llvm-gsymutil.cpp 18 KB
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//===-- gsymutil.cpp - GSYM dumping and creation utility for llvm ---------===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.

#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DIContext.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFContext.h"
#include "llvm/Object/Archive.h"
#include "llvm/Object/ELFObjectFile.h"
#include "llvm/Object/MachOUniversal.h"
#include "llvm/Object/ObjectFile.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ManagedStatic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include "llvm/Support/PrettyStackTrace.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Regex.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Signals.h"
#include "llvm/Support/TargetSelect.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <system_error>
#include <vector>

#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/DwarfTransformer.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/FunctionInfo.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/GsymCreator.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/GsymReader.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/InlineInfo.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/LookupResult.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/ObjectFileTransformer.h"

using namespace llvm;
using namespace gsym;
using namespace object;

/// @}
/// Command line options.
/// @{

namespace {
using namespace cl;

OptionCategory GeneralOptions("Options");
OptionCategory ConversionOptions("Conversion Options");
OptionCategory LookupOptions("Lookup Options");

static opt<bool> Help("h", desc("Alias for -help"), Hidden,

static opt<bool> Verbose("verbose",
                         desc("Enable verbose logging and encoding details."),

static list<std::string> InputFilenames(Positional, desc("<input GSYM files>"),
                                        ZeroOrMore, cat(GeneralOptions));

static opt<std::string>
    ConvertFilename("convert", cl::init(""),
                    cl::desc("Convert the specified file to the GSYM format.\n"
                             "Supported files include ELF and mach-o files "
                             "that will have their debug info (DWARF) and "
                             "symbol table converted."),
                    cl::value_desc("path"), cat(ConversionOptions));

static list<std::string>
                desc("Process debug information for the specified CPU "
                     "architecture only.\nArchitectures may be specified by "
                     "name or by number.\nThis option can be specified "
                     "multiple times, once for each desired architecture."),
                cl::value_desc("arch"), cat(ConversionOptions));

static opt<std::string>
    OutputFilename("out-file", cl::init(""),
                   cl::desc("Specify the path where the converted GSYM file "
                            "will be saved.\nWhen not specified, a '.gsym' "
                            "extension will be appended to the file name "
                            "specified in the --convert option."),
                   cl::value_desc("path"), cat(ConversionOptions));
static alias OutputFilenameAlias("o", desc("Alias for -out-file."),

static opt<bool> Verify("verify",
                        desc("Verify the generated GSYM file against the "
                             "information in the file that was converted."),

static opt<unsigned>
               desc("Specify the maximum number (n) of simultaneous threads "
                    "to use when converting files to GSYM.\nDefaults to the "
                    "number of cores on the current machine."),
               cl::value_desc("n"), cat(ConversionOptions));

static list<uint64_t> LookupAddresses("address",
                                      desc("Lookup an address in a GSYM file"),

} // namespace
/// @}

static void error(StringRef Prefix, llvm::Error Err) {
  if (!Err)
  errs() << Prefix << ": " << Err << "\n";

static void error(StringRef Prefix, std::error_code EC) {
  if (!EC)
  errs() << Prefix << ": " << EC.message() << "\n";

/// If the input path is a .dSYM bundle (as created by the dsymutil tool),
/// replace it with individual entries for each of the object files inside the
/// bundle otherwise return the input path.
static std::vector<std::string> expandBundle(const std::string &InputPath) {
  std::vector<std::string> BundlePaths;
  SmallString<256> BundlePath(InputPath);
  // Manually open up the bundle to avoid introducing additional dependencies.
  if (sys::fs::is_directory(BundlePath) &&
      sys::path::extension(BundlePath) == ".dSYM") {
    std::error_code EC;
    sys::path::append(BundlePath, "Contents", "Resources", "DWARF");
    for (sys::fs::directory_iterator Dir(BundlePath, EC), DirEnd;
         Dir != DirEnd && !EC; Dir.increment(EC)) {
      const std::string &Path = Dir->path();
      sys::fs::file_status Status;
      EC = sys::fs::status(Path, Status);
      error(Path, EC);
      switch (Status.type()) {
      case sys::fs::file_type::regular_file:
      case sys::fs::file_type::symlink_file:
      case sys::fs::file_type::type_unknown:
      default: /*ignore*/;
    error(BundlePath, EC);
  if (!BundlePaths.size())
  return BundlePaths;

static uint32_t getCPUType(MachOObjectFile &MachO) {
  if (MachO.is64Bit())
    return MachO.getHeader64().cputype;
    return MachO.getHeader().cputype;

