exceptions.py 965 Bytes
from builtins import str

class BadSearchSpace(Exception):
    """Something is wrong in the description of the search space"""

class DuplicateLabel(BadSearchSpace):
    """A search space included a duplicate label """

class InvalidTrial(ValueError):
    """Non trial-like object used as Trial"""

    def __init__(self, msg, obj):
        ValueError.__init__(self, msg + " " + str(obj))
        self.obj = obj

class InvalidResultStatus(ValueError):
    """Status of fmin evaluation was not in base.STATUS_STRINGS"""

    def __init__(self, result):
        self.result = result

class InvalidLoss(ValueError):
    """fmin evaluation returned invalid loss value"""

    def __init__(self, result):
        self.result = result

class AllTrialsFailed(Exception):
    """All optimization steps have finished with status base.STATUS_FAIL"""

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