frame_pair.h 3.78 KB
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#include "tensorflow/examples/android/jni/object_tracking/keypoint.h"

namespace tf_tracking {

// A class that records keypoint correspondences from pairs of
// consecutive frames.
class FramePair {
      : start_time_(0),
        number_of_keypoints_(0) {}

  // Cleans up the FramePair so that they can be reused.
  void Init(const int64_t start_time, const int64_t end_time);

  void AdjustBox(const BoundingBox box,
                 float* const translation_x,
                 float* const translation_y,
                 float* const scale_x,
                 float* const scale_y) const;

  // Returns the weighted median of the given deltas, computed independently on
  // x and y. Returns 0,0 in case of failure. The assumption is that a
  // translation of 0.0 in the degenerate case is the best that can be done, and
  // should not be considered an error.
  // In the case of scale,  a slight exception is made just to be safe and
  // there is a check for 0.0 explicitly, but that shouldn't ever be possible to
  // happen naturally because of the non-zero + parity checks in FillScales.
  Point2f GetWeightedMedian(const float* const weights,
                            const Point2f* const deltas) const;

  float GetWeightedMedianScale(const float* const weights,
                               const Point2f* const deltas) const;

  // Weights points based on the query_point and cutoff_dist.
  int FillWeights(const BoundingBox& box,
                  float* const weights) const;

  // Fills in the array of deltas with the translations of the points
  // between frames.
  void FillTranslations(Point2f* const translations) const;

  // Fills in the array of deltas with the relative scale factor of points
  // relative to a given center. Has the ability to override the weight to 0 if
  // a degenerate scale is detected.
  // Translation is the amount the center of the box has moved from one frame to
  // the next.
  int FillScales(const Point2f& old_center,
                 const Point2f& translation,
                 float* const weights,
                 Point2f* const scales) const;

  // TODO(andrewharp): Make these private.
  // The time at frame1.
  int64_t start_time_;

  // The time at frame2.
  int64_t end_time_;

  // This array will contain the keypoints found in frame 1.
  Keypoint frame1_keypoints_[kMaxKeypoints];

  // Contain the locations of the keypoints from frame 1 in frame 2.
  Keypoint frame2_keypoints_[kMaxKeypoints];

  // The number of keypoints in frame 1.
  int number_of_keypoints_;

  // Keeps track of which keypoint correspondences were actually found from one
  // frame to another.
  // The i-th element of this array will be non-zero if and only if the i-th
  // keypoint of frame 1 was found in frame 2.
  bool optical_flow_found_keypoint_[kMaxKeypoints];


}  // namespace tf_tracking