/// Return true if the object file has not been filtered by an --arch option.
static bool filterArch(MachOObjectFile &Obj) {
  if (ArchFilters.empty())
    return true;

  Triple ObjTriple(Obj.getArchTriple());
  StringRef ObjArch = ObjTriple.getArchName();

  for (auto Arch : ArchFilters) {
    // Match name.
    if (Arch == ObjArch)
      return true;

    // Match architecture number.
    unsigned Value;
    if (!StringRef(Arch).getAsInteger(0, Value))
      if (Value == getCPUType(Obj))
        return true;
  return false;

/// Determine the virtual address that is considered the base address of an ELF
/// object file.
/// The base address of an ELF file is the the "p_vaddr" of the first program
/// header whose "p_type" is PT_LOAD.
/// \param ELFFile An ELF object file we will search.
/// \returns A valid image base address if we are able to extract one.
template <class ELFT>
static llvm::Optional<uint64_t>
getImageBaseAddress(const object::ELFFile<ELFT> *ELFFile) {
  auto PhdrRangeOrErr = ELFFile->program_headers();
  if (!PhdrRangeOrErr) {
    return llvm::None;
  for (const typename ELFT::Phdr &Phdr : *PhdrRangeOrErr)
    if (Phdr.p_type == ELF::PT_LOAD)
      return (uint64_t)Phdr.p_vaddr;
  return llvm::None;

/// Determine the virtual address that is considered the base address of mach-o
/// object file.
/// The base address of a mach-o file is the vmaddr of the  "__TEXT" segment.
/// \param MachO A mach-o object file we will search.
/// \returns A valid image base address if we are able to extract one.
static llvm::Optional<uint64_t>
getImageBaseAddress(const object::MachOObjectFile *MachO) {
  for (const auto &Command : MachO->load_commands()) {
    if (Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_SEGMENT) {
      MachO::segment_command SLC = MachO->getSegmentLoadCommand(Command);
      StringRef SegName = SLC.segname;
      if (SegName == "__TEXT")
        return SLC.vmaddr;
    } else if (Command.C.cmd == MachO::LC_SEGMENT_64) {
      MachO::segment_command_64 SLC = MachO->getSegment64LoadCommand(Command);
      StringRef SegName = SLC.segname;
      if (SegName == "__TEXT")
        return SLC.vmaddr;
  return llvm::None;

/// Determine the virtual address that is considered the base address of an
/// object file.
/// Since GSYM files are used for symbolication, many clients will need to
/// easily adjust addresses they find in stack traces so the lookups happen
/// on unslid addresses from the original object file. If the base address of
/// a GSYM file is set to the base address of the image, then this address
/// adjusting is much easier.
/// \param Obj An object file we will search.
/// \returns A valid image base address if we are able to extract one.
static llvm::Optional<uint64_t> getImageBaseAddress(object::ObjectFile &Obj) {
  if (const auto *MachO = dyn_cast<object::MachOObjectFile>(&Obj))
    return getImageBaseAddress(MachO);
  else if (const auto *ELFObj = dyn_cast<object::ELF32LEObjectFile>(&Obj))
    return getImageBaseAddress(ELFObj->getELFFile());
  else if (const auto *ELFObj = dyn_cast<object::ELF32BEObjectFile>(&Obj))
    return getImageBaseAddress(ELFObj->getELFFile());
  else if (const auto *ELFObj = dyn_cast<object::ELF64LEObjectFile>(&Obj))
    return getImageBaseAddress(ELFObj->getELFFile());
  else if (const auto *ELFObj = dyn_cast<object::ELF64BEObjectFile>(&Obj))
    return getImageBaseAddress(ELFObj->getELFFile());
  return llvm::None;

static llvm::Error handleObjectFile(ObjectFile &Obj,
                                    const std::string &OutFile) {
  auto ThreadCount =
      NumThreads > 0 ? NumThreads : std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
  auto &OS = outs();

