FormatTest.cpp 4.45 KB
//===- FormatTest.cpp - TableGen Format Utility Tests ---------------------===//
// Part of the MLIR Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

#include "mlir/TableGen/Format.h"
#include "gmock/gmock.h"

using mlir::tblgen::FmtContext;
using mlir::tblgen::tgfmt;
using ::testing::StrEq;

TEST(FormatTest, EmptyFmtStr) {
  FmtContext ctx;
  std::string result = tgfmt("", &ctx);

// Allow extra unused positional parameters
TEST(FormatTest, EmptyFmtStrExtraParams) {
  FmtContext ctx;
  std::string result = tgfmt("", &ctx, "a", "b", "c");

// Allow unused placeholder substitution in context
TEST(FormatTest, EmptyFmtStrPopulatedCtx) {
  FmtContext ctx;
  std::string result = tgfmt("", &ctx);

TEST(FormatTest, LiteralFmtStr) {
  FmtContext ctx;
  std::string result = tgfmt("void foo {}", &ctx);
  EXPECT_THAT(result, StrEq("void foo {}"));

// Print single dollar literally
TEST(FormatTest, AdjacentDollar) {
  FmtContext ctx;
  std::string result = tgfmt("$", &ctx);
  EXPECT_THAT(result, StrEq("$"));

// Print dangling dollar literally
TEST(FormatTest, DanglingDollar) {
  FmtContext ctx;
  std::string result = tgfmt("foo bar baz$", &ctx);
  EXPECT_THAT(result, StrEq("foo bar baz$"));

// Allow escape dollars with '$$'
TEST(FormatTest, EscapeDollars) {
  FmtContext ctx;
  std::string result =
      tgfmt("$$ $$$$ $$$0 $$$_self", &ctx.withSelf("self"), "-0");
  EXPECT_THAT(result, StrEq("$ $$ $-0 $self"));

TEST(FormatTest, PositionalFmtStr) {
  FmtContext ctx;
  std::string b = "b";
  int c = 42;
  char d = 'd';
  std::string result = tgfmt("$0 $1 $2 $3", &ctx, "a", b, c + 1, d);
  EXPECT_THAT(result, StrEq("a b 43 d"));

// Output the placeholder if missing substitution
TEST(FormatTest, PositionalFmtStrMissingParams) {
  FmtContext ctx;
  std::string result = tgfmt("$0 %1 $2", &ctx);
  EXPECT_THAT(result, StrEq("$0<no-subst-found> %1 $2<no-subst-found>"));

// Allow flexible reference of positional parameters
TEST(FormatTest, PositionalFmtStrFlexibleRef) {
  FmtContext ctx;
  std::string result = tgfmt("$2 $0 $2", &ctx, "a", "b", "c");
  EXPECT_THAT(result, StrEq("c a c"));

TEST(FormatTest, PositionalFmtStrNoWhitespace) {
  FmtContext ctx;
  std::string result = tgfmt("foo$0bar", &ctx, "-");
  EXPECT_THAT(result, StrEq("foo-bar"));

TEST(FormatTest, PlaceHolderFmtStrWithSelf) {
  FmtContext ctx;
  std::string result = tgfmt("$_self", &ctx.withSelf("sss"));
  EXPECT_THAT(result, StrEq("sss"));

TEST(FormatTest, PlaceHolderFmtStrWithBuilder) {
  FmtContext ctx;

  std::string result = tgfmt("$_builder", &ctx.withBuilder("bbb"));
  EXPECT_THAT(result, StrEq("bbb"));

TEST(FormatTest, PlaceHolderFmtStrWithOp) {
  FmtContext ctx;
  std::string result = tgfmt("$_op", &ctx.withOp("ooo"));
  EXPECT_THAT(result, StrEq("ooo"));

TEST(FormatTest, PlaceHolderMissingCtx) {
  std::string result = tgfmt("$_op", nullptr);
  EXPECT_THAT(result, StrEq("$_op<no-subst-found>"));

TEST(FormatTest, PlaceHolderMissingSubst) {
  FmtContext ctx;
  std::string result = tgfmt("$_op", &ctx.withBuilder("builder"));
  EXPECT_THAT(result, StrEq("$_op<no-subst-found>"));

// Test commonly used delimiters in C++
TEST(FormatTest, PlaceHolderFmtStrDelimiter) {
  FmtContext ctx;
  ctx.addSubst("m", "");
  std::string result = tgfmt("$m{$m($m[$m]$m)$m}$m|", &ctx);
  EXPECT_THAT(result, StrEq("{([])}|"));

// Test allowed characters in placeholder symbol
TEST(FormatTest, CustomPlaceHolderFmtStrPlaceHolderChars) {
  FmtContext ctx;
  ctx.addSubst("m", "0 ");
  ctx.addSubst("m1", "1 ");
  ctx.addSubst("m2C", "2 ");
  ctx.addSubst("M_3", "3 ");
  std::string result = tgfmt("$m$m1$m2C$M_3", &ctx);
  EXPECT_THAT(result, StrEq("0 1 2 3 "));

TEST(FormatTest, CustomPlaceHolderFmtStrUnregisteredPlaceHolders) {
  FmtContext ctx;
  std::string result = tgfmt("foo($awesome, $param)", &ctx);
              StrEq("foo($awesome<no-subst-found>, $param<no-subst-found>)"));

TEST(FormatTest, MixedFmtStr) {
  FmtContext ctx;

  std::string result = tgfmt("$$_self, {$0, $1})",
                             &ctx.withSelf("sss"), "a", "b");
  EXPECT_THAT(result, StrEq(", {a, b})"));