AMDGPUUsage.rst 446 KB

User Guide for AMDGPU Backend

.. contents::


The AMDGPU backend provides ISA code generation for AMD GPUs, starting with the
R600 family up until the current GCN families. It lives in the
``llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU`` directory.


.. _amdgpu-target-triples:

Target Triples

Use the ``clang -target ---`` option to
specify the target triple:

.. table:: AMDGPU Architectures
:name: amdgpu-architecture-table

============ ==============================================================
Architecture Description
============ ==============================================================
``r600`` AMD GPUs HD2XXX-HD6XXX for graphics and compute shaders.
``amdgcn`` AMD GPUs GCN GFX6 onwards for graphics and compute shaders.
============ ==============================================================

.. table:: AMDGPU Vendors
:name: amdgpu-vendor-table

============ ==============================================================
Vendor Description
============ ==============================================================
``amd`` Can be used for all AMD GPU usage.
``mesa3d`` Can be used if the OS is ``mesa3d``.
============ ==============================================================

.. table:: AMDGPU Operating Systems
:name: amdgpu-os-table

============== ============================================================
OS Description
============== ============================================================
** Defaults to the *unknown* OS.
``amdhsa`` Compute kernels executed on HSA [HSA]_ compatible runtimes
such as AMD's ROCm [AMD-ROCm]_.
``amdpal`` Graphic shaders and compute kernels executed on AMD PAL
``mesa3d`` Graphic shaders and compute kernels executed on Mesa 3D
============== ============================================================

.. table:: AMDGPU Environments
:name: amdgpu-environment-table

============ ==============================================================
Environment Description
============ ==============================================================
** Default.
============ ==============================================================

.. _amdgpu-processors:


Use the ``clang -mcpu `` option to specify the AMDGPU processor. The
names from both the *Processor* and *Alternative Processor* can be used.

.. table:: AMDGPU Processors
:name: amdgpu-processor-table

=========== =============== ============ ===== ================= ======= ======================
Processor Alternative Target dGPU/ Target ROCm Example
Processor Triple APU Features Support Products
Architecture Supported
=========== =============== ============ ===== ================= ======= ======================
**Radeon HD 2000/3000 Series (R600)** [AMD-RADEON-HD-2000-3000]_
``r600`` ``r600`` dGPU
``r630`` ``r600`` dGPU
``rs880`` ``r600`` dGPU
``rv670`` ``r600`` dGPU
**Radeon HD 4000 Series (R700)** [AMD-RADEON-HD-4000]_
``rv710`` ``r600`` dGPU
``rv730`` ``r600`` dGPU
``rv770`` ``r600`` dGPU
**Radeon HD 5000 Series (Evergreen)** [AMD-RADEON-HD-5000]_
``cedar`` ``r600`` dGPU
``cypress`` ``r600`` dGPU
``juniper`` ``r600`` dGPU
``redwood`` ``r600`` dGPU
``sumo`` ``r600`` dGPU
**Radeon HD 6000 Series (Northern Islands)** [AMD-RADEON-HD-6000]_
``barts`` ``r600`` dGPU
``caicos`` ``r600`` dGPU
``cayman`` ``r600`` dGPU
``turks`` ``r600`` dGPU
**GCN GFX6 (Southern Islands (SI))** [AMD-GCN-GFX6]_
``gfx600`` - ``tahiti`` ``amdgcn`` dGPU
``gfx601`` - ``hainan`` ``amdgcn`` dGPU
- ``oland``
- ``pitcairn``
- ``verde``
**GCN GFX7 (Sea Islands (CI))** [AMD-GCN-GFX7]_
``gfx700`` - ``kaveri`` ``amdgcn`` APU - A6-7000
- A6 Pro-7050B
- A8-7100
- A8 Pro-7150B
- A10-7300
- A10 Pro-7350B
- FX-7500
- A8-7200P
- A10-7400P
- FX-7600P
``gfx701`` - ``hawaii`` ``amdgcn`` dGPU ROCm - FirePro W8100
- FirePro W9100
- FirePro S9150
- FirePro S9170
``gfx702`` ``amdgcn`` dGPU ROCm - Radeon R9 290
- Radeon R9 290x
- Radeon R390
- Radeon R390x
``gfx703`` - ``kabini`` ``amdgcn`` APU - E1-2100
- ``mullins`` - E1-2200
- E1-2500
- E2-3000
- E2-3800
- A4-5000
- A4-5100
- A6-5200
- A4 Pro-3340B
``gfx704`` - ``bonaire`` ``amdgcn`` dGPU - Radeon HD 7790
- Radeon HD 8770
- R7 260
- R7 260X
**GCN GFX8 (Volcanic Islands (VI))** [AMD-GCN-GFX8]_
``gfx801`` - ``carrizo`` ``amdgcn`` APU - xnack - A6-8500P
[on] - Pro A6-8500B
- A8-8600P
- Pro A8-8600B
- FX-8800P
- Pro A12-8800B
\ ``amdgcn`` APU - xnack ROCm - A10-8700P
[on] - Pro A10-8700B
- A10-8780P
\ ``amdgcn`` APU - xnack - A10-9600P
[on] - A10-9630P
- A12-9700P
- A12-9730P
- FX-9800P
- FX-9830P
\ ``amdgcn`` APU - xnack - E2-9010
[on] - A6-9210
- A9-9410
``gfx802`` - ``iceland`` ``amdgcn`` dGPU - xnack ROCm - FirePro S7150
- ``tonga`` [off] - FirePro S7100
- FirePro W7100
- Radeon R285
- Radeon R9 380
- Radeon R9 385
- Mobile FirePro
``gfx803`` - ``fiji`` ``amdgcn`` dGPU - xnack ROCm - Radeon R9 Nano
[off] - Radeon R9 Fury
- Radeon R9 FuryX
- Radeon Pro Duo
- FirePro S9300x2
- Radeon Instinct MI8
\ - ``polaris10`` ``amdgcn`` dGPU - xnack ROCm - Radeon RX 470
[off] - Radeon RX 480
- Radeon Instinct MI6
\ - ``polaris11`` ``amdgcn`` dGPU - xnack ROCm - Radeon RX 460
``gfx810`` - ``stoney`` ``amdgcn`` APU - xnack
``gfx900`` ``amdgcn`` dGPU - xnack ROCm - Radeon Vega
[off] Frontier Edition
- Radeon RX Vega 56
- Radeon RX Vega 64
- Radeon RX Vega 64
- Radeon Instinct MI25
``gfx902`` ``amdgcn`` APU - xnack - Ryzen 3 2200G
[on] - Ryzen 5 2400G
``gfx904`` ``amdgcn`` dGPU - xnack *TBA*
.. TODO::
Add product
``gfx906`` ``amdgcn`` dGPU - xnack - Radeon Instinct MI50
[off] - Radeon Instinct MI60
``gfx908`` ``amdgcn`` dGPU - xnack *TBA*
``gfx909`` ``amdgcn`` APU - xnack *TBA* (Raven Ridge 2)
.. TODO::
Add product
**GCN GFX10** [AMD-GCN-GFX10]_
``gfx1010`` ``amdgcn`` dGPU - xnack *TBA*
- wavefrontsize64
- cumode
.. TODO::
Add product
``gfx1011`` ``amdgcn`` dGPU - xnack *TBA*
- wavefrontsize64
- cumode
.. TODO::
Add product
``gfx1012`` ``amdgcn`` dGPU - xnack *TBA*
- wavefrontsize64
- cumode
.. TODO::
Add product
=========== =============== ============ ===== ================= ======= ======================

.. _amdgpu-target-features:

Target Features

Target features control how code is generated to support certain
processor specific features. Not all target features are supported by
all processors. The runtime must ensure that the features supported by
the device used to execute the code match the features enabled when
generating the code. A mismatch of features may result in incorrect
execution, or a reduction in performance.

The target features supported by each processor, and the default value
used if not specified explicitly, is listed in

Use the ``clang -m[no-]`` option to specify the AMDGPU
target features.

For example:

Enable the ``xnack`` feature.
Disable the ``xnack`` feature.

.. table:: AMDGPU Target Features
:name: amdgpu-target-feature-table

====================== ==================================================
Target Feature Description
====================== ==================================================
-m[no-]xnack Enable/disable generating code that has
memory clauses that are compatible with
having XNACK replay enabled.

This is used for demand paging and page
migration. If XNACK replay is enabled in
the device, then if a page fault occurs
the code may execute incorrectly if the
``xnack`` feature is not enabled. Executing
code that has the feature enabled on a
device that does not have XNACK replay
enabled will execute correctly, but may
be less performant than code with the
feature disabled.

-m[no-]sram-ecc Enable/disable generating code that assumes SRAM
ECC is enabled/disabled.

-m[no-]wavefrontsize64 Control the default wavefront size used when
generating code for kernels. When disabled
native wavefront size 32 is used, when enabled
wavefront size 64 is used.

-m[no-]cumode Control the default wavefront execution mode used
when generating code for kernels. When disabled
native WGP wavefront execution mode is used,
when enabled CU wavefront execution mode is used
(see :ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-memory-model`).
====================== ==================================================

.. _amdgpu-address-spaces:

Address Spaces

The AMDGPU architecture supports a number of memory address spaces. The address
space names use the OpenCL standard names, with some additions.

The AMDGPU address spaces correspond to architecture-specific LLVM address
space numbers used in LLVM IR.

The AMDGPU address spaces are described in
:ref:`amdgpu-address-spaces-table`. Only 64-bit process address spaces are
supported for the ``amdgcn`` target.

.. table:: AMDGPU Address Spaces
:name: amdgpu-address-spaces-table

================================= =============== =========== ================ ======= ============================
.. 64-Bit Process Address Space
--------------------------------- --------------- ----------- ---------------- ------------------------------------
Address Space Name LLVM IR Address HSA Segment Hardware Address NULL Value
Space Number Name Name Size
================================= =============== =========== ================ ======= ============================
Generic 0 flat flat 64 0x0000000000000000
Global 1 global global 64 0x0000000000000000
Region 2 N/A GDS 32 *not implemented for AMDHSA*
Local 3 group LDS 32 0xFFFFFFFF
Constant 4 constant *same as global* 64 0x0000000000000000
Private 5 private scratch 32 0x00000000
Constant 32-bit 6 *TODO*
Buffer Fat Pointer (experimental) 7 *TODO*
================================= =============== =========== ================ ======= ============================

The generic address space uses the hardware flat address support available in
GFX7-GFX10. This uses two fixed ranges of virtual addresses (the private and
local apertures), that are outside the range of addressable global memory, to
map from a flat address to a private or local address.

FLAT instructions can take a flat address and access global, private
(scratch), and group (LDS) memory depending on if the address is within one
of the aperture ranges. Flat access to scratch requires hardware aperture
setup and setup in the kernel prologue (see
:ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-flat-scratch`). Flat access to LDS requires hardware
aperture setup and M0 (GFX7-GFX8) register setup (see

To convert between a private or group address space address (termed a segment
address) and a flat address the base address of the corresponding aperture
can be used. For GFX7-GFX8 these are available in the
:ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-hsa-aql-queue` the address of which can be obtained with
Queue Ptr SGPR (see :ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-initial-kernel-execution-state`). For
GFX9-GFX10 the aperture base addresses are directly available as inline
constant registers ``SRC_SHARED_BASE/LIMIT`` and ``SRC_PRIVATE_BASE/LIMIT``.
In 64-bit address mode the aperture sizes are 2^32 bytes and the base is
aligned to 2^32 which makes it easier to convert from flat to segment or
segment to flat.

A global address space address has the same value when used as a flat address
so no conversion is needed.

**Global and Constant**
The global and constant address spaces both use global virtual addresses,
which are the same virtual address space used by the CPU. However, some
virtual addresses may only be accessible to the CPU, some only accessible
by the GPU, and some by both.

Using the constant address space indicates that the data will not change
during the execution of the kernel. This allows scalar read instructions to
be used. The vector and scalar L1 caches are invalidated of volatile data
before each kernel dispatch execution to allow constant memory to change
values between kernel dispatches.

The region address space uses the hardware Global Data Store (GDS). All
wavefronts executing on the same device will access the same memory for any
given region address. However, the same region address accessed by wavefronts
executing on different devices will access different memory. It is higher
performance than global memory. It is allocated by the runtime. The data
store (DS) instructions can be used to access it.

The local address space uses the hardware Local Data Store (LDS) which is
automatically allocated when the hardware creates the wavefronts of a
work-group, and freed when all the wavefronts of a work-group have
terminated. All wavefronts belonging to the same work-group will access the
same memory for any given local address. However, the same local address
accessed by wavefronts belonging to different work-groups will access
different memory. It is higher performance than global memory. The data store
(DS) instructions can be used to access it.

The private address space uses the hardware scratch memory support which
automatically allocates memory when it creates a wavefront, and frees it when
a wavefronts terminates. The memory accessed by a lane of a wavefront for any
given private address will be different to the memory accessed by another lane
of the same or different wavefront for the same private address.

If a kernel dispatch uses scratch, then the hardware allocates memory from a
pool of backing memory allocated by the runtime for each wavefront. The lanes
of the wavefront access this using dword (4 byte) interleaving. The mapping
used from private address to backing memory address is:

``wavefront-scratch-base +
((private-address / 4) * wavefront-size * 4) +
(wavefront-lane-id * 4) + (private-address % 4)``

If each lane of a wavefront accesses the same private address, the
interleaving results in adjacent dwords being accessed and hence requires
fewer cache lines to be fetched.

