keypoint_detector.h 5.12 KB
/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.

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#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>

#include "tensorflow/examples/android/jni/object_tracking/image-inl.h"
#include "tensorflow/examples/android/jni/object_tracking/image.h"
#include "tensorflow/examples/android/jni/object_tracking/image_data.h"
#include "tensorflow/examples/android/jni/object_tracking/optical_flow.h"

namespace tf_tracking {

struct Keypoint;

class KeypointDetector {
  explicit KeypointDetector(const KeypointDetectorConfig* const config)
      : config_(config),
        keypoint_scratch_(new Image<uint8_t>(config_->image_size)),
        interest_map_(new Image<bool>(config_->image_size)),
        fast_quadrant_(0) {

  ~KeypointDetector() {}

  // Finds a new set of keypoints for the current frame, picked from the current
  // set of keypoints and also from a set discovered via a keypoint detector.
  // Special attention is applied to make sure that keypoints are distributed
  // within the supplied ROIs.
  void FindKeypoints(const ImageData& image_data,
                     const std::vector<BoundingBox>& rois,
                     const FramePair& prev_change,
                     FramePair* const curr_change);

  // Compute the corneriness of a point in the image.
  float HarrisFilter(const Image<int32_t>& I_x, const Image<int32_t>& I_y,
                     const float x, const float y) const;

  // Adds a grid of candidate keypoints to the given box, up to
  // max_num_keypoints or kNumToAddAsCandidates^2, whichever is lower.
  int AddExtraCandidatesForBoxes(
      const std::vector<BoundingBox>& boxes,
      const int max_num_keypoints,
      Keypoint* const keypoints) const;

  // Scan the frame for potential keypoints using the FAST keypoint detector.
  // Quadrant is an argument 0-3 which refers to the quadrant of the image in
  // which to detect keypoints.
  int FindFastKeypoints(const Image<uint8_t>& frame, const int quadrant,
                        const int downsample_factor,
                        const int max_num_keypoints, Keypoint* const keypoints);

  int FindFastKeypoints(const ImageData& image_data,
                        const int max_num_keypoints,
                        Keypoint* const keypoints);

  // Score a bunch of candidate keypoints.  Assigns the scores to the input
  // candidate_keypoints array entries.
  void ScoreKeypoints(const ImageData& image_data,
                      const int num_candidates,
                      Keypoint* const candidate_keypoints);

  void SortKeypoints(const int num_candidates,
                    Keypoint* const candidate_keypoints) const;

  // Selects a set of keypoints falling within the supplied box such that the
  // most highly rated keypoints are picked first, and so that none of them are
  // too close together.
  int SelectKeypointsInBox(
      const BoundingBox& box,
      const Keypoint* const candidate_keypoints,
      const int num_candidates,
      const int max_keypoints,
      const int num_existing_keypoints,
      const Keypoint* const existing_keypoints,
      Keypoint* const final_keypoints) const;

  // Selects from the supplied sorted keypoint pool a set of keypoints that will
  // best cover the given set of boxes, such that each box is covered at a
  // resolution proportional to its size.
  void SelectKeypoints(
      const std::vector<BoundingBox>& boxes,
      const Keypoint* const candidate_keypoints,
      const int num_candidates,
      FramePair* const frame_change) const;

  // Copies and compacts the found keypoints in the second frame of prev_change
  // into the array at new_keypoints.
  static int CopyKeypoints(const FramePair& prev_change,
                          Keypoint* const new_keypoints);

  const KeypointDetectorConfig* const config_;

  // Scratch memory for keypoint candidacy detection and non-max suppression.
  std::unique_ptr<Image<uint8_t> > keypoint_scratch_;

  // Regions of the image to pay special attention to.
  std::unique_ptr<Image<bool> > interest_map_;

  // The current quadrant of the image to detect FAST keypoints in.
  // Keypoint detection is staggered for performance reasons. Every four frames
  // a full scan of the frame will have been performed.
  int fast_quadrant_;

  Keypoint tmp_keypoints_[kMaxTempKeypoints];

}  // namespace tf_tracking