
add file

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#-*-coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import sys
from flask import request
import datetime
import random
from Functions.getInstance import *
from Functions.checkFunction import *
from Functions.updateDatabase import *
from Functions.messageTypes import *
import tones
def get_comeHere_message():
payload = request.get_json()
kakaoUserKey = getKakaoUserKeyFromPayload(payload)
# 유저 발화(utterance) 불러오기
utterance = getUserUtteranceFromPayload(payload)
# accountId 불러오기
accountId = getAccountIdusingUserKey(kakaoUserKey)
# petId 불러오기
petId = getPetId(kakaoUserKey)
# petName 불러오기
petName = getPetName(petId)
# relation 불러오기
relation = getRelation(kakaoUserKey, petId)
# font 불러오기
font = getFont(kakaoUserKey, petId)
# 현재 시간 불러오기
now = datetime.datetime.now()
# 펫 이미지 리스트 불러오기
category = ''
imageUrls = getPetImageUrls(kakaoUserKey, category)
imageUrl = getObjectByRandom(imageUrls)
# 사용자가 보낸 메시지 messageLogs Collection에 저장
addMessageLogs(kakaoUserKey, 'bot', utterance, now, 'none')
contextList = []
beforeUtterance = getContextParamValue(payload, 'utterance', 'before')
repeatCount = int(getContextParamValue(payload, 'utterance', 'repeat'))
repeatCount = 1
contextList += utteranceRepeatContext(beforeUtterance, utterance, repeatCount)
qrList = []
qrList = addRandomHintQR(qrList, petName)
qrList = qrList + basicButtonWindow(petName)
outputList = tones.getMessageOutputList(font, 'comeHere', imageUrl, 0, petName, relation)
# 메시지 로그 저장 sender: bot, receiver: user
addMessageLogs('bot', kakaoUserKey, outputList, now, 'none')
return ordinaryMessageType(contextList, outputList, qrList)
#-*-coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import sys
import datetime
import random
from Functions.getInstance import *
from Functions.checkFunction import *
from Functions.updateDatabase import *
from Functions.messageTypes import *
from Functions import pyjosa
import tones
# TODO 경우의 수를 나눠서 어떤 경우에는 시간에 따라, 보통 상황, 날씨에 따라, 특정 상황에 따라 메시지 선택
# 인식되어 메시지를 보내는 경우
def get_detection_message(accountId):
kakaoUserKey = getKakaoUserKeyUsingAccountId(accountId)
petId = getPetIdUsingAccountId(accountId)
font = getFont(kakaoUserKey,petId)
relation = getRelation(kakaoUserKey,petId)
petName = getPetName(petId)
now = datetime.datetime.now()
# 상황에 따른 단독 메시지 가져오기
if isMorning(now):
message = tones.getSingleMessage(font, 'morning_detected', petName, relation)
elif isAfternoon(now):
message = tones.getSingleMessage(font, 'afternoon_detected', petName, relation)
elif isEvening(now):
message = tones.getSingleMessage(font, 'evening_detected', petName, relation)
message = ''
msg = pyjosa.replace_josa(message)
return msg
# 날씨 기반의 선톡을 보내는 경우
def get_weather_message(accountId):
kakao_user_key = getKakaoUserKeyUsingAccountId(accountId)
pet_id = getPetIdUsingAccountId(accountId)
font = getFont(kakao_user_key, pet_id)
relation = getRelation(kakao_user_key, pet_id)
pet_name = getPetName(pet_id)
now = datetime.datetime.now()
morning_weather = get_today_weather()['morningWeather']
afternoon_weather = get_today_weather()['afternoonWeather']
if morning_weather == '맑음' and afternoon_weather == '맑음': # 오전 오후 모두 맑은날인 경우
message = tones.getSingleMessage(font, 'sunny_day_weather', pet_name, relation)
elif '비' not in morning_weather and '비' not in afternoon_weather: # 오전오후 모두 비가오지 않는 날인 경우
message = tones.getSingleMessage(font, 'not_rainy_day_weather', pet_name, relation)
elif '비' not in morning_weather and '비' in afternoon_weather: # 오전은 아닌데 오후에 비가오는 날인 경우
message = tones.getSingleMessage(font, 'rainy_afternoon_weather', pet_name, relation)
message = ''
msg = pyjosa.replace_josa(message)
return msg
#-*-coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import sys
from flask import request
import datetime
import random
from Functions.getInstance import *
from Functions.checkFunction import *
from Functions.updateDatabase import *
from Functions.messageTypes import *
from Config import intentBlockId
# 도움말 시작
def get_startHelp_message():
contextList = []
outputList = []
qrList = []
payload = request.get_json()
kakaoUserKey = getKakaoUserKeyFromPayload(payload)
outputList.append(simpleText('[시스템] 무엇이 궁금하신가요?'))