There are different ways that the wavefront scratch base address is
determined by a wavefront (see

Scratch memory can be accessed in an interleaved manner using buffer
instructions with the scratch buffer descriptor and per wavefront scratch
offset, by the scratch instructions, or by flat instructions. Multi-dword
access is not supported except by flat and scratch instructions in

**Constant 32-bit**

**Buffer Fat Pointer**
The buffer fat pointer is an experimental address space that is currently
unsupported in the backend. It exposes a non-integral pointer that is in
the future intended to support the modelling of 128-bit buffer descriptors
plus a 32-bit offset into the buffer (in total encapsulating a 160-bit
*pointer*), allowing normal LLVM load/store/atomic operations to be used to
model the buffer descriptors used heavily in graphics workloads targeting
the backend.

.. _amdgpu-memory-scopes:

Memory Scopes

This section provides LLVM memory synchronization scopes supported by the AMDGPU
backend memory model when the target triple OS is ``amdhsa`` (see
:ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-memory-model` and :ref:`amdgpu-target-triples`).

The memory model supported is based on the HSA memory model [HSA]_ which is
based in turn on HRF-indirect with scope inclusion [HRF]_. The happens-before
relation is transitive over the synchronizes-with relation independent of scope,
and synchronizes-with allows the memory scope instances to be inclusive (see
table :ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-llvm-sync-scopes-table`).

This is different to the OpenCL [OpenCL]_ memory model which does not have scope
inclusion and requires the memory scopes to exactly match. However, this
is conservatively correct for OpenCL.

.. table:: AMDHSA LLVM Sync Scopes
:name: amdgpu-amdhsa-llvm-sync-scopes-table

======================= ===================================================
LLVM Sync Scope Description
======================= ===================================================
*none* The default: ``system``.

Synchronizes with, and participates in modification
and seq_cst total orderings with, other operations
(except image operations) for all address spaces
(except private, or generic that accesses private)
provided the other operation's sync scope is:

- ``system``.
- ``agent`` and executed by a thread on the same
- ``workgroup`` and executed by a thread in the
same workgroup.
- ``wavefront`` and executed by a thread in the
same wavefront.

``agent`` Synchronizes with, and participates in modification
and seq_cst total orderings with, other operations
(except image operations) for all address spaces
(except private, or generic that accesses private)
provided the other operation's sync scope is:

- ``system`` or ``agent`` and executed by a thread
on the same agent.
- ``workgroup`` and executed by a thread in the
same workgroup.
- ``wavefront`` and executed by a thread in the
same wavefront.

``workgroup`` Synchronizes with, and participates in modification
and seq_cst total orderings with, other operations
(except image operations) for all address spaces
(except private, or generic that accesses private)
provided the other operation's sync scope is:

- ``system``, ``agent`` or ``workgroup`` and
executed by a thread in the same workgroup.
- ``wavefront`` and executed by a thread in the
same wavefront.

``wavefront`` Synchronizes with, and participates in modification
and seq_cst total orderings with, other operations
(except image operations) for all address spaces
(except private, or generic that accesses private)
provided the other operation's sync scope is:

- ``system``, ``agent``, ``workgroup`` or
``wavefront`` and executed by a thread in the
same wavefront.

``singlethread`` Only synchronizes with, and participates in
modification and seq_cst total orderings with,
other operations (except image operations) running
in the same thread for all address spaces (for
example, in signal handlers).

``one-as`` Same as ``system`` but only synchronizes with other
operations within the same address space.

``agent-one-as`` Same as ``agent`` but only synchronizes with other
operations within the same address space.

``workgroup-one-as`` Same as ``workgroup`` but only synchronizes with
other operations within the same address space.

``wavefront-one-as`` Same as ``wavefront`` but only synchronizes with
other operations within the same address space.

``singlethread-one-as`` Same as ``singlethread`` but only synchronizes with
other operations within the same address space.
======================= ===================================================

AMDGPU Intrinsics

The AMDGPU backend implements the following LLVM IR intrinsics.

*This section is WIP.*

.. TODO::

List AMDGPU intrinsics.

AMDGPU Attributes

The AMDGPU backend supports the following LLVM IR attributes.

.. table:: AMDGPU LLVM IR Attributes
:name: amdgpu-llvm-ir-attributes-table

======================================= ==========================================================
LLVM Attribute Description
======================================= ==========================================================
"amdgpu-flat-work-group-size"="min,max" Specify the minimum and maximum flat work group sizes that
will be specified when the kernel is dispatched. Generated
by the ``amdgpu_flat_work_group_size`` CLANG attribute [CLANG-ATTR]_.
"amdgpu-implicitarg-num-bytes"="n" Number of kernel argument bytes to add to the kernel
argument block size for the implicit arguments. This
varies by OS and language (for OpenCL see
"amdgpu-num-sgpr"="n" Specifies the number of SGPRs to use. Generated by
the ``amdgpu_num_sgpr`` CLANG attribute [CLANG-ATTR]_.
"amdgpu-num-vgpr"="n" Specifies the number of VGPRs to use. Generated by the
``amdgpu_num_vgpr`` CLANG attribute [CLANG-ATTR]_.
"amdgpu-waves-per-eu"="m,n" Specify the minimum and maximum number of waves per
execution unit. Generated by the ``amdgpu_waves_per_eu``
CLANG attribute [CLANG-ATTR]_.
"amdgpu-ieee" true/false. Specify whether the function expects the IEEE field of the
mode register to be set on entry. Overrides the default for
the calling convention.
"amdgpu-dx10-clamp" true/false. Specify whether the function expects the DX10_CLAMP field of
the mode register to be set on entry. Overrides the default
for the calling convention.
======================================= ==========================================================

Code Object

The AMDGPU backend generates a standard ELF [ELF]_ relocatable code object that
can be linked by ``lld`` to produce a standard ELF shared code object which can
be loaded and executed on an AMDGPU target.


The AMDGPU backend uses the following ELF header:

.. table:: AMDGPU ELF Header
:name: amdgpu-elf-header-table

========================== ===============================
Field Value
========================== ===============================
``e_ident[EI_CLASS]`` ``ELFCLASS64``
``e_ident[EI_DATA]`` ``ELFDATA2LSB``
``e_ident[EI_OSABI]`` - ``ELFOSABI_NONE``
``e_type`` - ``ET_REL``
- ``ET_DYN``
``e_machine`` ``EM_AMDGPU``
``e_entry`` 0
``e_flags`` See :ref:`amdgpu-elf-header-e_flags-table`
========================== ===============================


.. table:: AMDGPU ELF Header Enumeration Values
:name: amdgpu-elf-header-enumeration-values-table

=============================== =====
Name Value
=============================== =====
``EM_AMDGPU`` 224
=============================== =====

The ELF class is:

* ``ELFCLASS32`` for ``r600`` architecture.

* ``ELFCLASS64`` for ``amdgcn`` architecture which only supports 64-bit
process address space applications.

All AMDGPU targets use ``ELFDATA2LSB`` for little-endian byte ordering.

One of the following AMDGPU architecture specific OS ABIs
(see :ref:`amdgpu-os-table`):

* ``ELFOSABI_NONE`` for *unknown* OS.

* ``ELFOSABI_AMDGPU_HSA`` for ``amdhsa`` OS.

* ``ELFOSABI_AMDGPU_PAL`` for ``amdpal`` OS.

* ``ELFOSABI_AMDGPU_MESA3D`` for ``mesa3D`` OS.

The ABI version of the AMDGPU architecture specific OS ABI to which the code
object conforms:

* ``ELFABIVERSION_AMDGPU_HSA`` is used to specify the version of AMD HSA
runtime ABI.

* ``ELFABIVERSION_AMDGPU_PAL`` is used to specify the version of AMD PAL
runtime ABI.

* ``ELFABIVERSION_AMDGPU_MESA3D`` is used to specify the version of AMD MESA
3D runtime ABI.

Can be one of the following values:

The type produced by the AMDGPU backend compiler as it is relocatable code

The type produced by the linker as it is a shared code object.

The AMD HSA runtime loader requires a ``ET_DYN`` code object.

The value ``EM_AMDGPU`` is used for the machine for all processors supported
by the ``r600`` and ``amdgcn`` architectures (see
:ref:`amdgpu-processor-table`). The specific processor is specified in the
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH`` bit field of the ``e_flags`` (see

The entry point is 0 as the entry points for individual kernels must be
selected in order to invoke them through AQL packets.

The AMDGPU backend uses the following ELF header flags:

.. table:: AMDGPU ELF Header ``e_flags``
:name: amdgpu-elf-header-e_flags-table

================================= ========== =============================
Name Value Description
================================= ========== =============================
**AMDGPU Processor Flag** See :ref:`amdgpu-processor-table`.
-------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH`` 0x000000ff AMDGPU processor selection
mask for
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_xxx`` values
defined in
``EF_AMDGPU_XNACK`` 0x00000100 Indicates if the ``xnack``
target feature is
enabled for all code
contained in the code object.
If the processor
does not support the
``xnack`` target
feature then must
be 0.
``EF_AMDGPU_SRAM_ECC`` 0x00000200 Indicates if the ``sram-ecc``
target feature is
enabled for all code
contained in the code object.
If the processor
does not support the
``sram-ecc`` target
feature then must
be 0.
================================= ========== =============================

.. table:: AMDGPU ``EF_AMDGPU_MACH`` Values
:name: amdgpu-ef-amdgpu-mach-table

================================= ========== =============================
Name Value Description (see
================================= ========== =============================
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_NONE`` 0x000 *not specified*
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_R600`` 0x001 ``r600``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_R630`` 0x002 ``r630``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_RS880`` 0x003 ``rs880``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_RV670`` 0x004 ``rv670``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_RV710`` 0x005 ``rv710``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_RV730`` 0x006 ``rv730``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_RV770`` 0x007 ``rv770``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_CEDAR`` 0x008 ``cedar``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_CYPRESS`` 0x009 ``cypress``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_JUNIPER`` 0x00a ``juniper``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_REDWOOD`` 0x00b ``redwood``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_SUMO`` 0x00c ``sumo``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_BARTS`` 0x00d ``barts``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_CAICOS`` 0x00e ``caicos``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_CAYMAN`` 0x00f ``cayman``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_R600_TURKS`` 0x010 ``turks``
*reserved* 0x011 - Reserved for ``r600``
0x01f architecture processors.
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX600`` 0x020 ``gfx600``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX601`` 0x021 ``gfx601``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX700`` 0x022 ``gfx700``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX701`` 0x023 ``gfx701``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX702`` 0x024 ``gfx702``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX703`` 0x025 ``gfx703``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX704`` 0x026 ``gfx704``
*reserved* 0x027 Reserved.
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX801`` 0x028 ``gfx801``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX802`` 0x029 ``gfx802``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX803`` 0x02a ``gfx803``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX810`` 0x02b ``gfx810``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX900`` 0x02c ``gfx900``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX902`` 0x02d ``gfx902``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX904`` 0x02e ``gfx904``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX906`` 0x02f ``gfx906``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX908`` 0x030 ``gfx908``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX909`` 0x031 ``gfx909``
*reserved* 0x032 Reserved.
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX1010`` 0x033 ``gfx1010``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX1011`` 0x034 ``gfx1011``
``EF_AMDGPU_MACH_AMDGCN_GFX1012`` 0x035 ``gfx1012``
================================= ========== =============================


An AMDGPU target ELF code object has the standard ELF sections which include:

.. table:: AMDGPU ELF Sections
:name: amdgpu-elf-sections-table

================== ================ =================================
Name Type Attributes
================== ================ =================================
``.bss`` ``SHT_NOBITS`` ``SHF_ALLOC`` + ``SHF_WRITE``
``.data`` ``SHT_PROGBITS`` ``SHF_ALLOC`` + ``SHF_WRITE``
``.debug_``\ *\** ``SHT_PROGBITS`` *none*
``.dynamic`` ``SHT_DYNAMIC`` ``SHF_ALLOC``
``.dynstr`` ``SHT_PROGBITS`` ``SHF_ALLOC``
``.dynsym`` ``SHT_PROGBITS`` ``SHF_ALLOC``
``.got`` ``SHT_PROGBITS`` ``SHF_ALLOC`` + ``SHF_WRITE``
``.hash`` ``SHT_HASH`` ``SHF_ALLOC``
``.note`` ``SHT_NOTE`` *none*
``.rela``\ *name* ``SHT_RELA`` *none*
``.rela.dyn`` ``SHT_RELA`` *none*
``.rodata`` ``SHT_PROGBITS`` ``SHF_ALLOC``
``.shstrtab`` ``SHT_STRTAB`` *none*
``.strtab`` ``SHT_STRTAB`` *none*
``.symtab`` ``SHT_SYMTAB`` *none*
================== ================ =================================

These sections have their standard meanings (see [ELF]_) and are only generated
if needed.

``.debug``\ *\**
The standard DWARF sections. See :ref:`amdgpu-dwarf` for information on the
DWARF produced by the AMDGPU backend.

``.dynamic``, ``.dynstr``, ``.dynsym``, ``.hash``
The standard sections used by a dynamic loader.

See :ref:`amdgpu-note-records` for the note records supported by the AMDGPU

``.rela``\ *name*, ``.rela.dyn``
For relocatable code objects, *name* is the name of the section that the
relocation records apply. For example, ``.rela.text`` is the section name for
relocation records associated with the ``.text`` section.

