config.h 10.3 KB
/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.

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#include <math.h>

#include "tensorflow/examples/android/jni/object_tracking/geom.h"

namespace tf_tracking {

// Arbitrary keypoint type ids for labeling the origin of tracked keypoints.
enum KeypointType {

// Struct that can be used to more richly store the results of a detection
// than a single number, while still maintaining comparability.
struct MatchScore {
  explicit MatchScore(double val) : value(val) {}
  MatchScore() { value = 0.0; }

  double value;

  MatchScore& operator+(const MatchScore& rhs) {
    value += rhs.value;
    return *this;

  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream,
                                  const MatchScore& detection) {
    stream << detection.value;
    return stream;
inline bool operator< (const MatchScore& cC1, const MatchScore& cC2) {
    return cC1.value < cC2.value;
inline bool operator> (const MatchScore& cC1, const MatchScore& cC2) {
    return cC1.value > cC2.value;
inline bool operator>= (const MatchScore& cC1, const MatchScore& cC2) {
    return cC1.value >= cC2.value;
inline bool operator<= (const MatchScore& cC1, const MatchScore& cC2) {
    return cC1.value <= cC2.value;

// Fixed seed used for all random number generators.
static const int kRandomNumberSeed = 11111;

// TODO(andrewharp): Move as many of these settings as possible into a settings
// object which can be passed in from Java at runtime.

// Whether or not to use ESM instead of LK flow.
static const bool kUseEsm = false;

// This constant gets added to the diagonal of the Hessian
// before solving for translation in 2dof ESM.
// It ensures better behavior especially in the absence of
// strong texture.
static const int kEsmRegularizer = 20;

// Do we want to brightness-normalize each keypoint patch when we compute
// its flow using ESM?
static const bool kDoBrightnessNormalize = true;

// Whether or not to use fixed-point interpolated pixel lookups in optical flow.

// Whether to normalize keypoint windows for intensity in LK optical flow.
// This is a define for now because it helps keep the code streamlined.
#define NORMALIZE 1

// Number of keypoints to store per frame.
static const int kMaxKeypoints = 76;

// Keypoint detection.
static const int kMaxTempKeypoints = 1024;

// Number of floats each keypoint takes up when exporting to an array.
static const int kKeypointStep = 7;

// Number of frame deltas to keep around in the circular queue.
static const int kNumFrames = 512;

// Number of iterations to do tracking on each keypoint at each pyramid level.
static const int kNumIterations = 3;

// The number of bins (on a side) to divide each bin from the previous
// cache level into.  Higher numbers will decrease performance by increasing
// cache misses, but mean that cache hits are more locally relevant.
static const int kCacheBranchFactor = 2;

// Number of levels to put in the cache.
// Each level of the cache is a square grid of bins, length:
// branch_factor^(level - 1) on each side.
// This may be greater than kNumPyramidLevels. Setting it to 0 means no
// caching is enabled.
static const int kNumCacheLevels = 3;

// The level at which the cache pyramid gets cut off and replaced by a matrix
// transform if such a matrix has been provided to the cache.
static const int kCacheCutoff = 1;

static const int kNumPyramidLevels = 4;

// The minimum number of keypoints needed in an object's area.
static const int kMaxKeypointsForObject = 16;

// Minimum number of pyramid levels to use after getting cached value.
// This allows fine-scale adjustment from the cached value, which is taken
// from the center of the corresponding top cache level box.
// Can be [0, kNumPyramidLevels).
static const int kMinNumPyramidLevelsToUseForAdjustment = 1;

// Window size to integrate over to find local image derivative.
static const int kFlowIntegrationWindowSize = 3;

// Total area of integration windows.
static const int kFlowArraySize =
    (2 * kFlowIntegrationWindowSize + 1) * (2 * kFlowIntegrationWindowSize + 1);

// Error that's considered good enough to early abort tracking.
static const float kTrackingAbortThreshold = 0.03f;

// Maximum number of deviations a keypoint-correspondence delta can be from the
// weighted average before being thrown out for region-based queries.
static const float kNumDeviations = 2.0f;

// The length of the allowed delta between the forward and the backward
// flow deltas in terms of the length of the forward flow vector.
static const float kMaxForwardBackwardErrorAllowed = 0.5f;

// Threshold for pixels to be considered different.
static const int kFastDiffAmount = 10;

// How far from edge of frame to stop looking for FAST keypoints.
static const int kFastBorderBuffer = 10;

