no-tls.test 1.37 KB
; Testing that __tls_size and __tls_align are correctly emitted when there are
; no thread_local variables.

RUN: llc -mattr=+bulk-memory,+atomics -filetype=obj %p/Inputs/start.ll -o %t.o

RUN: wasm-ld -no-gc-sections --shared-memory --max-memory=131072 --allow-undefined -o %t.wasm %t.o
RUN: obj2yaml %t.wasm | FileCheck %s
CHECK:       - Type:            GLOBAL
CHECK-NEXT:    Globals:

; __stack_pointer
CHECK-NEXT:      - Index:           0
CHECK-NEXT:        Type:            I32
CHECK-NEXT:        Mutable:         true
CHECK-NEXT:        InitExpr:
CHECK-NEXT:          Opcode:          I32_CONST
CHECK-NEXT:          Value:           66576

; __tls_base
CHECK-NEXT:      - Index:           1
CHECK-NEXT:        Type:            I32
CHECK-NEXT:        Mutable:         true
CHECK-NEXT:        InitExpr:
CHECK-NEXT:          Opcode:          I32_CONST
CHECK-NEXT:          Value:           0

; __tls_size
CHECK-NEXT:      - Index:           2
CHECK-NEXT:        Type:            I32
CHECK-NEXT:        Mutable:         false
CHECK-NEXT:        InitExpr:
CHECK-NEXT:          Opcode:          I32_CONST
CHECK-NEXT:          Value:           0

; __tls_align
CHECK-NEXT:      - Index:           3
CHECK-NEXT:        Type:            I32
CHECK-NEXT:        Mutable:         false
CHECK-NEXT:        InitExpr:
CHECK-NEXT:          Opcode:          I32_CONST
CHECK-NEXT:          Value:           1