
change plans for the remaninig four weeks

......@@ -27,16 +27,16 @@ sub-subject : making chat site using JS
- [X] Mid-term exam, Debugging
- 5/11 ~ 5/17
- [X] Plan chat category and make code
- [X] Change plan that how to set UI and entire system function, Create Room List View.
- 5/18 ~ 5/24
- [ ] Debugging for code created in 6th week's plan
- [X] Create Chat Screen View, Make Queries for Front-End
- 5/25 ~ 5/31
- [ ] Plan a matching strategy for random chat
- [ ] Make and Test chatting using GraphQL's Subscription
- 6/1 ~ 6/7
- [ ] Make a code based on the matching plan created in 8th week's plan
- [ ] Make one to one chatting, view, toggle.
- 6/8 ~ 6/14
- [ ] Debugging for whole codes in our project
......@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ sub-subject : making chat site using JS
- [x] login, sign up, Create Docker-compose
- 4/20 ~ 4/26
- [x] Find ID, PW <br>
(find password : sendgrid || find userID : twilio)
- [x] Find ID, PW
(find password : sendgrid, find userID : twilio)
- 4/27 ~ 5/3
- [x] Make chat room (using GraphQL's subscription)
......@@ -27,16 +27,16 @@ sub-subject : making chat site using JS
- [X] Mid-term exam, Debugging
- 5/11 ~ 5/17
- [X] Plan chat category and make code
- [X] Change plan that how to set UI and entire system function, Create Room List View.
- 5/18 ~ 5/24
- [ ] Debugging for code created in 6th week's plan
- [X] Create Chat Screen View, Make Queries for Front-End
- 5/25 ~ 5/31
- [ ] Plan a matching strategy for random chat
- [ ] Make and Test chatting using GraphQL's Subscription
- 6/1 ~ 6/7
- [ ] Make a code based on the matching plan created in 8th week's plan
- [ ] Make one to one chatting, view, toggle.
- 6/8 ~ 6/14
- [ ] Debugging for whole codes in our project
# Capstone design
# Capstone design
1st semester capstone design project
Subject : Making website in order to practice web tech
Subject : Making website in order to practice latest web technologies
sub-subject : making chat site using JS
\ No newline at end of file
- (Tech : react.js, react hooks, styled-components, GraphQL, Prisma, Apollo, AWS, Docker, sendGrid, Twilio, Maxmind)
sub-subject : making chat site using JS
# Schedule
- 4/6 ~ 4/12
- [x] Set development environment
- 4/13 ~ 4/19
- [x] login, sign up, Create Docker-compose
- 4/20 ~ 4/26
- [x] Find ID, PW
(find password : sendgrid, find userID : twilio)
- 4/27 ~ 5/3
- [x] Make chat room (using GraphQL's subscription)
- 5/4 ~ 5/10
- [X] Mid-term exam, Debugging
- 5/11 ~ 5/17
- [X] Change plan that how to set UI and entire system function, Create Room List View.
- 5/18 ~ 5/24
- [X] Create Chat Screen View, Make Queries for Front-End
- 5/25 ~ 5/31
- [ ] Make and Test chatting using GraphQL's Subscription
- 6/1 ~ 6/7
- [ ] Make one to one chatting, view, toggle.
- 6/8 ~ 6/14
- [ ] Debugging for whole codes in our project
- 6/15 ~ 6/21
- [ ] Deploy project in AWS amplify
- 6/22 ~ 6/26
- [ ] Final exam, review project