10.2 KB
""" Support code for new-style search algorithms.
from __future__ import print_function
from builtins import object
import copy
from collections import deque

import numpy as np

from . import pyll
from .base import miscs_update_idxs_vals

__authors__ = "James Bergstra"
__license__ = "3-clause BSD License"
__contact__ = ""

class ExprEvaluator(object):
    def __init__(self, expr, deepcopy_inputs=False, max_program_len=None, memo_gc=True):

        expr - pyll Apply instance to be evaluated

        deepcopy_inputs - deepcopy inputs to every node prior to calling that
            node's function on those inputs. If this leads to a different
            return value, then some function (XXX add more complete DebugMode
            functionality) in your graph is modifying its inputs and causing
            mis-calculation. XXX: This is not a fully-functional DebugMode
            because if the offender happens on account of the toposort order
            to be the last user of said input, then it will not be detected as
            a potential problem.

        max_program_len : int (default pyll.base.DEFAULT_MAX_PROGRAM_LEN)
            If more than this many nodes are evaluated in the course of
            evaluating `expr`, then evaluation is aborted under the assumption
            that an infinite recursion is underway.

        memo_gc : bool
            If True, values computed for apply nodes within `expr` may be
            cleared during computation. The bookkeeping required to do this
            takes a bit of extra time, but usually no big deal.

        self.expr = pyll.as_apply(expr)
        if deepcopy_inputs not in (0, 1, False, True):
            # -- I've been calling rec_eval(expr, memo) by accident a few times
            #    this error would have been appreciated.
            # TODO: Good candidate for Py3K keyword-only argument
            raise ValueError("deepcopy_inputs should be bool", deepcopy_inputs)
        self.deepcopy_inputs = deepcopy_inputs
        if max_program_len is None:
            self.max_program_len = pyll.base.DEFAULT_MAX_PROGRAM_LEN
            self.max_program_len = max_program_len
        self.memo_gc = memo_gc

    def eval_nodes(self, memo=None):
        if memo is None:
            memo = {}
            memo = dict(memo)

        # TODO: optimize dfs to not recurse past the items in memo
        #       this is especially important for evaluating Lambdas
        #       which cause rec_eval to recurse
        # N.B. that Lambdas may expand the graph during the evaluation
        #      so that this iteration may be an incomplete
        if self.memo_gc:
            clients = self.clients = {}
            for aa in pyll.dfs(self.expr):
                clients.setdefault(aa, set())
                for ii in aa.inputs():
                    clients.setdefault(ii, set()).add(aa)

        todo = deque([self.expr])
        while todo:
            if len(todo) > self.max_program_len:
                raise RuntimeError("Probably infinite loop in document")
            node = todo.pop()

            if node in memo:
                # -- we've already computed this, move on.

            # -- different kinds of nodes are treated differently:
            if == "switch":
                waiting_on = self.on_switch(memo, node)
                if waiting_on is None:
            elif isinstance(node, pyll.Literal):
                # -- constants go straight into the memo
                self.set_in_memo(memo, node, node.obj)
                # -- normal instruction-type nodes have inputs
                waiting_on = [v for v in node.inputs() if v not in memo]

            if waiting_on:
                # -- Necessary inputs have yet to be evaluated.
                #    push the node back in the queue, along with the
                #    inputs it still needs
                rval = self.on_node(memo, node)
                if isinstance(rval, pyll.Apply):
                    # -- if an instruction returns a Pyll apply node
                    # it means evaluate that too. Lambdas do this.
                    # XXX: consider if it is desirable, efficient, buggy
                    #      etc. to keep using the same memo dictionary.
                    #      I think it is OK because by using the same
                    #      dictionary all of the nodes are stored in the memo
                    #      so all keys are preserved until the entire outer
                    #      function returns
                    evaluator = self.__class__(
                        rval, self.deep_copy_inputs, self.max_program_len, self.memo_gc
                    foo = evaluator(memo)
                    self.set_in_memo(memo, node, foo)
                    self.set_in_memo(memo, node, rval)
        return memo

    def set_in_memo(self, memo, k, v):
        """Assign memo[k] = v

        This is implementation optionally drops references to the arguments
        "clients" required to compute apply-node `k`, which allows those
        objects to be garbage-collected. This feature is enabled by