For linked shared code objects, ``.rela.dyn`` contains all the relocation
records from each of the relocatable code object's ``.rela``\ *name* sections.

See :ref:`amdgpu-relocation-records` for the relocation records supported by
the AMDGPU backend.

The executable machine code for the kernels and functions they call. Generated
as position independent code. See :ref:`amdgpu-code-conventions` for
information on conventions used in the isa generation.

.. _amdgpu-note-records:

Note Records

The AMDGPU backend code object contains ELF note records in the ``.note``
section. The set of generated notes and their semantics depend on the code
object version; see :ref:`amdgpu-note-records-v2` and

As required by ``ELFCLASS32`` and ``ELFCLASS64``, minimal zero byte padding
must be generated after the ``name`` field to ensure the ``desc`` field is 4
byte aligned. In addition, minimal zero byte padding must be generated to
ensure the ``desc`` field size is a multiple of 4 bytes. The ``sh_addralign``
field of the ``.note`` section must be at least 4 to indicate at least 8 byte

.. _amdgpu-note-records-v2:

Code Object V2 Note Records (-mattr=-code-object-v3)

.. warning:: Code Object V2 is not the default code object version emitted by
this version of LLVM. For a description of the notes generated with the
default configuration (Code Object V3) see :ref:`amdgpu-note-records-v3`.

The AMDGPU backend code object uses the following ELF note record in the
``.note`` section when compiling for Code Object V2 (-mattr=-code-object-v3).

Additional note records may be present, but any which are not documented here
are deprecated and should not be used.

.. table:: AMDGPU Code Object V2 ELF Note Records
:name: amdgpu-elf-note-records-table-v2

===== ============================== ======================================
Name Type Description
===== ============================== ======================================
===== ============================== ======================================


.. table:: AMDGPU Code Object V2 ELF Note Record Enumeration Values
:name: amdgpu-elf-note-record-enumeration-values-table-v2

============================== =====
Name Value
============================== =====
*reserved* 0-9
*reserved* 11
============================== =====

Specifies extensible metadata associated with the code objects executed on HSA
[HSA]_ compatible runtimes such as AMD's ROCm [AMD-ROCm]_. It is required when
the target triple OS is ``amdhsa`` (see :ref:`amdgpu-target-triples`). See
:ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-code-object-metadata-v2` for the syntax of the code
object metadata string.

.. _amdgpu-note-records-v3:

Code Object V3 Note Records (-mattr=+code-object-v3)

The AMDGPU backend code object uses the following ELF note record in the
``.note`` section when compiling for Code Object V3 (-mattr=+code-object-v3).

Additional note records may be present, but any which are not documented here
are deprecated and should not be used.

.. table:: AMDGPU Code Object V3 ELF Note Records
:name: amdgpu-elf-note-records-table-v3

======== ============================== ======================================
Name Type Description
======== ============================== ======================================
"AMDGPU" ``NT_AMDGPU_METADATA`` Metadata in Message Pack [MsgPack]_
binary format.
======== ============================== ======================================


.. table:: AMDGPU Code Object V3 ELF Note Record Enumeration Values
:name: amdgpu-elf-note-record-enumeration-values-table-v3

============================== =====
Name Value
============================== =====
*reserved* 0-31
============================== =====

Specifies extensible metadata associated with an AMDGPU code
object. It is encoded as a map in the Message Pack [MsgPack]_ binary
data format. See :ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-code-object-metadata-v3` for the
map keys defined for the ``amdhsa`` OS.

.. _amdgpu-symbols:


Symbols include the following:

.. table:: AMDGPU ELF Symbols
:name: amdgpu-elf-symbols-table

===================== ================== ================ ==================
Name Type Section Description
===================== ================== ================ ==================
*link-name* ``STT_OBJECT`` - ``.data`` Global variable
- ``.rodata``
- ``.bss``
*link-name*\ ``.kd`` ``STT_OBJECT`` - ``.rodata`` Kernel descriptor
*link-name* ``STT_FUNC`` - ``.text`` Kernel entry point
*link-name* ``STT_OBJECT`` - SHN_AMDGPU_LDS Global variable in LDS
===================== ================== ================ ==================

Global variable
Global variables both used and defined by the compilation unit.

If the symbol is defined in the compilation unit then it is allocated in the
appropriate section according to if it has initialized data or is readonly.

If the symbol is external then its section is ``STN_UNDEF`` and the loader
will resolve relocations using the definition provided by another code object
or explicitly defined by the runtime.

If the symbol resides in local/group memory (LDS) then its section is the
special processor-specific section name ``SHN_AMDGPU_LDS``, and the
``st_value`` field describes alignment requirements as it does for common

.. TODO::

Add description of linked shared object symbols. Seems undefined symbols
are marked as STT_NOTYPE.

Kernel descriptor
Every HSA kernel has an associated kernel descriptor. It is the address of the
kernel descriptor that is used in the AQL dispatch packet used to invoke the
kernel, not the kernel entry point. The layout of the HSA kernel descriptor is
defined in :ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-kernel-descriptor`.

Kernel entry point
Every HSA kernel also has a symbol for its machine code entry point.

.. _amdgpu-relocation-records:

Relocation Records

AMDGPU backend generates ``Elf64_Rela`` relocation records. Supported
relocatable fields are:

This specifies a 32-bit field occupying 4 bytes with arbitrary byte
alignment. These values use the same byte order as other word values in the
AMDGPU architecture.

This specifies a 64-bit field occupying 8 bytes with arbitrary byte
alignment. These values use the same byte order as other word values in the
AMDGPU architecture.

Following notations are used for specifying relocation calculations:

Represents the addend used to compute the value of the relocatable field.

Represents the offset into the global offset table at which the relocation
entry's symbol will reside during execution.

Represents the address of the global offset table.

Represents the place (section offset for ``et_rel`` or address for ``et_dyn``)
of the storage unit being relocated (computed using ``r_offset``).

Represents the value of the symbol whose index resides in the relocation
entry. Relocations not using this must specify a symbol index of

Represents the base address of a loaded executable or shared object which is
the difference between the ELF address and the actual load address.
Relocations using this are only valid in executable or shared objects.

The following relocation types are supported:

.. table:: AMDGPU ELF Relocation Records
:name: amdgpu-elf-relocation-records-table

========================== ======= ===== ========== ==============================
Relocation Type Kind Value Field Calculation
========================== ======= ===== ========== ==============================
``R_AMDGPU_NONE`` 0 *none* *none*
``R_AMDGPU_ABS32_LO`` Static, 1 ``word32`` (S + A) & 0xFFFFFFFF
``R_AMDGPU_ABS32_HI`` Static, 2 ``word32`` (S + A) >> 32
``R_AMDGPU_ABS64`` Static, 3 ``word64`` S + A
``R_AMDGPU_REL32`` Static 4 ``word32`` S + A - P
``R_AMDGPU_REL64`` Static 5 ``word64`` S + A - P
``R_AMDGPU_ABS32`` Static, 6 ``word32`` S + A
``R_AMDGPU_GOTPCREL`` Static 7 ``word32`` G + GOT + A - P
``R_AMDGPU_GOTPCREL32_LO`` Static 8 ``word32`` (G + GOT + A - P) & 0xFFFFFFFF
``R_AMDGPU_GOTPCREL32_HI`` Static 9 ``word32`` (G + GOT + A - P) >> 32
``R_AMDGPU_REL32_LO`` Static 10 ``word32`` (S + A - P) & 0xFFFFFFFF
``R_AMDGPU_REL32_HI`` Static 11 ``word32`` (S + A - P) >> 32
*reserved* 12
``R_AMDGPU_RELATIVE64`` Dynamic 13 ``word64`` B + A
========================== ======= ===== ========== ==============================

``R_AMDGPU_ABS32_LO`` and ``R_AMDGPU_ABS32_HI`` are only supported by
the ``mesa3d`` OS, which does not support ``R_AMDGPU_ABS64``.

There is no current OS loader support for 32-bit programs and so
``R_AMDGPU_ABS32`` is not used.

.. _amdgpu-dwarf:


Standard DWARF [DWARF]_ Version 5 sections can be generated. These contain
information that maps the code object executable code and data to the source
language constructs. It can be used by tools such as debuggers and profilers.

Address Space Mapping

The following address space mapping is used:

.. table:: AMDGPU DWARF Address Space Mapping
:name: amdgpu-dwarf-address-space-mapping-table

=================== =================
DWARF Address Space Memory Space
=================== =================
1 Private (Scratch)
2 Local (group/LDS)
*omitted* Global
*omitted* Constant
*omitted* Generic (Flat)
*not supported* Region (GDS)
=================== =================

See :ref:`amdgpu-address-spaces` for information on the address space
terminology used in the table.

An ``address_class`` attribute is generated on pointer type DIEs to specify the
DWARF address space of the value of the pointer when it is in the *private* or
*local* address space. Otherwise the attribute is omitted.

An ``DW_OP_xderef`` operation is generated in location list expressions for
variables that are allocated in the *private* and *local* address space.
Otherwise, ``DW_OP_xderef`` is omitted.

Register Mapping

*This section is WIP.*

.. TODO::
Define DWARF register enumeration.

If want to present a wavefront state then should expose vector registers as
64 dword wide (rather than per work-item view that LLVM uses). Either as
separate registers, or a 64x4 byte single register. In either case use a new
``DW_OP_lane`` op (akin to ``DW_OP_xderef``) to select the current lane usage
in a location expression. This would also allow scalar register spilling to
vector register lanes to be expressed (currently no debug information is
being generated for spilling). If choose a wide single register approach then
use ``DW_OP_lane`` in conjunction with ``DW_OP_piece`` operation to select
the dword part of the register for the current lane. If the separate register
approach then use ``DW_OP_lane`` to select the register.

Source Text

Source text for online-compiled programs (e.g. those compiled by the OpenCL
runtime) may be embedded into the DWARF v5 line table using the ``clang
-gembed-source`` option, described in table :ref:`amdgpu-debug-options`.

For example:

Enable the embedded source DWARF v5 extension.
Disable the embedded source DWARF v5 extension.

.. table:: AMDGPU Debug Options
:name: amdgpu-debug-options

==================== ==================================================
Debug Flag Description
==================== ==================================================
-g[no-]embed-source Enable/disable embedding source text in DWARF
debug sections. Useful for environments where
source cannot be written to disk, such as
when performing online compilation.
==================== ==================================================

This option enables one extended content types in the DWARF v5 Line Number
Program Header, which is used to encode embedded source.

.. table:: AMDGPU DWARF Line Number Program Header Extended Content Types
:name: amdgpu-dwarf-extended-content-types

============================ ======================
Content Type Form
============================ ======================
``DW_LNCT_LLVM_source`` ``DW_FORM_line_strp``
============================ ======================

The source field will contain the UTF-8 encoded, null-terminated source text
with ``'\n'`` line endings. When the source field is present, consumers can use
the embedded source instead of attempting to discover the source on disk. When
the source field is absent, consumers can access the file to get the source

The above content type appears in the ``file_name_entry_format`` field of the
line table prologue, and its corresponding value appear in the ``file_names``
field. The current encoding of the content type is documented in table

.. table:: AMDGPU DWARF Line Number Program Header Extended Content Types Encoding
:name: amdgpu-dwarf-extended-content-types-encoding

============================ ====================
Content Type Value
============================ ====================
``DW_LNCT_LLVM_source`` 0x2001
============================ ====================

.. _amdgpu-code-conventions:

Code Conventions

This section provides code conventions used for each supported target triple OS
(see :ref:`amdgpu-target-triples`).


This section provides code conventions used when the target triple OS is
``amdhsa`` (see :ref:`amdgpu-target-triples`).

