integral_image.h 5.99 KB
/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.

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#include "tensorflow/examples/android/jni/object_tracking/geom.h"
#include "tensorflow/examples/android/jni/object_tracking/image-inl.h"
#include "tensorflow/examples/android/jni/object_tracking/image.h"
#include "tensorflow/examples/android/jni/object_tracking/utils.h"

namespace tf_tracking {

typedef uint8_t Code;

class IntegralImage : public Image<uint32_t> {
  explicit IntegralImage(const Image<uint8_t>& image_base)
      : Image<uint32_t>(image_base.GetWidth(), image_base.GetHeight()) {

  IntegralImage(const int width, const int height)
      : Image<uint32_t>(width, height) {}

  void Recompute(const Image<uint8_t>& image_base) {
    SCHECK(image_base.GetWidth() == GetWidth() &&
          image_base.GetHeight() == GetHeight(), "Dimensions don't match!");

    // Sum along first row.
      int x_sum = 0;
      for (int x = 0; x < image_base.GetWidth(); ++x) {
        x_sum += image_base[0][x];
        (*this)[0][x] = x_sum;

    // Sum everything else.
    for (int y = 1; y < image_base.GetHeight(); ++y) {
      uint32_t* curr_sum = (*this)[y];

      // Previously summed pointers.
      const uint32_t* up_one = (*this)[y - 1];

      // Current value pointer.
      const uint8_t* curr_delta = image_base[y];

      uint32_t row_till_now = 0;

      for (int x = 0; x < GetWidth(); ++x) {
        // Add the one above and the one to the left.
        row_till_now += *curr_delta;
        *curr_sum = *up_one + row_till_now;

        // Scoot everything along.

    SCHECK(VerifyData(image_base), "Images did not match!");

  bool VerifyData(const Image<uint8_t>& image_base) {
    for (int y = 0; y < GetHeight(); ++y) {
      for (int x = 0; x < GetWidth(); ++x) {
        uint32_t curr_val = (*this)[y][x];

        if (x > 0) {
          curr_val -= (*this)[y][x - 1];

        if (y > 0) {
          curr_val -= (*this)[y - 1][x];

        if (x > 0 && y > 0) {
          curr_val += (*this)[y - 1][x - 1];

        if (curr_val != image_base[y][x]) {
          LOGE("Mismatch! %d vs %d", curr_val, image_base[y][x]);
          return false;

        if (GetRegionSum(x, y, x, y) != curr_val) {

    return true;

  // Returns the sum of all pixels in the specified region.
  inline uint32_t GetRegionSum(const int x1, const int y1, const int x2,
                               const int y2) const {
    SCHECK(x1 >= 0 && y1 >= 0 &&
          x2 >= x1 && y2 >= y1 && x2 < GetWidth() && y2 < GetHeight(),
          "indices out of bounds! %d-%d / %d, %d-%d / %d, ",
          x1, x2, GetWidth(), y1, y2, GetHeight());

    const uint32_t everything = (*this)[y2][x2];

    uint32_t sum = everything;
    if (x1 > 0 && y1 > 0) {
      // Most common case.
      const uint32_t left = (*this)[y2][x1 - 1];
      const uint32_t top = (*this)[y1 - 1][x2];
      const uint32_t top_left = (*this)[y1 - 1][x1 - 1];

      sum = everything - left - top + top_left;
      SCHECK(sum >= 0, "Both: %d - %d - %d + %d => %d! indices: %d %d %d %d",
            everything, left, top, top_left, sum, x1, y1, x2, y2);
    } else if (x1 > 0) {
      // Flush against top of image.
      // Subtract out the region to the left only.
      const uint32_t top = (*this)[y2][x1 - 1];
      sum = everything - top;
      SCHECK(sum >= 0, "Top: %d - %d => %d!", everything, top, sum);
    } else if (y1 > 0) {
      // Flush against left side of image.
      // Subtract out the region above only.
      const uint32_t left = (*this)[y1 - 1][x2];
      sum = everything - left;
      SCHECK(sum >= 0, "Left: %d - %d => %d!", everything, left, sum);

    SCHECK(sum >= 0, "Negative sum!");

    return sum;

  // Returns the 2bit code associated with this region, which represents
  // the overall gradient.
  inline Code GetCode(const BoundingBox& bounding_box) const {
    return GetCode(bounding_box.left_, bounding_box.top_,
                   bounding_box.right_, bounding_box.bottom_);

  inline Code GetCode(const int x1, const int y1,
                      const int x2, const int y2) const {
    SCHECK(x1 < x2 && y1 < y2, "Bounds out of order!! TL:%d,%d BR:%d,%d",
           x1, y1, x2, y2);

    // Gradient computed vertically.
    const int box_height = (y2 - y1) / 2;
    const int top_sum = GetRegionSum(x1, y1, x2, y1 + box_height);
    const int bottom_sum = GetRegionSum(x1, y2 - box_height, x2, y2);
    const bool vertical_code = top_sum > bottom_sum;

    // Gradient computed horizontally.
    const int box_width = (x2 - x1) / 2;
    const int left_sum = GetRegionSum(x1, y1, x1 + box_width, y2);
    const int right_sum = GetRegionSum(x2 - box_width, y1, x2, y2);
    const bool horizontal_code = left_sum > right_sum;

    const Code final_code = (vertical_code << 1) | horizontal_code;

    SCHECK(InRange(final_code, static_cast<Code>(0), static_cast<Code>(3)),
          "Invalid code! %d", final_code);

    // Returns a value 0-3.
    return final_code;


}  // namespace tf_tracking