
make client

1 +##################################################
2 +#1. webcam에서 얼굴을 인식합니다. #
3 +#2. 얼굴일 확률이 95% 이상인 이미지를 이미지 서버로 전송합니다. #
4 +#3. 전처리 된 데이터를 verification 서버에 전송합니다. #
5 +##################################################
6 +import torch
7 +import numpy as np
8 +import cv2
9 +import asyncio
10 +import websockets
11 +import json
12 +import os
13 +import timeit
14 +import base64
15 +
16 +from PIL import Image
17 +from io import BytesIO
18 +import requests
19 +
20 +from models.mtcnn import MTCNN
21 +
22 +device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
23 +print('Running on device: {}'.format(device))
24 +
25 +mtcnn = MTCNN(keep_all=True, device=device)
26 +
27 +uri = 'ws://localhost:8765'
28 +
29 +async def send_face(face_list):
30 + global uri
31 + async with websockets.connect(uri) as websocket:
32 + for face in face_list:
33 + #type: np.float32
34 + print(face.shape)
35 + data = json.dumps({"action": "verify", "MTCNN": face.tolist()})
36 + await websocket.send(data)
37 + print('send: verify', len(face_list), 'face(s)')
38 + code = await websocket.recv()
39 + print('code:', code)
40 +
41 +async def send_image(image_list):
42 + global uri
43 + async with websockets.connect(uri) as websocket:
44 + for image in image_list:
45 + data = json.dumps({"action": "save_image", "image": image.tolist(), "shape": image.shape})
46 + await websocket.send(data)
47 + print('send', len(image_list), 'image(s)')
48 + code = await websocket.recv()
49 + print('code:', code)
50 +
51 +def detect_face(frame):
52 + # If required, create a face detection pipeline using MTCNN:
53 + global mtcnn
54 + results = mtcnn.detect(frame)
55 + image_list = []
56 + if results[1][0] == None:
57 + return []
58 + for box, prob in zip(results[0], results[1]):
59 + if prob < 0.95:
60 + continue
61 + print('face detected. prob:', prob)
62 + x1, y1, x2, y2 = box
63 + image = frame[int(y1-10):int(y2+10), int(x1-10):int(x2+10)]
64 + image_list.append(image)
65 + return image_list
66 +
67 +def make_face_list(frame):
68 + global mtcnn
69 + results, prob = mtcnn(frame, return_prob = True)
70 + face_list = []
71 + if prob[0] == None:
72 + return []
73 + for result, prob in zip(results, prob):
74 + if prob < 0.95:
75 + continue
76 + #np.float32
77 + face_list.append(result.numpy())
78 + return face_list
79 +
80 +cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
81 +cap.set(3, 720)
82 +cap.set(4, 480)
83 +while True:
84 + try:
85 + #start = timeit.default_timer()
86 + ret, frame =
87 + frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
88 + face_list = make_face_list(frame)
89 + image_list = detect_face(frame)
90 + ##embedding server로 전송##
91 + if face_list:
92 + asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(send_face(face_list))
93 + ###################
94 + ##image server로 전송##
95 + if image_list:
96 + asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(send_image(image_list))
97 + ###################
98 + #end = timeit.default_timer()
99 + #print('delta time: ', end - start)
100 + except Exception as ex:
101 + print(ex)
1 +import torch
2 +import numpy as np
3 +import cv2
4 +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
5 +import os
6 +
7 +from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
8 +from IPython import display
9 +
10 +from models import mtcnn
11 +from models import inception_resnet_v1
12 +
13 +device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
14 +print('Running on device: {}'.format(device))
15 +
16 +def extract_face(filename, required_size=(224, 224)):
17 + # If required, create a face detection pipeline using MTCNN:
18 + mtcnn_model = mtcnn.MTCNN(keep_all=True, device=device)
19 + pixels = plt.imread(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(''), filename))
20 + results = mtcnn_model.detect(pixels)
21 + face_array = []
22 + for box, prob in zip(results[0], results[1]):
23 + #boxes, _ = result
24 + print('face detected. prob:', prob)
25 + x1, y1, x2, y2 = box
26 + face = pixels[int(y1):int(y2), int(x1):int(x2)]
27 + image = Image.fromarray(face)
28 + image = image.resize(required_size)
29 + face_array.append(np.asarray(image))
30 + return face_array
31 +
32 +face_array = extract_face('image/test1.jpg')
33 +for face in face_array:
34 + plt.figure()
35 + plt.imshow(face)
36 +
37 +
38 +face_array = extract_face('image/test2.jpg')
39 +for face in face_array:
40 + plt.figure()
41 + plt.imshow(face)
42 +
43 +
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This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
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1 +import torch
2 +import numpy as np
3 +import time
4 +
5 +
6 +class Logger(object):
7 +
8 + def __init__(self, mode, length, calculate_mean=False):
9 + self.mode = mode
10 + self.length = length
11 + self.calculate_mean = calculate_mean
12 + if self.calculate_mean:
13 + self.fn = lambda x, i: x / (i + 1)
14 + else:
15 + self.fn = lambda x, i: x
16 +
17 + def __call__(self, loss, metrics, i):
18 + track_str = '\r{} | {:5d}/{:<5d}| '.format(self.mode, i + 1, self.length)
19 + loss_str = 'loss: {:9.4f} | '.format(self.fn(loss, i))
20 + metric_str = ' | '.join('{}: {:9.4f}'.format(k, self.fn(v, i)) for k, v in metrics.items())
21 + print(track_str + loss_str + metric_str + ' ', end='')
22 + if i + 1 == self.length:
23 + print('')
24 +
25 +
26 +class BatchTimer(object):
27 + """Batch timing class.