.. _amdgpu-amdhsa-code-object-target-identification:

Code Object Target Identification

The AMDHSA OS uses the following syntax to specify the code object
target as a single string:



- ````, ````, ```` and ````
are the same as the *Target Triple* (see

- ```` is the same as the *Processor* (see

- ```` is a list of the enabled *Target Features*
(see :ref:`amdgpu-target-features`), each prefixed by a plus, that
apply to *Processor*. The list must be in the same order as listed
in the table :ref:`amdgpu-target-feature-table`. Note that *Target
Features* must be included in the list if they are enabled even if
that is the default for *Processor*.

For example:


.. _amdgpu-amdhsa-code-object-metadata:

Code Object Metadata

The code object metadata specifies extensible metadata associated with the code
objects executed on HSA [HSA]_ compatible runtimes such as AMD's ROCm
[AMD-ROCm]_. The encoding and semantics of this metadata depends on the code
object version; see :ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-code-object-metadata-v2` and

Code object metadata is specified in a note record (see
:ref:`amdgpu-note-records`) and is required when the target triple OS is
``amdhsa`` (see :ref:`amdgpu-target-triples`). It must contain the minimum
information necessary to support the ROCM kernel queries. For example, the
segment sizes needed in a dispatch packet. In addition, a high level language
runtime may require other information to be included. For example, the AMD
OpenCL runtime records kernel argument information.

.. _amdgpu-amdhsa-code-object-metadata-v2:

Code Object V2 Metadata (-mattr=-code-object-v3)

.. warning:: Code Object V2 is not the default code object version emitted by
this version of LLVM. For a description of the metadata generated with the
default configuration (Code Object V3) see

Code object V2 metadata is specified by the ``NT_AMD_AMDGPU_METADATA`` note
record (see :ref:`amdgpu-note-records-v2`).

The metadata is specified as a YAML formatted string (see [YAML]_ and

.. TODO::

Is the string null terminated? It probably should not if YAML allows it to
contain null characters, otherwise it should be.

The metadata is represented as a single YAML document comprised of the mapping
defined in table :ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-code-object-metadata-map-table-v2` and
referenced tables.

For boolean values, the string values of ``false`` and ``true`` are used for
false and true respectively.

Additional information can be added to the mappings. To avoid conflicts, any
non-AMD key names should be prefixed by "*vendor-name*.".

.. table:: AMDHSA Code Object V2 Metadata Map
:name: amdgpu-amdhsa-code-object-metadata-map-table-v2

========== ============== ========= =======================================
String Key Value Type Required? Description
========== ============== ========= =======================================
"Version" sequence of Required - The first integer is the major
2 integers version. Currently 1.
- The second integer is the minor
version. Currently 0.
"Printf" sequence of Each string is encoded information
strings about a printf function call. The
encoded information is organized as
fields separated by colon (':'):



A 32-bit integer as a unique id for
each printf function call

A 32-bit integer equal to the number
of arguments of printf function call
minus 1

``S[i]`` (where i = 0, 1, ... , N-1)
32-bit integers for the size in bytes
of the i-th FormatString argument of
the printf function call

The format string passed to the
printf function call.
"Kernels" sequence of Required Sequence of the mappings for each
mapping kernel in the code object. See
for the definition of the mapping.
========== ============== ========= =======================================


.. table:: AMDHSA Code Object V2 Kernel Metadata Map
:name: amdgpu-amdhsa-code-object-kernel-metadata-map-table-v2

================= ============== ========= ================================
String Key Value Type Required? Description
================= ============== ========= ================================
"Name" string Required Source name of the kernel.
"SymbolName" string Required Name of the kernel
descriptor ELF symbol.
"Language" string Source language of the kernel.
Values include:

- "OpenCL C"
- "OpenCL C++"
- "HCC"
- "OpenMP"

"LanguageVersion" sequence of - The first integer is the major
2 integers version.
- The second integer is the
minor version.
"Attrs" mapping Mapping of kernel attributes.
for the mapping definition.
"Args" sequence of Sequence of mappings of the
mapping kernel arguments. See
for the definition of the mapping.
"CodeProps" mapping Mapping of properties related to
the kernel code. See
for the mapping definition.
================= ============== ========= ================================


.. table:: AMDHSA Code Object V2 Kernel Attribute Metadata Map
:name: amdgpu-amdhsa-code-object-kernel-attribute-metadata-map-table-v2

=================== ============== ========= ==============================
String Key Value Type Required? Description
=================== ============== ========= ==============================
"ReqdWorkGroupSize" sequence of If not 0, 0, 0 then all values
3 integers must be >=1 and the dispatch
work-group size X, Y, Z must
correspond to the specified
values. Defaults to 0, 0, 0.

Corresponds to the OpenCL
"WorkGroupSizeHint" sequence of The dispatch work-group size
3 integers X, Y, Z is likely to be the
specified values.

Corresponds to the OpenCL
"VecTypeHint" string The name of a scalar or vector

Corresponds to the OpenCL
``vec_type_hint`` attribute.

"RuntimeHandle" string The external symbol name
associated with a kernel.
OpenCL runtime allocates a
global buffer for the symbol
and saves the kernel's address
to it, which is used for
device side enqueueing. Only
available for device side
enqueued kernels.
=================== ============== ========= ==============================


.. table:: AMDHSA Code Object V2 Kernel Argument Metadata Map
:name: amdgpu-amdhsa-code-object-kernel-argument-metadata-map-table-v2

================= ============== ========= ================================
String Key Value Type Required? Description
================= ============== ========= ================================
"Name" string Kernel argument name.
"TypeName" string Kernel argument type name.
"Size" integer Required Kernel argument size in bytes.
"Align" integer Required Kernel argument alignment in
bytes. Must be a power of two.
"ValueKind" string Required Kernel argument kind that
specifies how to set up the
corresponding argument.
Values include:

The argument is copied
directly into the kernarg.

A global address space pointer
to the buffer data is passed
in the kernarg.

A group address space pointer
to dynamically allocated LDS
is passed in the kernarg.

A global address space
pointer to a S# is passed in
the kernarg.

A global address space
pointer to a T# is passed in
the kernarg.

A global address space pointer
to an OpenCL pipe is passed in
the kernarg.

A global address space pointer
to an OpenCL device enqueue
queue is passed in the

The OpenCL grid dispatch
global offset for the X
dimension is passed in the

The OpenCL grid dispatch
global offset for the Y
dimension is passed in the

The OpenCL grid dispatch
global offset for the Z
dimension is passed in the

An argument that is not used
by the kernel. Space needs to
be left for it, but it does
not need to be set up.

A global address space pointer
to the runtime printf buffer
is passed in kernarg.

A global address space pointer
to the runtime hostcall buffer
is passed in kernarg.

A global address space pointer
to the OpenCL device enqueue
queue that should be used by
the kernel by default is
passed in the kernarg.

A global address space pointer
to help link enqueued kernels into
the ancestor tree for determining
when the parent kernel has finished.

A global address space pointer for
multi-grid synchronization is
passed in the kernarg.

"ValueType" string Required Kernel argument value type. Only
present if "ValueKind" is
"ByValue". For vector data
types, the value is for the
element type. Values include:

- "Struct"
- "I8"
- "U8"
- "I16"
- "U16"
- "F16"
- "I32"
- "U32"
- "F32"
- "I64"
- "U64"
- "F64"

.. TODO::
How can it be determined if a
vector type, and what size
"PointeeAlign" integer Alignment in bytes of pointee
type for pointer type kernel
argument. Must be a power
of 2. Only present if
"ValueKind" is
"AddrSpaceQual" string Kernel argument address space
qualifier. Only present if
"ValueKind" is "GlobalBuffer" or
"DynamicSharedPointer". Values

- "Private"
- "Global"
- "Constant"
- "Local"
- "Generic"
- "Region"

.. TODO::
Is GlobalBuffer only Global
or Constant? Is
DynamicSharedPointer always
Local? Can HCC allow Generic?
How can Private or Region
ever happen?
"AccQual" string Kernel argument access
qualifier. Only present if
"ValueKind" is "Image" or
"Pipe". Values

- "ReadOnly"
- "WriteOnly"
- "ReadWrite"

.. TODO::
Does this apply to
"ActualAccQual" string The actual memory accesses
performed by the kernel on the
kernel argument. Only present if
"ValueKind" is "GlobalBuffer",
"Image", or "Pipe". This may be
more restrictive than indicated
by "AccQual" to reflect what the
kernel actual does. If not
present then the runtime must
assume what is implied by
"AccQual" and "IsConst". Values

- "ReadOnly"
- "WriteOnly"
- "ReadWrite"

"IsConst" boolean Indicates if the kernel argument
is const qualified. Only present
if "ValueKind" is

"IsRestrict" boolean Indicates if the kernel argument
is restrict qualified. Only
present if "ValueKind" is

"IsVolatile" boolean Indicates if the kernel argument
is volatile qualified. Only
present if "ValueKind" is

"IsPipe" boolean Indicates if the kernel argument
is pipe qualified. Only present
if "ValueKind" is "Pipe".

.. TODO::
Can GlobalBuffer be pipe
================= ============== ========= ================================


.. table:: AMDHSA Code Object V2 Kernel Code Properties Metadata Map
:name: amdgpu-amdhsa-code-object-kernel-code-properties-metadata-map-table-v2

============================ ============== ========= =====================
String Key Value Type Required? Description
============================ ============== ========= =====================
"KernargSegmentSize" integer Required The size in bytes of
the kernarg segment
that holds the values
of the arguments to
the kernel.
"GroupSegmentFixedSize" integer Required The amount of group
segment memory
required by a
work-group in
bytes. This does not
include any
dynamically allocated
group segment memory
that may be added
when the kernel is
"PrivateSegmentFixedSize" integer Required The amount of fixed
private address space
memory required for a
work-item in
bytes. If the kernel
uses a dynamic call
stack then additional
space must be added
to this value for the
call stack.
"KernargSegmentAlign" integer Required The maximum byte
alignment of
arguments in the
kernarg segment. Must
be a power of 2.
"WavefrontSize" integer Required Wavefront size. Must
be a power of 2.
"NumSGPRs" integer Required Number of scalar
registers used by a
wavefront for
GFX6-GFX10. This
includes the special
SGPRs for VCC, Flat
Scratch (GFX7-GFX10)
and XNACK (for
GFX8-GFX10). It does
not include the 16
SGPR added if a trap
handler is
enabled. It is not
rounded up to the
"NumVGPRs" integer Required Number of vector
registers used by
each work-item for
"MaxFlatWorkGroupSize" integer Required Maximum flat
work-group size
supported by the
kernel in work-items.
Must be >=1 and
consistent with
ReqdWorkGroupSize if
not 0, 0, 0.
"NumSpilledSGPRs" integer Number of stores from
a scalar register to
a register allocator
created spill
"NumSpilledVGPRs" integer Number of stores from
a vector register to
a register allocator
created spill
============================ ============== ========= =====================

.. _amdgpu-amdhsa-code-object-metadata-v3:

Code Object V3 Metadata (-mattr=+code-object-v3)

Code object V3 metadata is specified by the ``NT_AMDGPU_METADATA`` note record
(see :ref:`amdgpu-note-records-v3`).

The metadata is represented as Message Pack formatted binary data (see
[MsgPack]_). The top level is a Message Pack map that includes the
keys defined in table
:ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-code-object-metadata-map-table-v3` and referenced

Additional information can be added to the maps. To avoid conflicts,
any key names should be prefixed by "*vendor-name*." where
``vendor-name`` can be the name of the vendor and specific vendor
tool that generates the information. The prefix is abbreviated to
simply "." when it appears within a map that has been added by the
same *vendor-name*.

.. table:: AMDHSA Code Object V3 Metadata Map
:name: amdgpu-amdhsa-code-object-metadata-map-table-v3

================= ============== ========= =======================================
String Key Value Type Required? Description
================= ============== ========= =======================================
"amdhsa.version" sequence of Required - The first integer is the major
2 integers version. Currently 1.
- The second integer is the minor
version. Currently 0.
"amdhsa.printf" sequence of Each string is encoded information
strings about a printf function call. The
encoded information is organized as
fields separated by colon (':'):



A 32-bit integer as a unique id for
each printf function call

A 32-bit integer equal to the number
of arguments of printf function call
minus 1

``S[i]`` (where i = 0, 1, ... , N-1)