        if self.memo_gc:
            assert v is not pyll.base.GarbageCollected
            memo[k] = v
            for ii in k.inputs():
                # -- if all clients of ii are already in the memo
                #    then we can free memo[ii] by replacing it
                #    with a dummy symbol
                if all(iic in memo for iic in self.clients[ii]):
                    memo[ii] = pyll.base.GarbageCollected
            memo[k] = v

    def on_switch(self, memo, node):
        # -- pyll.base.switch is a control-flow expression.
        #    It's signature is
        #       int, option0, option1, option2, ..., optionN
        #    The semantics of a switch node are to only evaluate the option
        #    corresponding to the value of the leading integer. (Think of
        #    a switch block in the C language.)
        #    This is a helper-function to self.eval_nodes.  It returns None,
        #    or a list of apply-nodes required to evaluate the given switch
        #    node.
        #    When it returns None, the memo has been updated so that
        #    memo[`node`] has been assigned the computed value for the given
        #    switch node.
        switch_i_var = node.pos_args[0]
        if switch_i_var in memo:
            switch_i = memo[switch_i_var]
                raise TypeError("switch argument was", switch_i)
            if switch_i != int(switch_i) or switch_i < 0:
                raise ValueError("switch pos must be positive int", switch_i)
            rval_var = node.pos_args[switch_i + 1]
            if rval_var in memo:
                self.set_in_memo(memo, node, memo[rval_var])
                return [rval_var]
            return [switch_i_var]

    def on_node(self, memo, node):
        # -- Retrieve computed arguments of apply node
        args = _args = [memo[v] for v in node.pos_args]
        kwargs = _kwargs = dict([(k, memo[v]) for (k, v) in node.named_args])

        if self.memo_gc:
            # -- Ensure no computed argument has been (accidentally) freed for
            #    garbage-collection.
            for aa in args + list(kwargs.values()):
                assert aa is not pyll.base.GarbageCollected

        if self.deepcopy_inputs:
            # -- I think this is supposed to be skipped if node.pure == True
            #    because that attribute is supposed to mark the node as having
            #    no side-effects that affect expression-evaluation.
            #    HOWEVER That has not been tested in a while, and it's hard to
            #    verify (with e.g. unit tests) that a node marked "pure" isn't
            #    lying. So we hereby ignore the `pure` attribute and copy
            #    everything to be on the safe side.
            args = copy.deepcopy(_args)
            kwargs = copy.deepcopy(_kwargs)

        return pyll.scope._impls[](*args, **kwargs)

class SuggestAlgo(ExprEvaluator):
    """Add constructor and call signature to match suggest()

    Also, detect when on_node is handling a hyperparameter, and
    delegate that to an `on_node_hyperparameter` method. This method
    must be implemented by a derived class.

    def __init__(self, domain, trials, seed):
        ExprEvaluator.__init__(self, domain.s_idxs_vals)
        self.domain = domain
        self.trials = trials
        self.label_by_node = dict(
            [(n, l) for l, n in list(self.domain.vh.vals_by_label().items())]
        self._seed = seed
        self.rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)

    def __call__(self, new_id):
        self.rng.seed(self._seed + new_id)
        memo = self.eval_nodes(
            memo={self.domain.s_new_ids: [new_id], self.domain.s_rng: self.rng}
        idxs, vals = memo[self.expr]
        new_result = self.domain.new_result()
        new_misc = dict(tid=new_id, cmd=self.domain.cmd, workdir=self.domain.workdir)
        miscs_update_idxs_vals([new_misc], idxs, vals)
        rval = self.trials.new_trial_docs([new_id], [None], [new_result], [new_misc])
        return rval

    def on_node(self, memo, node):
        if node in self.label_by_node:
            label = self.label_by_node[node]
            return self.on_node_hyperparameter(memo, node, label)
            return ExprEvaluator.on_node(self, memo, node)

    def batch(self, new_ids):
        new_ids = list(new_ids)
        self.rng.seed([self._seed] + new_ids)
        memo = self.eval_nodes(
            memo={self.domain.s_new_ids: new_ids, self.domain.s_rng: self.rng}
        idxs, vals = memo[self.expr]
        return idxs, vals

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