28 + Use this class for tracking training and testing time/rate per batch or per sample.
29 +
30 + Keyword Arguments:
31 + rate {bool} -- Whether to report a rate (batches or samples per second) or a time (seconds
32 + per batch or sample). (default: {True})
33 + per_sample {bool} -- Whether to report times or rates per sample or per batch.
34 + (default: {True})
35 + """
36 +
37 + def __init__(self, rate=True, per_sample=True):
38 + self.start = time.time()
39 + self.end = None
40 + self.rate = rate
41 + self.per_sample = per_sample
42 +
43 + def __call__(self, y_pred, y):
44 + self.end = time.time()
45 + elapsed = self.end - self.start
46 + self.start = self.end
47 + self.end = None
48 +
49 + if self.per_sample:
50 + elapsed /= len(y_pred)
51 + if self.rate:
52 + elapsed = 1 / elapsed
53 +
54 + return torch.tensor(elapsed)
55 +
56 +
57 +def accuracy(logits, y):
58 + _, preds = torch.max(logits, 1)
59 + return (preds == y).float().mean()
60 +
61 +
62 +def pass_epoch(
63 + model, loss_fn, loader, optimizer=None, scheduler=None,
64 + batch_metrics={'time': BatchTimer()}, show_running=True,
65 + device='cpu', writer=None
66 +):
67 + """Train or evaluate over a data epoch.
68 +
69 + Arguments:
70 + model {torch.nn.Module} -- Pytorch model.
71 + loss_fn {callable} -- A function to compute (scalar) loss.
72 + loader {} -- A pytorch data loader.
73 +
74 + Keyword Arguments:
75 + optimizer {torch.optim.Optimizer} -- A pytorch optimizer.
76 + scheduler {torch.optim.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler} -- LR scheduler (default: {None})
77 + batch_metrics {dict} -- Dictionary of metric functions to call on each batch. The default
78 + is a simple timer. A progressive average of these metrics, along with the average
79 + loss, is printed every batch. (default: {{'time': iter_timer()}})
80 + show_running {bool} -- Whether or not to print losses and metrics for the current batch
81 + or rolling averages. (default: {False})
82 + device {str or torch.device} -- Device for pytorch to use. (default: {'cpu'})
83 + writer {torch.utils.tensorboard.SummaryWriter} -- Tensorboard SummaryWriter. (default: {None})
84 +
85 + Returns:
86 + tuple(torch.Tensor, dict) -- A tuple of the average loss and a dictionary of average
87 + metric values across the epoch.
88 + """
89 +
90 + mode = 'Train' if else 'Valid'
91 + logger = Logger(mode, length=len(loader), calculate_mean=show_running)
92 + loss = 0
93 + metrics = {}
94 +
95 + for i_batch, (x, y) in enumerate(loader):
96 + x =
97 + y =
98 + y_pred = model(x)
99 + loss_batch = loss_fn(y_pred, y)
100 +
101 + if
102 + loss_batch.backward()
103 + optimizer.step()
104 + optimizer.zero_grad()
105 +
106 + metrics_batch = {}
107 + for metric_name, metric_fn in batch_metrics.items():
108 + metrics_batch[metric_name] = metric_fn(y_pred, y).detach().cpu()
109 + metrics[metric_name] = metrics.get(metric_name, 0) + metrics_batch[metric_name]
110 +
111 + if writer is not None and
112 + if writer.iteration % writer.interval == 0:
113 + writer.add_scalars('loss', {mode: loss_batch.detach().cpu()}, writer.iteration)
114 + for metric_name, metric_batch in metrics_batch.items():
115 + writer.add_scalars(metric_name, {mode: metric_batch}, writer.iteration)
116 + writer.iteration += 1
117 +
118 + loss_batch = loss_batch.detach().cpu()
119 + loss += loss_batch
120 + if show_running:
121 + logger(loss, metrics, i_batch)
122 + else:
123 + logger(loss_batch, metrics_batch, i_batch)
124 +
125 + if and scheduler is not None:
126 + scheduler.step()
127 +
128 + loss = loss / (i_batch + 1)
129 + metrics = {k: v / (i_batch + 1) for k, v in metrics.items()}
130 +
131 + if writer is not None and not
132 + writer.add_scalars('loss', {mode: loss.detach()}, writer.iteration)
133 + for metric_name, metric in metrics.items():
134 + writer.add_scalars(metric_name, {mode: metric})
135 +
136 + return loss, metrics
137 +
138 +
139 +def collate_pil(x):
140 + out_x, out_y = [], []
141 + for xx, yy in x:
142 + out_x.append(xx)
143 + out_y.append(yy)
144 + return out_x, out_y