32-bit integers for the size in bytes
of the i-th FormatString argument of
the printf function call

The format string passed to the
printf function call.
"amdhsa.kernels" sequence of Required Sequence of the maps for each
map kernel in the code object. See
for the definition of the keys included
in that map.
================= ============== ========= =======================================


.. table:: AMDHSA Code Object V3 Kernel Metadata Map
:name: amdgpu-amdhsa-code-object-kernel-metadata-map-table-v3

=================================== ============== ========= ================================
String Key Value Type Required? Description
=================================== ============== ========= ================================
".name" string Required Source name of the kernel.
".symbol" string Required Name of the kernel
descriptor ELF symbol.
".language" string Source language of the kernel.
Values include:

- "OpenCL C"
- "OpenCL C++"
- "HCC"
- "HIP"
- "OpenMP"
- "Assembler"

".language_version" sequence of - The first integer is the major
2 integers version.
- The second integer is the
minor version.
".args" sequence of Sequence of maps of the
map kernel arguments. See
for the definition of the keys
included in that map.
".reqd_workgroup_size" sequence of If not 0, 0, 0 then all values
3 integers must be >=1 and the dispatch
work-group size X, Y, Z must
correspond to the specified
values. Defaults to 0, 0, 0.

Corresponds to the OpenCL
".workgroup_size_hint" sequence of The dispatch work-group size
3 integers X, Y, Z is likely to be the
specified values.

Corresponds to the OpenCL
".vec_type_hint" string The name of a scalar or vector

Corresponds to the OpenCL
``vec_type_hint`` attribute.

".device_enqueue_symbol" string The external symbol name
associated with a kernel.
OpenCL runtime allocates a
global buffer for the symbol
and saves the kernel's address
to it, which is used for
device side enqueueing. Only
available for device side
enqueued kernels.
".kernarg_segment_size" integer Required The size in bytes of
the kernarg segment
that holds the values
of the arguments to
the kernel.
".group_segment_fixed_size" integer Required The amount of group
segment memory
required by a
work-group in
bytes. This does not
include any
dynamically allocated
group segment memory
that may be added
when the kernel is
".private_segment_fixed_size" integer Required The amount of fixed
private address space
memory required for a
work-item in
bytes. If the kernel
uses a dynamic call
stack then additional
space must be added
to this value for the
call stack.
".kernarg_segment_align" integer Required The maximum byte
alignment of
arguments in the
kernarg segment. Must
be a power of 2.
".wavefront_size" integer Required Wavefront size. Must
be a power of 2.
".sgpr_count" integer Required Number of scalar
registers required by a
wavefront for
GFX6-GFX9. A register
is required if it is
used explicitly, or
if a higher numbered
register is used
explicitly. This
includes the special
SGPRs for VCC, Flat
Scratch (GFX7-GFX9)
and XNACK (for
GFX8-GFX9). It does
not include the 16
SGPR added if a trap
handler is
enabled. It is not
rounded up to the
".vgpr_count" integer Required Number of vector
registers required by
each work-item for
GFX6-GFX9. A register
is required if it is
used explicitly, or
if a higher numbered
register is used
".max_flat_workgroup_size" integer Required Maximum flat
work-group size
supported by the
kernel in work-items.
Must be >=1 and
consistent with
ReqdWorkGroupSize if
not 0, 0, 0.
".sgpr_spill_count" integer Number of stores from
a scalar register to
a register allocator
created spill
".vgpr_spill_count" integer Number of stores from
a vector register to
a register allocator
created spill
=================================== ============== ========= ================================


.. table:: AMDHSA Code Object V3 Kernel Argument Metadata Map
:name: amdgpu-amdhsa-code-object-kernel-argument-metadata-map-table-v3

====================== ============== ========= ================================
String Key Value Type Required? Description
====================== ============== ========= ================================
".name" string Kernel argument name.
".type_name" string Kernel argument type name.
".size" integer Required Kernel argument size in bytes.
".offset" integer Required Kernel argument offset in
bytes. The offset must be a
multiple of the alignment
required by the argument.
".value_kind" string Required Kernel argument kind that
specifies how to set up the
corresponding argument.
Values include:

The argument is copied
directly into the kernarg.

A global address space pointer
to the buffer data is passed
in the kernarg.

A group address space pointer
to dynamically allocated LDS
is passed in the kernarg.

A global address space
pointer to a S# is passed in
the kernarg.

A global address space
pointer to a T# is passed in
the kernarg.

A global address space pointer
to an OpenCL pipe is passed in
the kernarg.

A global address space pointer
to an OpenCL device enqueue
queue is passed in the

The OpenCL grid dispatch
global offset for the X
dimension is passed in the

The OpenCL grid dispatch
global offset for the Y
dimension is passed in the

The OpenCL grid dispatch
global offset for the Z
dimension is passed in the

An argument that is not used
by the kernel. Space needs to
be left for it, but it does
not need to be set up.

A global address space pointer
to the runtime printf buffer
is passed in kernarg.

A global address space pointer
to the runtime hostcall buffer
is passed in kernarg.

A global address space pointer
to the OpenCL device enqueue
queue that should be used by
the kernel by default is
passed in the kernarg.

A global address space pointer
to help link enqueued kernels into
the ancestor tree for determining
when the parent kernel has finished.

A global address space pointer for
multi-grid synchronization is
passed in the kernarg.

".value_type" string Required Kernel argument value type. Only
present if ".value_kind" is
"by_value". For vector data
types, the value is for the
element type. Values include:

- "struct"
- "i8"
- "u8"
- "i16"
- "u16"
- "f16"
- "i32"
- "u32"
- "f32"
- "i64"
- "u64"
- "f64"

.. TODO::
How can it be determined if a
vector type, and what size
".pointee_align" integer Alignment in bytes of pointee
type for pointer type kernel
argument. Must be a power
of 2. Only present if
".value_kind" is
".address_space" string Kernel argument address space
qualifier. Only present if
".value_kind" is "global_buffer" or
"dynamic_shared_pointer". Values

- "private"
- "global"
- "constant"
- "local"
- "generic"
- "region"

.. TODO::
Is "global_buffer" only "global"
or "constant"? Is
"dynamic_shared_pointer" always
"local"? Can HCC allow "generic"?
How can "private" or "region"
ever happen?
".access" string Kernel argument access
qualifier. Only present if
".value_kind" is "image" or
"pipe". Values

- "read_only"
- "write_only"
- "read_write"

.. TODO::
Does this apply to
".actual_access" string The actual memory accesses
performed by the kernel on the
kernel argument. Only present if
".value_kind" is "global_buffer",
"image", or "pipe". This may be
more restrictive than indicated
by ".access" to reflect what the
kernel actual does. If not
present then the runtime must
assume what is implied by
".access" and ".is_const" . Values

- "read_only"
- "write_only"
- "read_write"

".is_const" boolean Indicates if the kernel argument
is const qualified. Only present
if ".value_kind" is

".is_restrict" boolean Indicates if the kernel argument
is restrict qualified. Only
present if ".value_kind" is

".is_volatile" boolean Indicates if the kernel argument
is volatile qualified. Only
present if ".value_kind" is

".is_pipe" boolean Indicates if the kernel argument
is pipe qualified. Only present
if ".value_kind" is "pipe".

.. TODO::
Can "global_buffer" be pipe
====================== ============== ========= ================================


Kernel Dispatch

The HSA architected queuing language (AQL) defines a user space memory
interface that can be used to control the dispatch of kernels, in an agent
independent way. An agent can have zero or more AQL queues created for it using
the ROCm runtime, in which AQL packets (all of which are 64 bytes) can be
placed. See the *HSA Platform System Architecture Specification* [HSA]_ for the
AQL queue mechanics and packet layouts.

The packet processor of a kernel agent is responsible for detecting and
dispatching HSA kernels from the AQL queues associated with it. For AMD GPUs the
packet processor is implemented by the hardware command processor (CP),
asynchronous dispatch controller (ADC) and shader processor input controller

The ROCm runtime can be used to allocate an AQL queue object. It uses the kernel
mode driver to initialize and register the AQL queue with CP.

To dispatch a kernel the following actions are performed. This can occur in the
CPU host program, or from an HSA kernel executing on a GPU.

1. A pointer to an AQL queue for the kernel agent on which the kernel is to be
executed is obtained.
2. A pointer to the kernel descriptor (see
:ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-kernel-descriptor`) of the kernel to execute is obtained.
It must be for a kernel that is contained in a code object that that was
loaded by the ROCm runtime on the kernel agent with which the AQL queue is
3. Space is allocated for the kernel arguments using the ROCm runtime allocator
for a memory region with the kernarg property for the kernel agent that will
execute the kernel. It must be at least 16 byte aligned.
4. Kernel argument values are assigned to the kernel argument memory
allocation. The layout is defined in the *HSA Programmer's Language
Reference* [HSA]_. For AMDGPU the kernel execution directly accesses the
kernel argument memory in the same way constant memory is accessed. (Note
that the HSA specification allows an implementation to copy the kernel
argument contents to another location that is accessed by the kernel.)
5. An AQL kernel dispatch packet is created on the AQL queue. The ROCm runtime
api uses 64-bit atomic operations to reserve space in the AQL queue for the
packet. The packet must be set up, and the final write must use an atomic
store release to set the packet kind to ensure the packet contents are
visible to the kernel agent. AQL defines a doorbell signal mechanism to
notify the kernel agent that the AQL queue has been updated. These rules, and
the layout of the AQL queue and kernel dispatch packet is defined in the *HSA
System Architecture Specification* [HSA]_.
6. A kernel dispatch packet includes information about the actual dispatch,
such as grid and work-group size, together with information from the code
object about the kernel, such as segment sizes. The ROCm runtime queries on
the kernel symbol can be used to obtain the code object values which are
recorded in the :ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-code-object-metadata`.
7. CP executes micro-code and is responsible for detecting and setting up the
GPU to execute the wavefronts of a kernel dispatch.
8. CP ensures that when the a wavefront starts executing the kernel machine
code, the scalar general purpose registers (SGPR) and vector general purpose
registers (VGPR) are set up as required by the machine code. The required
setup is defined in the :ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-kernel-descriptor`. The initial
register state is defined in
9. The prolog of the kernel machine code (see
:ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-kernel-prolog`) sets up the machine state as necessary
before continuing executing the machine code that corresponds to the kernel.
10. When the kernel dispatch has completed execution, CP signals the completion
signal specified in the kernel dispatch packet if not 0.

Image and Samplers

Image and sample handles created by the ROCm runtime are 64-bit addresses of a
hardware 32 byte V# and 48 byte S# object respectively. In order to support the
HSA ``query_sampler`` operations two extra dwords are used to store the HSA BRIG
enumeration values for the queries that are not trivially deducible from the S#

HSA Signals

HSA signal handles created by the ROCm runtime are 64-bit addresses of a
structure allocated in memory accessible from both the CPU and GPU. The
structure is defined by the ROCm runtime and subject to change between releases
(see [AMD-ROCm-github]_).

.. _amdgpu-amdhsa-hsa-aql-queue:


The HSA AQL queue structure is defined by the ROCm runtime and subject to change
between releases (see [AMD-ROCm-github]_). For some processors it contains
fields needed to implement certain language features such as the flat address
aperture bases. It also contains fields used by CP such as managing the
allocation of scratch memory.

.. _amdgpu-amdhsa-kernel-descriptor:

Kernel Descriptor

A kernel descriptor consists of the information needed by CP to initiate the
execution of a kernel, including the entry point address of the machine code
that implements the kernel.

Kernel Descriptor for GFX6-GFX10

CP microcode requires the Kernel descriptor to be allocated on 64 byte

.. table:: Kernel Descriptor for GFX6-GFX10
:name: amdgpu-amdhsa-kernel-descriptor-gfx6-gfx10-table

======= ======= =============================== ============================
Bits Size Field Name Description
======= ======= =============================== ============================
31:0 4 bytes GROUP_SEGMENT_FIXED_SIZE The amount of fixed local
