictionary attribute containing three 32-bit integer attributes: 'descriptor_set', 'binding', and 'storage_class'}}
func @interface_var(
  %arg0 : f32 {spv.interface_var_abi = {binding = 0: i32}}
) { return }

// -----

// CHECK: {spv.interface_var_abi = {binding = 0 : i32, descriptor_set = 0 : i32, storage_class = 12 : i32}}
func @interface_var(
  %arg0 : f32 {spv.interface_var_abi = {binding = 0 : i32,
                                        descriptor_set = 0 : i32,
                                        storage_class = 12 : i32}}
) { return }

// -----

// expected-error @+1 {{'spv.interface_var_abi' attribute must be a dictionary attribute containing three 32-bit integer attributes: 'descriptor_set', 'binding', and 'storage_class'}}
func @interface_var() -> (f32 {spv.interface_var_abi = 64})
  %0 = constant 10.0 : f32
  return %0: f32

// -----

// expected-error @+1 {{'spv.interface_var_abi' attribute must be a dictionary attribute containing three 32-bit integer attributes: 'descriptor_set', 'binding', and 'storage_class'}}
func @interface_var() -> (f32 {spv.interface_var_abi = {binding = 0: i32}})
  %0 = constant 10.0 : f32
  return %0: f32

// -----

// CHECK: {spv.interface_var_abi = {binding = 0 : i32, descriptor_set = 0 : i32, storage_class = 12 : i32}}
func @interface_var() -> (f32 {spv.interface_var_abi = {
    binding = 0 : i32, descriptor_set = 0 : i32, storage_class = 12 : i32}})
  %0 = constant 10.0 : f32
  return %0: f32

// -----

// spv.target_env

// expected-error @+1 {{'spv.target_env' must be a dictionary attribute containing one 32-bit integer attribute 'version', one string array attribute 'extensions', and one 32-bit integer array attribute 'capabilities'}}
func @target_env_wrong_type() attributes {
  spv.target_env = 64
} { return }

// -----

// expected-error @+1 {{'spv.target_env' must be a dictionary attribute containing one 32-bit integer attribute 'version', one string array attribute 'extensions', and one 32-bit integer array attribute 'capabilities'}}
func @target_env_missing_fields() attributes {
  spv.target_env = {version = 0: i32}
} { return }

// -----

// expected-error @+1 {{'spv.target_env' must be a dictionary attribute containing one 32-bit integer attribute 'version', one string array attribute 'extensions', and one 32-bit integer array attribute 'capabilities'}}
func @target_env_wrong_extension_type() attributes {
  spv.target_env = {version = 0: i32, extensions = [32: i32], capabilities = [1: i32]}
} { return }

// -----

// expected-error @+1 {{'spv.target_env' must be a dictionary attribute containing one 32-bit integer attribute 'version', one string array attribute 'extensions', and one 32-bit integer array attribute 'capabilities'}}
func @target_env_wrong_extension() attributes {
  spv.target_env = {version = 0: i32, extensions = ["SPV_Something"], capabilities = [1: i32]}
} { return }

// -----

func @target_env() attributes {
  // CHECK: spv.target_env = {capabilities = [1 : i32], extensions = ["SPV_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class"], version = 0 : i32}
  spv.target_env = {version = 0: i32, extensions = ["SPV_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class"], capabilities = [1: i32]}
} { return }

// -----

// expected-error @+1 {{'spv.target_env' must be a dictionary attribute containing one 32-bit integer attribute 'version', one string array attribute 'extensions', and one 32-bit integer array attribute 'capabilities'}}
func @target_env_extra_fields() attributes {
  spv.target_env = {version = 0: i32, extensions = ["SPV_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class"], capabilities = [1: i32], extra = 32}
} { return }