  GsymCreator Gsym;

  // See if we can figure out the base address for a given object file, and if
  // we can, then set the base address to use to this value. This will ease
  // symbolication since clients can slide the GSYM lookup addresses by using
  // the load bias of the shared library.
  if (auto ImageBaseAddr = getImageBaseAddress(Obj))

  // We need to know where the valid sections are that contain instructions.
  // See header documentation for DWARFTransformer::SetValidTextRanges() for
  // defails.
  AddressRanges TextRanges;
  for (const object::SectionRef &Sect : Obj.sections()) {
    if (!Sect.isText())
    const uint64_t Size = Sect.getSize();
    if (Size == 0)
    const uint64_t StartAddr = Sect.getAddress();
    TextRanges.insert(AddressRange(StartAddr, StartAddr + Size));

  // Make sure there is DWARF to convert first.
  std::unique_ptr<DWARFContext> DICtx = DWARFContext::create(Obj);
  if (!DICtx)
    return createStringError(std::errc::invalid_argument,
                             "unable to create DWARF context");
  logAllUnhandledErrors(DICtx->loadRegisterInfo(Obj), OS,
                        "DwarfTransformer: ");

  // Make a DWARF transformer object and populate the ranges of the code
  // so we don't end up adding invalid functions to GSYM data.
  DwarfTransformer DT(*DICtx, OS, Gsym);
  if (!TextRanges.empty())

  // Convert all DWARF to GSYM.
  if (auto Err = DT.convert(ThreadCount))
    return Err;

  // Get the UUID and convert symbol table to GSYM.
  if (auto Err = ObjectFileTransformer::convert(Obj, OS, Gsym))
    return Err;

  // Finalize the GSYM to make it ready to save to disk. This will remove
  // duplicate FunctionInfo entries where we might have found an entry from
  // debug info and also a symbol table entry from the object file.
  if (auto Err = Gsym.finalize(OS))
    return Err;

  // Save the GSYM file to disk.
  support::endianness Endian = Obj.makeTriple().isLittleEndian() ?
      support::little : support::big;
  if (auto Err = Gsym.save(OutFile.c_str(), Endian))
    return Err;

  // Verify the DWARF if requested. This will ensure all the info in the DWARF
  // can be looked up in the GSYM and that all lookups get matching data.
  if (Verify) {
    if (auto Err = DT.verify(OutFile))
      return Err;

  return Error::success();

static llvm::Error handleBuffer(StringRef Filename, MemoryBufferRef Buffer,
                                const std::string &OutFile) {
  Expected<std::unique_ptr<Binary>> BinOrErr = object::createBinary(Buffer);
  error(Filename, errorToErrorCode(BinOrErr.takeError()));

  if (auto *Obj = dyn_cast<ObjectFile>(BinOrErr->get())) {
    Triple ObjTriple(Obj->makeTriple());
    auto ArchName = ObjTriple.getArchName();
    outs() << "Output file (" << ArchName << "): " << OutFile << "\n";
    if (auto Err = handleObjectFile(*Obj, OutFile.c_str()))
      return Err;
  } else if (auto *Fat = dyn_cast<MachOUniversalBinary>(BinOrErr->get())) {
    // Iterate over all contained architectures and filter out any that were
    // not specified with the "--arch <arch>" option. If the --arch option was
    // not specified on the command line, we will process all architectures.
    std::vector< std::unique_ptr<MachOObjectFile> > FilterObjs;
    for (auto &ObjForArch : Fat->objects()) {
      if (auto MachOOrErr = ObjForArch.getAsObjectFile()) {
        auto &Obj = **MachOOrErr;
        if (filterArch(Obj))
      } else {
        error(Filename, MachOOrErr.takeError());
    if (FilterObjs.empty())
      error(Filename, createStringError(std::errc::invalid_argument,
                                        "no matching architectures found"));