address space memory
required for a work-group
in bytes. This does not
include any dynamically
allocated local address
space memory that may be
added when the kernel is
63:32 4 bytes PRIVATE_SEGMENT_FIXED_SIZE The amount of fixed
private address space
memory required for a
work-item in bytes. If
is_dynamic_callstack is 1
then additional space must
be added to this value for
the call stack.
127:64 8 bytes Reserved, must be 0.
191:128 8 bytes KERNEL_CODE_ENTRY_BYTE_OFFSET Byte offset (possibly
negative) from base
address of kernel
descriptor to kernel's
entry point instruction
which must be 256 byte
351:272 20 Reserved, must be 0.
383:352 4 bytes COMPUTE_PGM_RSRC3 GFX6-9
Reserved, must be 0.
Compute Shader (CS)
program settings used by
CP to set up
register. See
415:384 4 bytes COMPUTE_PGM_RSRC1 Compute Shader (CS)
program settings used by
CP to set up
register. See
447:416 4 bytes COMPUTE_PGM_RSRC2 Compute Shader (CS)
program settings used by
CP to set up
register. See
448 1 bit ENABLE_SGPR_PRIVATE_SEGMENT Enable the setup of the
_BUFFER SGPR user data registers

The total number of SGPR
user data registers
requested must not exceed
16 and match value in
Any requests beyond 16
will be ignored.
449 1 bit ENABLE_SGPR_DISPATCH_PTR *see above*
450 1 bit ENABLE_SGPR_QUEUE_PTR *see above*
452 1 bit ENABLE_SGPR_DISPATCH_ID *see above*
453 1 bit ENABLE_SGPR_FLAT_SCRATCH_INIT *see above*
454 1 bit ENABLE_SGPR_PRIVATE_SEGMENT *see above*
457:455 3 bits Reserved, must be 0.
Reserved, must be 0.
- If 0 execute in
wavefront size 64 mode.
- If 1 execute in
native wavefront size
32 mode.
463:459 5 bits Reserved, must be 0.
511:464 6 bytes Reserved, must be 0.
512 **Total size 64 bytes.**
======= ====================================================================


.. table:: compute_pgm_rsrc1 for GFX6-GFX10
:name: amdgpu-amdhsa-compute_pgm_rsrc1-gfx6-gfx10-table

======= ======= =============================== ===========================================================================
Bits Size Field Name Description
======= ======= =============================== ===========================================================================
5:0 6 bits GRANULATED_WORKITEM_VGPR_COUNT Number of vector register
blocks used by each work-item;
granularity is device

- vgprs_used 0..256
- max(0, ceil(vgprs_used / 4) - 1)
GFX10 (wavefront size 64)
- max_vgpr 1..256
- max(0, ceil(vgprs_used / 4) - 1)
GFX10 (wavefront size 32)
- max_vgpr 1..256
- max(0, ceil(vgprs_used / 8) - 1)

Where vgprs_used is defined
as the highest VGPR number
explicitly referenced plus

Used by CP to set up

calculates this
automatically for the
selected processor from
values provided to the
`.amdhsa_kernel` directive
by the
nested directive (see
9:6 4 bits GRANULATED_WAVEFRONT_SGPR_COUNT Number of scalar register
blocks used by a wavefront;
granularity is device

- sgprs_used 0..112
- max(0, ceil(sgprs_used / 8) - 1)
- sgprs_used 0..112
- 2 * max(0, ceil(sgprs_used / 16) - 1)
Reserved, must be 0.
(128 SGPRs always

Where sgprs_used is
defined as the highest
SGPR number explicitly
referenced plus one, plus
a target-specific number
of additional special
SGPRs for VCC,
any additional
limitations. It does not
include the 16 SGPRs added
if a trap handler is

The target-specific
limitations and special
SGPR layout are defined in
the hardware
documentation, which can
be found in the

Used by CP to set up

calculates this
automatically for the
selected processor from
values provided to the
`.amdhsa_kernel` directive
by the
and `.amdhsa_reserve_*`
nested directives (see
11:10 2 bits PRIORITY Must be 0.

Start executing wavefront
at the specified priority.

CP is responsible for
filling in
13:12 2 bits FLOAT_ROUND_MODE_32 Wavefront starts execution
with specified rounding
mode for single (32
bit) floating point
precision floating point

Floating point rounding
mode values are defined in

Used by CP to set up
15:14 2 bits FLOAT_ROUND_MODE_16_64 Wavefront starts execution
with specified rounding
denorm mode for half/double (16
and 64-bit) floating point
precision floating point

Floating point rounding
mode values are defined in

Used by CP to set up
17:16 2 bits FLOAT_DENORM_MODE_32 Wavefront starts execution
with specified denorm mode
for single (32
bit) floating point
precision floating point

Floating point denorm mode
values are defined in

Used by CP to set up
19:18 2 bits FLOAT_DENORM_MODE_16_64 Wavefront starts execution
with specified denorm mode
for half/double (16
and 64-bit) floating point
precision floating point

Floating point denorm mode
values are defined in

Used by CP to set up
20 1 bit PRIV Must be 0.

Start executing wavefront
in privilege trap handler

CP is responsible for
filling in
21 1 bit ENABLE_DX10_CLAMP Wavefront starts execution
with DX10 clamp mode
enabled. Used by the vector
ALU to force DX10 style
treatment of NaN's (when
set, clamp NaN to zero,
otherwise pass NaN

Used by CP to set up
22 1 bit DEBUG_MODE Must be 0.

Start executing wavefront
in single step mode.

CP is responsible for
filling in
23 1 bit ENABLE_IEEE_MODE Wavefront starts execution
with IEEE mode
enabled. Floating point
opcodes that support
exception flag gathering
will quiet and propagate
signaling-NaN inputs per
IEEE 754-2008. Min_dx10 and
max_dx10 become IEEE
754-2008 compliant due to
signaling-NaN propagation
and quieting.

Used by CP to set up
24 1 bit BULKY Must be 0.

Only one work-group allowed
to execute on a compute

CP is responsible for
filling in
25 1 bit CDBG_USER Must be 0.

Flag that can be used to
control debugging code.

CP is responsible for
filling in
26 1 bit FP16_OVFL GFX6-GFX8
Reserved, must be 0.
Wavefront starts execution
with specified fp16 overflow

- If 0, fp16 overflow generates
+/-INF values.
- If 1, fp16 overflow that is the
result of an +/-INF input value
or divide by 0 produces a +/-INF,
otherwise clamps computed
overflow to +/-MAX_FP16 as

Used by CP to set up
28:27 2 bits Reserved, must be 0.
29 1 bit WGP_MODE GFX6-GFX9
Reserved, must be 0.
- If 0 execute work-groups in
CU wavefront execution mode.
- If 1 execute work-groups on
in WGP wavefront execution mode.

See :ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-memory-model`.

Used by CP to set up
30 1 bit MEM_ORDERED GFX6-9
Reserved, must be 0.
Controls the behavior of the
waitcnt's vmcnt and vscnt

- If 0 vmcnt reports completion
of load and atomic with return
out of order with sample
instructions, and the vscnt
reports the completion of
store and atomic without
return in order.
- If 1 vmcnt reports completion
of load, atomic with return
and sample instructions in
order, and the vscnt reports
the completion of store and
atomic without return in order.

Used by CP to set up
31 1 bit FWD_PROGRESS GFX6-9
Reserved, must be 0.
- If 0 execute SIMD wavefronts
using oldest first policy.
- If 1 execute SIMD wavefronts to
ensure wavefronts will make some
forward progress.

Used by CP to set up
32 **Total size 4 bytes**
======= ===================================================================================================================


.. table:: compute_pgm_rsrc2 for GFX6-GFX10
:name: amdgpu-amdhsa-compute_pgm_rsrc2-gfx6-gfx10-table

======= ======= =============================== ===========================================================================
Bits Size Field Name Description
======= ======= =============================== ===========================================================================
0 1 bit ENABLE_SGPR_PRIVATE_SEGMENT Enable the setup of the
_WAVEFRONT_OFFSET SGPR wavefront scratch offset
system register (see

Used by CP to set up
5:1 5 bits USER_SGPR_COUNT The total number of SGPR
user data registers
requested. This number must
match the number of user
data registers enabled.

Used by CP to set up
6 1 bit ENABLE_TRAP_HANDLER Must be 0.

This bit represents
which is set by the CP if
the runtime has installed a
trap handler.
7 1 bit ENABLE_SGPR_WORKGROUP_ID_X Enable the setup of the
system SGPR register for
the work-group id in the X
dimension (see

Used by CP to set up
8 1 bit ENABLE_SGPR_WORKGROUP_ID_Y Enable the setup of the
system SGPR register for
the work-group id in the Y
dimension (see

Used by CP to set up
9 1 bit ENABLE_SGPR_WORKGROUP_ID_Z Enable the setup of the
system SGPR register for
the work-group id in the Z
dimension (see

Used by CP to set up
10 1 bit ENABLE_SGPR_WORKGROUP_INFO Enable the setup of the
system SGPR register for
work-group information (see

Used by CP to set up
12:11 2 bits ENABLE_VGPR_WORKITEM_ID Enable the setup of the
VGPR system registers used
for the work-item ID.
defines the values.

Used by CP to set up

Wavefront starts execution
with address watch
exceptions enabled which
are generated when L1 has
witnessed a thread access
an *address of

CP is responsible for
filling in the address
watch bit in
according to what the
runtime requests.

Wavefront starts execution
with memory violation
exceptions exceptions
enabled which are generated
when a memory violation has
occurred for this wavefront from
L1 or LDS
mis-aligned atomic, LDS
address out of range,
illegal address, etc.).

CP sets the memory
violation bit in
according to what the
runtime requests.
23:15 9 bits GRANULATED_LDS_SIZE Must be 0.

CP uses the rounded value
from the dispatch packet,
not this value, as the
dispatch may contain
dynamically allocated group
segment memory. CP writes
directly to

Amount of group segment
(LDS) to allocate for each
work-group. Granularity is
device specific:

roundup(lds-size / (64 * 4))
roundup(lds-size / (128 * 4))

24 1 bit ENABLE_EXCEPTION_IEEE_754_FP Wavefront starts execution
_INVALID_OPERATION with specified exceptions

Used by CP to set up
(set from bits 0..6).

IEEE 754 FP Invalid
25 1 bit ENABLE_EXCEPTION_FP_DENORMAL FP Denormal one or more
_SOURCE input operands is a
denormal number
26 1 bit ENABLE_EXCEPTION_IEEE_754_FP IEEE 754 FP Division by
27 1 bit ENABLE_EXCEPTION_IEEE_754_FP IEEE 754 FP FP Overflow
28 1 bit ENABLE_EXCEPTION_IEEE_754_FP IEEE 754 FP Underflow
29 1 bit ENABLE_EXCEPTION_IEEE_754_FP IEEE 754 FP Inexact
30 1 bit ENABLE_EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY Integer Division by Zero
_ZERO (rcp_iflag_f32 instruction
31 1 bit Reserved, must be 0.
32 **Total size 4 bytes.**
======= ===================================================================================================================


.. table:: compute_pgm_rsrc3 for GFX10
:name: amdgpu-amdhsa-compute_pgm_rsrc3-gfx10-table

======= ======= =============================== ===========================================================================
Bits Size Field Name Description
======= ======= =============================== ===========================================================================
3:0 4 bits SHARED_VGPR_COUNT Number of shared VGPRs for wavefront size 64. Granularity 8. Value 0-120.
compute_pgm_rsrc1.vgprs + shared_vgpr_cnt cannot exceed 64.
31:4 28 Reserved, must be 0.
32 **Total size 4 bytes.**
======= ===================================================================================================================


.. table:: Floating Point Rounding Mode Enumeration Values
:name: amdgpu-amdhsa-floating-point-rounding-mode-enumeration-values-table

====================================== ===== ==============================
Enumeration Name Value Description
====================================== ===== ==============================
====================================== ===== ==============================


.. table:: Floating Point Denorm Mode Enumeration Values
:name: amdgpu-amdhsa-floating-point-denorm-mode-enumeration-values-table

====================================== ===== ==============================
Enumeration Name Value Description
====================================== ===== ==============================
FLOAT_DENORM_MODE_FLUSH_SRC_DST 0 Flush Source and Destination
====================================== ===== ==============================


.. table:: System VGPR Work-Item ID Enumeration Values
:name: amdgpu-amdhsa-system-vgpr-work-item-id-enumeration-values-table

======================================== ===== ============================
Enumeration Name Value Description
======================================== ===== ============================
SYSTEM_VGPR_WORKITEM_ID_X 0 Set work-item X dimension
SYSTEM_VGPR_WORKITEM_ID_X_Y 1 Set work-item X and Y
dimensions ID.
SYSTEM_VGPR_WORKITEM_ID_X_Y_Z 2 Set work-item X, Y and Z
dimensions ID.
======================================== ===== ============================

.. _amdgpu-amdhsa-initial-kernel-execution-state:

Initial Kernel Execution State

This section defines the register state that will be set up by the packet
processor prior to the start of execution of every wavefront. This is limited by
the constraints of the hardware controllers of CP/ADC/SPI.

The order of the SGPR registers is defined, but the compiler can specify which
ones are actually setup in the kernel descriptor using the ``enable_sgpr_*`` bit
fields (see :ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-kernel-descriptor`). The register numbers used
for enabled registers are dense starting at SGPR0: the first enabled register is
SGPR0, the next enabled register is SGPR1 etc.; disabled registers do not have
an SGPR number.

The initial SGPRs comprise up to 16 User SRGPs that are set by CP and apply to
all wavefronts of the grid. It is possible to specify more than 16 User SGPRs
using the ``enable_sgpr_*`` bit fields, in which case only the first 16 are
actually initialized. These are then immediately followed by the System SGPRs