// Determines if non-detected arbitrary keypoints should be added to regions.
// This will help if no keypoints have been detected in the region yet.
static const bool kAddArbitraryKeypoints = true;

// How many arbitrary keypoints to add along each axis as candidates for each
// region?
static const int kNumToAddAsCandidates = 1;

// In terms of region dimensions, how closely can we place keypoints
// next to each other?
static const float kClosestPercent = 0.6f;

// How many FAST qualifying pixels must be connected to a pixel for it to be
// considered a candidate keypoint for Harris filtering.
static const int kMinNumConnectedForFastKeypoint = 8;

// Size of the window to integrate over for Harris filtering.
// Compare to kFlowIntegrationWindowSize.
static const int kHarrisWindowSize = 2;


// Before relocalizing, make sure the new proposed position is better than
// the existing position by a small amount to prevent thrashing.
static const MatchScore kMatchScoreBuffer(0.01f);

// Minimum score a tracked object can have and still be considered a match.
// TODO(andrewharp): Make this a per detector thing.
static const MatchScore kMinimumMatchScore(0.5f);

static const float kMinimumCorrelationForTracking = 0.4f;

static const MatchScore kMatchScoreForImmediateTermination(0.0f);

// Run the detector every N frames.
static const int kDetectEveryNFrames = 4;

// How many features does each feature_set contain?
static const int kFeaturesPerFeatureSet = 10;

// The number of FeatureSets managed by the object detector.
// More FeatureSets can increase recall at the cost of performance.
static const int kNumFeatureSets = 7;

// How many FeatureSets must respond affirmatively for a candidate descriptor
// and position to be given more thorough attention?
static const int kNumFeatureSetsForCandidate = 2;

// How large the thumbnails used for correlation validation are.  Used for both
// width and height.
static const int kNormalizedThumbnailSize = 11;

// The area of intersection divided by union for the bounding boxes that tells
// if this tracking has slipped enough to invalidate all unlocked examples.
static const float kPositionOverlapThreshold = 0.6f;

// The number of detection failures allowed before an object goes invisible.
// Tracking will still occur, so if it is actually still being tracked and
// comes back into a detectable position, it's likely to be found.
static const int kMaxNumDetectionFailures = 4;

// Minimum square size to scan with sliding window.
static const float kScanMinSquareSize = 16.0f;

// Minimum square size to scan with sliding window.
static const float kScanMaxSquareSize = 64.0f;

// Scale difference for consecutive scans of the sliding window.
static const float kScanScaleFactor = sqrtf(2.0f);

// Step size for sliding window.
static const int kScanStepSize = 10;

// How tightly to pack the descriptor boxes for confirmed exemplars.
static const float kLockedScaleFactor = 1 / sqrtf(2.0f);

// How tightly to pack the descriptor boxes for unconfirmed exemplars.
static const float kUnlockedScaleFactor = 1 / 2.0f;

// How tightly the boxes to scan centered at the last known position will be
// packed.
static const float kLastKnownPositionScaleFactor = 1.0f / sqrtf(2.0f);

// The bounds on how close a new object example must be to existing object
// examples for detection to be valid.
static const float kMinCorrelationForNewExample = 0.75f;
static const float kMaxCorrelationForNewExample = 0.99f;

// The number of safe tries an exemplar has after being created before
// missed detections count against it.
static const int kFreeTries = 5;

// A false positive is worth this many missed detections.
static const int kFalsePositivePenalty = 5;

struct ObjectDetectorConfig {
  const Size image_size;

  explicit ObjectDetectorConfig(const Size& image_size)
      : image_size(image_size) {}
  virtual ~ObjectDetectorConfig() = default;

struct KeypointDetectorConfig {
  const Size image_size;

  bool detect_skin;

  explicit KeypointDetectorConfig(const Size& image_size)
      : image_size(image_size),
        detect_skin(false) {}

struct OpticalFlowConfig {
  const Size image_size;

  explicit OpticalFlowConfig(const Size& image_size)
      : image_size(image_size) {}

struct TrackerConfig {
  const Size image_size;
  KeypointDetectorConfig keypoint_detector_config;
  OpticalFlowConfig flow_config;
  bool always_track;

  float object_box_scale_factor_for_features;

  explicit TrackerConfig(const Size& image_size)
      : image_size(image_size),
        object_box_scale_factor_for_features(1.0f) {}

}  // namespace tf_tracking