    // Now handle each architecture we need to convert.
    for (auto &Obj: FilterObjs) {
      Triple ObjTriple(Obj->getArchTriple());
      auto ArchName = ObjTriple.getArchName();
      std::string ArchOutFile(OutFile);
      // If we are only handling a single architecture, then we will use the
      // normal output file. If we are handling multiple architectures append
      // the architecture name to the end of the out file path so that we
      // don't overwrite the previous architecture's gsym file.
      if (FilterObjs.size() > 1) {
        ArchOutFile.append(1, '.');
      outs() << "Output file (" << ArchName << "): " << ArchOutFile << "\n";
      if (auto Err = handleObjectFile(*Obj, ArchOutFile))
        return Err;
  return Error::success();

static llvm::Error handleFileConversionToGSYM(StringRef Filename,
                                              const std::string &OutFile) {
  ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> BuffOrErr =
  error(Filename, BuffOrErr.getError());
  std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> Buffer = std::move(BuffOrErr.get());
  return handleBuffer(Filename, *Buffer, OutFile);

static llvm::Error convertFileToGSYM(raw_ostream &OS) {
  // Expand any .dSYM bundles to the individual object files contained therein.
  std::vector<std::string> Objects;
  std::string OutFile = OutputFilename;
  if (OutFile.empty()) {
    OutFile = ConvertFilename;
    OutFile += ".gsym";

  OS << "Input file: " << ConvertFilename << "\n";

  auto Objs = expandBundle(ConvertFilename);
  Objects.insert(Objects.end(), Objs.begin(), Objs.end());

  for (auto Object : Objects) {
    if (auto Err = handleFileConversionToGSYM(Object, OutFile))
      return Err;
  return Error::success();

int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
  // Print a stack trace if we signal out.
  PrettyStackTraceProgram X(argc, argv);
  llvm_shutdown_obj Y; // Call llvm_shutdown() on exit.


  const char *Overview =
      "A tool for dumping, searching and creating GSYM files.\n\n"
      "Specify one or more GSYM paths as arguments to dump all of the "
      "information in each GSYM file.\n"
      "Specify a single GSYM file along with one or more --lookup options to "
      "lookup addresses within that GSYM file.\n"
      "Use the --convert option to specify a file with option --out-file "
      "option to convert to GSYM format.\n";
      {&GeneralOptions, &ConversionOptions, &LookupOptions});
  cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv, Overview);

  if (Help) {
    PrintHelpMessage(/*Hidden =*/false, /*Categorized =*/true);
    return 0;

  raw_ostream &OS = outs();

  if (!ConvertFilename.empty()) {
    // Convert DWARF to GSYM
    if (!InputFilenames.empty()) {
      OS << "error: no input files can be specified when using the --convert "
      return 1;
    // Call error() if we have an error and it will exit with a status of 1
    if (auto Err = convertFileToGSYM(OS))
      error("DWARF conversion failed: ", std::move(Err));
    return 0;

  // Dump or access data inside GSYM files
  for (const auto &GSYMPath : InputFilenames) {
    auto Gsym = GsymReader::openFile(GSYMPath);
    if (!Gsym)
      error(GSYMPath, Gsym.takeError());

    if (LookupAddresses.empty()) {

    // Lookup an address in a GSYM file and print any matches.
    OS << "Looking up addresses in \"" << GSYMPath << "\":\n";
    for (auto Addr: LookupAddresses) {
      if (auto Result = Gsym->lookup(Addr)) {
        // If verbose is enabled dump the full function info for the address.
        if (Verbose) {
          if (auto FI = Gsym->getFunctionInfo(Addr)) {
            OS << "FunctionInfo for " << HEX64(Addr) << ":\n";
            Gsym->dump(OS, *FI);
            OS << "\nLookupResult for " << HEX64(Addr) << ":\n";
        OS << Result.get();
      } else {
        if (Verbose)
          OS << "\nLookupResult for " << HEX64(Addr) << ":\n";
        OS << HEX64(Addr) << ": ";
        logAllUnhandledErrors(Result.takeError(), OS, "error: ");
      if (Verbose)
        OS << "\n";
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;