that are set up by ADC/SPI and can have different values for each wavefront of
the grid dispatch.

SGPR register initial state is defined in

.. table:: SGPR Register Set Up Order
:name: amdgpu-amdhsa-sgpr-register-set-up-order-table

========== ========================== ====== ==============================
SGPR Order Name Number Description
(kernel descriptor enable of
field) SGPRs
========== ========================== ====== ==============================
First Private Segment Buffer 4 V# that can be used, together
(enable_sgpr_private with Scratch Wavefront Offset
_segment_buffer) as an offset, to access the
private address space using a
segment address.

CP uses the value provided by
the runtime.
then Dispatch Ptr 2 64-bit address of AQL dispatch
(enable_sgpr_dispatch_ptr) packet for kernel dispatch
actually executing.
then Queue Ptr 2 64-bit address of amd_queue_t
(enable_sgpr_queue_ptr) object for AQL queue on which
the dispatch packet was
then Kernarg Segment Ptr 2 64-bit address of Kernarg
(enable_sgpr_kernarg segment. This is directly
_segment_ptr) copied from the
kernarg_address in the kernel
dispatch packet.

Having CP load it once avoids
loading it at the beginning of
every wavefront.
then Dispatch Id 2 64-bit Dispatch ID of the
(enable_sgpr_dispatch_id) dispatch packet being
then Flat Scratch Init 2 This is 2 SGPRs:
_init) GFX6
Not supported.
The first SGPR is a 32-bit
byte offset from
to per SPI base of memory
for scratch for the queue
executing the kernel
dispatch. CP obtains this
from the runtime. (The
Scratch Segment Buffer base
address is
plus this offset.) The value
of Scratch Wavefront Offset must
be added to this offset by
the kernel machine code,
right shifted by 8, and
moved to the FLAT_SCRATCH_HI
SGPR register.
FLAT_SCRATCH_HI corresponds
to SGPRn-4 on GFX7, and
SGPRn-6 on GFX8 (where SGPRn
is the highest numbered SGPR
allocated to the wavefront).
multiplied by 256 (as it is
in units of 256 bytes) and
added to
to calculate the per wavefront
memory instructions that
access the scratch

The second SGPR is 32-bit
byte size of a single
work-item's scratch memory
usage. CP obtains this from
the runtime, and it is
always a multiple of DWORD.
CP checks that the value in
the kernel dispatch packet
Private Segment Byte Size is
not larger, and requests the
runtime to increase the
queue's scratch size if
necessary. The kernel code
must move it to
SGPRn-3 on GFX7 and SGPRn-5
used as the FLAT SCRATCH
SIZE in flat memory
instructions. Having CP load
it once avoids loading it at
the beginning of every
This is the
64-bit base address of the
per SPI scratch backing
memory managed by SPI for
the queue executing the
kernel dispatch. CP obtains
this from the runtime (and
divides it if there are
multiple Shader Arrays each
with its own SPI). The value
of Scratch Wavefront Offset must
be added by the kernel
machine code and the result
moved to the FLAT_SCRATCH
SGPR which is SGPRn-6 and
SGPRn-5. It is used as the
memory instructions.
then Private Segment Size 1 The 32-bit byte size of a
(enable_sgpr_private single
scratch_segment_size) memory
allocation. This is the
value from the kernel
dispatch packet Private
Segment Byte Size rounded up
by CP to a multiple of

Having CP load it once avoids
loading it at the beginning of
every wavefront.

This is not used for
GFX7-GFX8 since it is the same
value as the second SGPR of
Flat Scratch Init. However, it
may be needed for GFX9-GFX10 which
changes the meaning of the
Flat Scratch Init value.
then Grid Work-Group Count X 1 32-bit count of the number of
(enable_sgpr_grid work-groups in the X dimension
_workgroup_count_X) for the grid being
executed. Computed from the
fields in the kernel dispatch
packet as ((grid_size.x +
workgroup_size.x - 1) /
then Grid Work-Group Count Y 1 32-bit count of the number of
(enable_sgpr_grid work-groups in the Y dimension
_workgroup_count_Y && for the grid being
less than 16 previous executed. Computed from the
SGPRs) fields in the kernel dispatch
packet as ((grid_size.y +
workgroup_size.y - 1) /

Only initialized if `:

| `` , ,...

:doc:`Operands` are comma-separated while
:doc:`modifiers` are space-separated.

The order of operands and modifiers is fixed.
Most modifiers are optional and may be omitted.

Links to detailed instruction syntax description may be found in the following
table. Note that features under development are not included
in this description.

==================================== ======================================
Core ISA ISA Extensions
==================================== ======================================
:doc:`GFX7` \-
:doc:`GFX8` \-
:doc:`GFX9` :doc:`gfx900`






:doc:`GFX10` gfx1011

==================================== ======================================

For more information about instructions, their semantics and supported
combinations of operands, refer to one of instruction set architecture manuals


Detailed description of operands may be found :doc:`here`.


Detailed description of modifiers may be found

Instruction Examples


.. code-block:: nasm

ds_add_u32 v2, v4 offset:16
ds_write_src2_b64 v2 offset0:4 offset1:8
ds_cmpst_f32 v2, v4, v6
ds_min_rtn_f64 v[8:9], v2, v[4:5]

For full list of supported instructions, refer to "LDS/GDS instructions" in ISA


.. code-block:: nasm

flat_load_dword v1, v[3:4]
flat_store_dwordx3 v[3:4], v[5:7]
flat_atomic_swap v1, v[3:4], v5 glc
flat_atomic_cmpswap v1, v[3:4], v[5:6] glc slc
flat_atomic_fmax_x2 v[1:2], v[3:4], v[5:6] glc

For full list of supported instructions, refer to "FLAT instructions" in ISA


.. code-block:: nasm

buffer_load_dword v1, off, s[4:7], s1
buffer_store_dwordx4 v[1:4], v2, ttmp[4:7], s1 offen offset:4 glc tfe
buffer_store_format_xy v[1:2], off, s[4:7], s1
buffer_atomic_inc v1, v2, s[8:11], s4 idxen offset:4 slc

For full list of supported instructions, refer to "MUBUF Instructions" in ISA


.. code-block:: nasm

s_load_dword s1, s[2:3], 0xfc
s_load_dwordx8 s[8:15], s[2:3], s4
s_load_dwordx16 s[88:103], s[2:3], s4
s_memtime s[4:5]

For full list of supported instructions, refer to "Scalar Memory Operations" in
ISA Manual.


.. code-block:: nasm

s_mov_b32 s1, s2
s_mov_b64 s[0:1], 0x80000000
s_cmov_b32 s1, 200
s_wqm_b64 s[2:3], s[4:5]
s_bcnt0_i32_b64 s1, s[2:3]
s_swappc_b64 s[2:3], s[4:5]
s_cbranch_join s[4:5]

For full list of supported instructions, refer to "SOP1 Instructions" in ISA


.. code-block:: nasm

s_add_u32 s1, s2, s3
s_and_b64 s[2:3], s[4:5], s[6:7]
s_cselect_b32 s1, s2, s3
s_andn2_b32 s2, s4, s6
s_lshr_b64 s[2:3], s[4:5], s6
s_ashr_i32 s2, s4, s6
s_bfm_b64 s[2:3], s4, s6
s_bfe_i64 s[2:3], s[4:5], s6
s_cbranch_g_fork s[4:5], s[6:7]

For full list of supported instructions, refer to "SOP2 Instructions" in ISA


.. code-block:: nasm

s_cmp_eq_i32 s1, s2
s_bitcmp1_b32 s1, s2
s_bitcmp0_b64 s[2:3], s4
s_setvskip s3, s5

For full list of supported instructions, refer to "SOPC Instructions" in ISA


.. code-block:: nasm

s_nop 2
s_waitcnt 0 ; Wait for all counters to be 0
s_waitcnt vmcnt(0) & expcnt(0) & lgkmcnt(0) ; Equivalent to above
s_waitcnt vmcnt(1) ; Wait for vmcnt counter to be 1.
s_sethalt 9
s_sleep 10
s_sendmsg 0x1
s_sendmsg sendmsg(MSG_INTERRUPT)
s_trap 1

For full list of supported instructions, refer to "SOPP Instructions" in ISA

Unless otherwise mentioned, little verification is performed on the operands
of SOPP Instructions, so it is up to the programmer to be familiar with the
range or acceptable values.


For vector ALU instruction opcodes (VOP1, VOP2, VOP3, VOPC, VOP_DPP, VOP_SDWA),
the assembler will automatically use optimal encoding based on its operands. To
force specific encoding, one can add a suffix to the opcode of the instruction:

* _e32 for 32-bit VOP1/VOP2/VOPC
* _e64 for 64-bit VOP3
* _dpp for VOP_DPP
* _sdwa for VOP_SDWA

VOP1/VOP2/VOP3/VOPC examples:

.. code-block:: nasm

v_mov_b32 v1, v2
v_mov_b32_e32 v1, v2
v_cvt_f64_i32_e32 v[1:2], v2
v_floor_f32_e32 v1, v2
v_bfrev_b32_e32 v1, v2
v_add_f32_e32 v1, v2, v3
v_mul_i32_i24_e64 v1, v2, 3
v_mul_i32_i24_e32 v1, -3, v3
v_mul_i32_i24_e32 v1, -100, v3
v_addc_u32 v1, s[0:1], v2, v3, s[2:3]
v_max_f16_e32 v1, v2, v3

VOP_DPP examples:

.. code-block:: nasm

v_mov_b32 v0, v0 quad_perm:[0,2,1,1]
v_sin_f32 v0, v0 row_shl:1 row_mask:0xa bank_mask:0x1 bound_ctrl:0
v_mov_b32 v0, v0 wave_shl:1
v_mov_b32 v0, v0 row_mirror
v_mov_b32 v0, v0 row_bcast:31
v_mov_b32 v0, v0 quad_perm:[1,3,0,1] row_mask:0xa bank_mask:0x1 bound_ctrl:0
v_add_f32 v0, v0, |v0| row_shl:1 row_mask:0xa bank_mask:0x1 bound_ctrl:0
v_max_f16 v1, v2, v3 row_shl:1 row_mask:0xa bank_mask:0x1 bound_ctrl:0

VOP_SDWA examples:

.. code-block:: nasm

v_mov_b32 v1, v2 dst_sel:BYTE_0 dst_unused:UNUSED_PRESERVE src0_sel:DWORD
v_min_u32 v200, v200, v1 dst_sel:WORD_1 dst_unused:UNUSED_PAD src0_sel:BYTE_1 src1_sel:DWORD
v_sin_f32 v0, v0 dst_unused:UNUSED_PAD src0_sel:WORD_1
v_fract_f32 v0, |v0| dst_sel:DWORD dst_unused:UNUSED_PAD src0_sel:WORD_1
v_cmpx_le_u32 vcc, v1, v2 src0_sel:BYTE_2 src1_sel:WORD_0

For full list of supported instructions, refer to "Vector ALU instructions".

.. TODO::

Remove once we switch to code object v3 by default.

.. _amdgpu-amdhsa-assembler-predefined-symbols-v2:

Code Object V2 Predefined Symbols (-mattr=-code-object-v3)

.. warning:: Code Object V2 is not the default code object version emitted by
this version of LLVM. For a description of the predefined symbols available
with the default configuration (Code Object V3) see

The AMDGPU assembler defines and updates some symbols automatically. These
symbols do not affect code generation.


Set to the GFX major generation number of the target being assembled for. For
example, when assembling for a "GFX9" target this will be set to the integer
value "9". The possible GFX major generation numbers are presented in


Set to the GFX minor generation number of the target being assembled for. For
example, when assembling for a "GFX810" target this will be set to the integer
value "1". The possible GFX minor generation numbers are presented in


Set to the GFX stepping generation number of the target being assembled for.
For example, when assembling for a "GFX704" target this will be set to the
integer value "4". The possible GFX stepping generation numbers are presented
in :ref:`amdgpu-processors`.


Set to zero each time a
:ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-assembler-directive-amdgpu_hsa_kernel` directive is
encountered. At each instruction, if the current value of this symbol is less
than or equal to the maximum VPGR number explicitly referenced within that
instruction then the symbol value is updated to equal that VGPR number plus


Set to zero each time a
:ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-assembler-directive-amdgpu_hsa_kernel` directive is
encountered. At each instruction, if the current value of this symbol is less
than or equal to the maximum VPGR number explicitly referenced within that
instruction then the symbol value is updated to equal that SGPR number plus

.. _amdgpu-amdhsa-assembler-directives-v2:

Code Object V2 Directives (-mattr=-code-object-v3)

.. warning:: Code Object V2 is not the default code object version emitted by
this version of LLVM. For a description of the directives supported with
the default configuration (Code Object V3) see

AMDGPU ABI defines auxiliary data in output code object. In assembly source,
one can specify them with assembler directives.

.hsa_code_object_version major, minor

*major* and *minor* are integers that specify the version of the HSA code
object that will be generated by the assembler.

.hsa_code_object_isa [major, minor, stepping, vendor, arch]

*major*, *minor*, and *stepping* are all integers that describe the instruction
set architecture (ISA) version of the assembly program.

*vendor* and *arch* are quoted strings. *vendor* should always be equal to
"AMD" and *arch* should always be equal to "AMDGPU".

By default, the assembler will derive the ISA version, *vendor*, and *arch*
from the value of the -mcpu option that is passed to the assembler.

.. _amdgpu-amdhsa-assembler-directive-amdgpu_hsa_kernel:

.amdgpu_hsa_kernel (name)

This directives specifies that the symbol with given name is a kernel entry
point (label) and the object should contain corresponding symbol of type


This directive marks the beginning of a list of key / value pairs that are used
to specify the amd_kernel_code_t object that will be emitted by the assembler.
The list must be terminated by the *.end_amd_kernel_code_t* directive. For any
amd_kernel_code_t values that are unspecified a default value will be used. The
default value for all keys is 0, with the following exceptions:

- *amd_code_version_major* defaults to 1.
- *amd_kernel_code_version_minor* defaults to 2.
- *amd_machine_kind* defaults to 1.
- *amd_machine_version_major*, *machine_version_minor*, and
*amd_machine_version_stepping* are derived from the value of the -mcpu option
that is passed to the assembler.
- *kernel_code_entry_byte_offset* defaults to 256.
- *wavefront_size* defaults 6 for all targets before GFX10. For GFX10 onwards
defaults to 6 if target feature ``wavefrontsize64`` is enabled, otherwise 5.
Note that wavefront size is specified as a power of two, so a value of **n**
means a size of 2^ **n**.
- *call_convention* defaults to -1.
- *kernarg_segment_alignment*, *group_segment_alignment*, and
*private_segment_alignment* default to 4. Note that alignments are specified
as a power of 2, so a value of **n** means an alignment of 2^ **n**.
- *enable_wgp_mode* defaults to 1 if target feature ``cumode`` is disabled for