# help button window
qrList = helpButtonWindow()
# 메시지 로그 저장 sender: bot, receiver: user
addMessageLogs('bot', kakaoUserKey, '[도움말]메인', datetime.datetime.now(), 'none')
return ordinaryMessageType(contextList, outputList, qrList)
def get_quitHelp_message():
contextList = []
outputList = []
qrList = []
payload = request.get_json()
kakaoUserKey = getKakaoUserKeyFromPayload(payload)
petId = getPetId(kakaoUserKey)
petName = getPetName(petId)
outputList.append(simpleText('[시스템] 언제든지 다시 질문해주세요'))
# 챗봇 노란버튼
qrList = basicButtonWindow(petName)
# 메시지 로그 저장 sender: bot, receiver: user
addMessageLogs('bot', kakaoUserKey, '[도움말]종료', datetime.datetime.now(), 'none')
return ordinaryMessageType(contextList, outputList, qrList)
def get_serviceIntroduction_message():
contextList = []
outputList = []
qrList = []
payload = request.get_json()
kakaoUserKey = getKakaoUserKeyFromPayload(payload)
petId = getPetId(kakaoUserKey)
petName = getPetName(petId)
card_list = serviceIntroductionCardList(petName)
outputList.append(simpleText('도기보기와 함께라면 밖에서도 우리집 ' + petName + '와 채팅할 수 있어요😊'))
outputList.append(simpleText(petName + '와 카톡할 준비 되셨나요?'))
# help button window
qrList = helpButtonWindow()
# 메시지 로그 저장 sender: bot, receiver: user
addMessageLogs('bot', kakaoUserKey, '[도움말]서비스 소개', datetime.datetime.now(), 'none')
return ordinaryMessageType(contextList, outputList, qrList)
# QR코드 스캔 도움말
def get_helpQrScan_message():
contextList = []
outputList = []
qrList = []
payload = request.get_json()
kakaoUserKey = getKakaoUserKeyFromPayload(payload)
outputList.append(simpleText('[시스템] 카메라 초점을 맞춰서 스캔해보시겠어요?'))
outputList.append(simpleText('그래도 스캔이 잘 되지 않는다면 연락주세요\n\n‍📧: petpeotalk@gmail.com'))
qrList.append(blockQuickReply('돌아가기↩️', '돌아가기↩️', intentBlockId.help))
# 메시지 로그 저장 sender: bot, receiver: user
addMessageLogs('bot', kakaoUserKey, '[도움말]QR코드스캔', datetime.datetime.now(), 'none')
return ordinaryMessageType(contextList, outputList, qrList)
# 사진추가 도움말
def get_helpAddImage_message():
contextList = []
outputList = []
qrList = []
payload = request.get_json()
kakaoUserKey = getKakaoUserKeyFromPayload(payload)
petId = getPetId(kakaoUserKey)
petName = getPetName(petId)
outputList.append(simpleText('귀여운 ' + petName + '사진은 언제든지 추가 가능합니다😍'))
qrList.append(blockQuickReply('사진추가하기📸', '사진추가하기📸️', '5d4251ca8192ac0001b8d96e'))
qrList.append(blockQuickReply('돌아가기↩️', '돌아가기↩️', intentBlockId.help))
# 메시지 로그 저장 sender: bot, receiver: user
addMessageLogs('bot', kakaoUserKey, '[도움말]사진추가', datetime.datetime.now(), 'none')
return ordinaryMessageType(contextList, outputList, qrList)
# 사용인원 도움말
def get_helpCapacity_message():
contextList = []
outputList = []
qrList = []
payload = request.get_json()
kakaoUserKey = getKakaoUserKeyFromPayload(payload)
outputList.append(simpleText('아쉽게도 아직은 공기계 한 대당 한 명만 이용하실 수 있습니다'))
outputList.append(simpleText('머지않아 온가족이 도기보기와 함께할 수 있어요!\n'
qrList.append(blockQuickReply('돌아가기↩️', '돌아가기↩️', intentBlockId.help))
# 메시지 로그 저장 sender: bot, receiver: user
addMessageLogs('bot', kakaoUserKey, '[도움말]사용인원', datetime.datetime.now(), 'none')
return ordinaryMessageType(contextList, outputList, qrList)
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