GFX10 onwards.
- *enable_mem_ordered* defaults to 1 for GFX10 onwards.

The *.amd_kernel_code_t* directive must be placed immediately after the
function label and before any instructions.

For a full list of amd_kernel_code_t keys, refer to AMDGPU ABI document,
comments in lib/Target/AMDGPU/AmdKernelCodeT.h and test/CodeGen/AMDGPU/hsa.s.

.. _amdgpu-amdhsa-assembler-example-v2:

Code Object V2 Example Source Code (-mattr=-code-object-v3)

.. warning:: Code Object V2 is not the default code object version emitted by
this version of LLVM. For a description of the directives supported with
the default configuration (Code Object V3) see

Here is an example of a minimal assembly source file, defining one HSA kernel:

.. code::

.hsa_code_object_version 1,0

.globl hello_world
.p2align 8
.amdgpu_hsa_kernel hello_world


enable_sgpr_kernarg_segment_ptr = 1
is_ptr64 = 1
compute_pgm_rsrc1_vgprs = 0
compute_pgm_rsrc1_sgprs = 0
compute_pgm_rsrc2_user_sgpr = 2
compute_pgm_rsrc1_wgp_mode = 0
compute_pgm_rsrc1_mem_ordered = 0
compute_pgm_rsrc1_fwd_progress = 1

s_load_dwordx2 s[0:1], s[0:1] 0x0
v_mov_b32 v0, 3.14159
s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
v_mov_b32 v1, s0
v_mov_b32 v2, s1
flat_store_dword v[1:2], v0
.size hello_world, .Lfunc_end0-hello_world

.. _amdgpu-amdhsa-assembler-predefined-symbols-v3:

Code Object V3 Predefined Symbols (-mattr=+code-object-v3)

The AMDGPU assembler defines and updates some symbols automatically. These
symbols do not affect code generation.


Set to the GFX major generation number of the target being assembled for. For
example, when assembling for a "GFX9" target this will be set to the integer
value "9". The possible GFX major generation numbers are presented in


Set to the GFX minor generation number of the target being assembled for. For
example, when assembling for a "GFX810" target this will be set to the integer
value "1". The possible GFX minor generation numbers are presented in


Set to the GFX stepping generation number of the target being assembled for.
For example, when assembling for a "GFX704" target this will be set to the
integer value "4". The possible GFX stepping generation numbers are presented
in :ref:`amdgpu-processors`.

.. _amdgpu-amdhsa-assembler-symbol-next_free_vgpr:


Set to zero before assembly begins. At each instruction, if the current value
of this symbol is less than or equal to the maximum VGPR number explicitly
referenced within that instruction then the symbol value is updated to equal
that VGPR number plus one.

May be used to set the `.amdhsa_next_free_vpgr` directive in

May be set at any time, e.g. manually set to zero at the start of each kernel.

.. _amdgpu-amdhsa-assembler-symbol-next_free_sgpr:


Set to zero before assembly begins. At each instruction, if the current value
of this symbol is less than or equal the maximum SGPR number explicitly
referenced within that instruction then the symbol value is updated to equal
that SGPR number plus one.

May be used to set the `.amdhsa_next_free_spgr` directive in

May be set at any time, e.g. manually set to zero at the start of each kernel.

.. _amdgpu-amdhsa-assembler-directives-v3:

Code Object V3 Directives (-mattr=+code-object-v3)

Directives which begin with ``.amdgcn`` are valid for all ``amdgcn``
architecture processors, and are not OS-specific. Directives which begin with
``.amdhsa`` are specific to ``amdgcn`` architecture processors when the
``amdhsa`` OS is specified. See :ref:`amdgpu-target-triples` and


Optional directive which declares the target supported by the containing
assembler source file. Valid values are described in
:ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-code-object-target-identification`. Used by the assembler
to validate command-line options such as ``-triple``, ``-mcpu``, and those
which specify target features.


Creates a correctly aligned AMDHSA kernel descriptor and a symbol,
``.kd``, in the current location of the current section. Only valid when
the OS is ``amdhsa``. ```` must be a symbol that labels the first
instruction to execute, and does not need to be previously defined.

Marks the beginning of a list of directives used to generate the bytes of a
kernel descriptor, as described in :ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-kernel-descriptor`.
Directives which may appear in this list are described in
:ref:`amdhsa-kernel-directives-table`. Directives may appear in any order, must
be valid for the target being assembled for, and cannot be repeated. Directives
support the range of values specified by the field they reference in
:ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-kernel-descriptor`. If a directive is not specified, it is
assumed to have its default value, unless it is marked as "Required", in which
case it is an error to omit the directive. This list of directives is
terminated by an ``.end_amdhsa_kernel`` directive.

.. table:: AMDHSA Kernel Assembler Directives
:name: amdhsa-kernel-directives-table

======================================================== =================== ============ ===================
Directive Default Supported On Description
======================================================== =================== ============ ===================
``.amdhsa_group_segment_fixed_size`` 0 GFX6-GFX10 Controls GROUP_SEGMENT_FIXED_SIZE in
``.amdhsa_private_segment_fixed_size`` 0 GFX6-GFX10 Controls PRIVATE_SEGMENT_FIXED_SIZE in
``.amdhsa_user_sgpr_private_segment_buffer`` 0 GFX6-GFX10 Controls ENABLE_SGPR_PRIVATE_SEGMENT_BUFFER in
``.amdhsa_user_sgpr_dispatch_ptr`` 0 GFX6-GFX10 Controls ENABLE_SGPR_DISPATCH_PTR in
``.amdhsa_user_sgpr_queue_ptr`` 0 GFX6-GFX10 Controls ENABLE_SGPR_QUEUE_PTR in
``.amdhsa_user_sgpr_kernarg_segment_ptr`` 0 GFX6-GFX10 Controls ENABLE_SGPR_KERNARG_SEGMENT_PTR in
``.amdhsa_user_sgpr_dispatch_id`` 0 GFX6-GFX10 Controls ENABLE_SGPR_DISPATCH_ID in
``.amdhsa_user_sgpr_flat_scratch_init`` 0 GFX6-GFX10 Controls ENABLE_SGPR_FLAT_SCRATCH_INIT in
``.amdhsa_user_sgpr_private_segment_size`` 0 GFX6-GFX10 Controls ENABLE_SGPR_PRIVATE_SEGMENT_SIZE in
``.amdhsa_wavefront_size32`` Target GFX10 Controls ENABLE_WAVEFRONT_SIZE32 in
Feature :ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-kernel-descriptor-gfx6-gfx10-table`.
``.amdhsa_system_sgpr_private_segment_wavefront_offset`` 0 GFX6-GFX10 Controls ENABLE_SGPR_PRIVATE_SEGMENT_WAVEFRONT_OFFSET in
``.amdhsa_system_sgpr_workgroup_id_x`` 1 GFX6-GFX10 Controls ENABLE_SGPR_WORKGROUP_ID_X in
``.amdhsa_system_sgpr_workgroup_id_y`` 0 GFX6-GFX10 Controls ENABLE_SGPR_WORKGROUP_ID_Y in
``.amdhsa_system_sgpr_workgroup_id_z`` 0 GFX6-GFX10 Controls ENABLE_SGPR_WORKGROUP_ID_Z in
``.amdhsa_system_sgpr_workgroup_info`` 0 GFX6-GFX10 Controls ENABLE_SGPR_WORKGROUP_INFO in
``.amdhsa_system_vgpr_workitem_id`` 0 GFX6-GFX10 Controls ENABLE_VGPR_WORKITEM_ID in
Possible values are defined in
``.amdhsa_next_free_vgpr`` Required GFX6-GFX10 Maximum VGPR number explicitly referenced, plus one.
``.amdhsa_next_free_sgpr`` Required GFX6-GFX10 Maximum SGPR number explicitly referenced, plus one.
``.amdhsa_reserve_vcc`` 1 GFX6-GFX10 Whether the kernel may use the special VCC SGPR.
``.amdhsa_reserve_flat_scratch`` 1 GFX7-GFX10 Whether the kernel may use flat instructions to access
scratch memory. Used to calculate
``.amdhsa_reserve_xnack_mask`` Target GFX8-GFX10 Whether the kernel may trigger XNACK replay.
Feature Used to calculate GRANULATED_WAVEFRONT_SGPR_COUNT in
Specific :ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-compute_pgm_rsrc1-gfx6-gfx10-table`.
``.amdhsa_float_round_mode_32`` 0 GFX6-GFX10 Controls FLOAT_ROUND_MODE_32 in
Possible values are defined in
``.amdhsa_float_round_mode_16_64`` 0 GFX6-GFX10 Controls FLOAT_ROUND_MODE_16_64 in
Possible values are defined in
``.amdhsa_float_denorm_mode_32`` 0 GFX6-GFX10 Controls FLOAT_DENORM_MODE_32 in
Possible values are defined in
``.amdhsa_float_denorm_mode_16_64`` 3 GFX6-GFX10 Controls FLOAT_DENORM_MODE_16_64 in
Possible values are defined in
``.amdhsa_dx10_clamp`` 1 GFX6-GFX10 Controls ENABLE_DX10_CLAMP in
``.amdhsa_ieee_mode`` 1 GFX6-GFX10 Controls ENABLE_IEEE_MODE in
``.amdhsa_fp16_overflow`` 0 GFX9-GFX10 Controls FP16_OVFL in
``.amdhsa_workgroup_processor_mode`` Target GFX10 Controls ENABLE_WGP_MODE in
Feature :ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-kernel-descriptor-gfx6-gfx10-table`.
``.amdhsa_memory_ordered`` 1 GFX10 Controls MEM_ORDERED in
``.amdhsa_forward_progress`` 0 GFX10 Controls FWD_PROGRESS in
``.amdhsa_exception_fp_ieee_invalid_op`` 0 GFX6-GFX10 Controls ENABLE_EXCEPTION_IEEE_754_FP_INVALID_OPERATION in
``.amdhsa_exception_fp_denorm_src`` 0 GFX6-GFX10 Controls ENABLE_EXCEPTION_FP_DENORMAL_SOURCE in
``.amdhsa_exception_fp_ieee_div_zero`` 0 GFX6-GFX10 Controls ENABLE_EXCEPTION_IEEE_754_FP_DIVISION_BY_ZERO in
``.amdhsa_exception_fp_ieee_overflow`` 0 GFX6-GFX10 Controls ENABLE_EXCEPTION_IEEE_754_FP_OVERFLOW in
``.amdhsa_exception_fp_ieee_underflow`` 0 GFX6-GFX10 Controls ENABLE_EXCEPTION_IEEE_754_FP_UNDERFLOW in
``.amdhsa_exception_fp_ieee_inexact`` 0 GFX6-GFX10 Controls ENABLE_EXCEPTION_IEEE_754_FP_INEXACT in
``.amdhsa_exception_int_div_zero`` 0 GFX6-GFX10 Controls ENABLE_EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO in
======================================================== =================== ============ ===================


Optional directive which declares the contents of the ``NT_AMDGPU_METADATA``
note record (see :ref:`amdgpu-elf-note-records-table-v3`).

The contents must be in the [YAML]_ markup format, with the same structure and
semantics described in :ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-code-object-metadata-v3`.

This directive is terminated by an ``.end_amdgpu_metadata`` directive.

.. _amdgpu-amdhsa-assembler-example-v3:

Code Object V3 Example Source Code (-mattr=+code-object-v3)

Here is an example of a minimal assembly source file, defining one HSA kernel:

.. code::

.amdgcn_target "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa--gfx900+xnack" // optional

.globl hello_world
.p2align 8
.type hello_world,@function
s_load_dwordx2 s[0:1], s[0:1] 0x0
v_mov_b32 v0, 3.14159
s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
v_mov_b32 v1, s0
v_mov_b32 v2, s1
flat_store_dword v[1:2], v0
.size hello_world, .Lfunc_end0-hello_world

.p2align 6
.amdhsa_kernel hello_world
.amdhsa_user_sgpr_kernarg_segment_ptr 1
.amdhsa_next_free_vgpr .amdgcn.next_free_vgpr
.amdhsa_next_free_sgpr .amdgcn.next_free_sgpr

- 1
- 0
- .name: hello_world
.symbol: hello_world.kd
.kernarg_segment_size: 48
.group_segment_fixed_size: 0
.private_segment_fixed_size: 0
.kernarg_segment_align: 4
.wavefront_size: 64
.sgpr_count: 2
.vgpr_count: 3
.max_flat_workgroup_size: 256

If an assembly source file contains multiple kernels and/or functions, the
:ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-assembler-symbol-next_free_vgpr` and
:ref:`amdgpu-amdhsa-assembler-symbol-next_free_sgpr` symbols may be reset using
the ``.set , `` directive. For example, in the case of two
kernels, where ``function1`` is only called from ``kernel1`` it is sufficient
to group the function with the kernel that calls it and reset the symbols
between the two connected components:

.. code::

.amdgcn_target "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa--gfx900+xnack" // optional

// gpr tracking symbols are implicitly set to zero

.globl kern0
.p2align 8
.type kern0,@function
// ...
.size kern0, .Lkern0_end-kern0

.p2align 6
.amdhsa_kernel kern0
// ...
.amdhsa_next_free_vgpr .amdgcn.next_free_vgpr
.amdhsa_next_free_sgpr .amdgcn.next_free_sgpr

// reset symbols to begin tracking usage in func1 and kern1
.set .amdgcn.next_free_vgpr, 0
.set .amdgcn.next_free_sgpr, 0

.hidden func1
.global func1
.p2align 2
.type func1,@function
// ...
s_setpc_b64 s[30:31]
.size func1, .Lfunc1_end-func1

.globl kern1
.p2align 8
.type kern1,@function
// ...
s_getpc_b64 s[4:5]
s_add_u32 s4, s4, func1@rel32@lo+4
s_addc_u32 s5, s5, func1@rel32@lo+4
s_swappc_b64 s[30:31], s[4:5]
// ...
.size kern1, .Lkern1_end-kern1

.p2align 6
.amdhsa_kernel kern1
// ...
.amdhsa_next_free_vgpr .amdgcn.next_free_vgpr
.amdhsa_next_free_sgpr .amdgcn.next_free_sgpr

These symbols cannot identify connected components in order to automatically
track the usage for each kernel. However, in some cases careful organization of
the kernels and functions in the source file means there is minimal additional
effort required to accurately calculate GPR usage.

Additional Documentation

.. [AMD-RADEON-HD-2000-3000] `AMD R6xx shader ISA `__
.. [AMD-RADEON-HD-4000] `AMD R7xx shader ISA `__
.. [AMD-RADEON-HD-5000] `AMD Evergreen shader ISA `__
.. [AMD-RADEON-HD-6000] `AMD Cayman/Trinity shader ISA `__
.. [AMD-GCN-GFX6] `AMD Southern Islands Series ISA `__
.. [AMD-GCN-GFX7] `AMD Sea Islands Series ISA `_
.. [AMD-GCN-GFX8] `AMD GCN3 Instruction Set Architecture `__
.. [AMD-GCN-GFX9] `AMD "Vega" Instruction Set Architecture `__
.. [AMD-GCN-GFX10] `AMD "RDNA 1.0" Instruction Set Architecture `__
.. [AMD-ROCm] `ROCm: Open Platform for Development, Discovery and Education Around GPU Computing `__
.. [AMD-ROCm-github] `ROCm github `__
.. [HSA] `Heterogeneous System Architecture (HSA) Foundation `__
.. [ELF] `Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) `__
.. [DWARF] `DWARF Debugging Information Format `__
.. [YAML] `YAML Ain't Markup Language (YAML™) Version 1.2 `__
.. [MsgPack] `Message Pack `__
.. [OpenCL] `The OpenCL Specification Version 2.0 `__
.. [HRF] `Heterogeneous-race-free Memory Models `__
.. [CLANG-ATTR] `Attributes in Clang `__