err_paren_mline.cpp 773 Bytes
// Purpose:
//      Check that parsing bad commands gives a useful error.
//          - Unbalanced parenthesis over multiple lines
//      Check directives are in check.txt to prevent dexter reading any embedded
//      commands.
// Note: Despite using 'lldb' as the debugger, lldb is not actually required
//       as the test should finish before lldb would be invoked.
// RUN: not %dexter_base test --builder 'clang' --debugger "lldb" \
// RUN:     --cflags "-O0 -g" -v -- %s \
// RUN:     | FileCheck %s --match-full-lines --strict-whitespace
// CHECK:parser error:{{.*}}err_paren_mline.cpp(23): Unbalanced parenthesis starting here
// CHECK:{{Dex}}ExpectWatchValue(
// CHECK:                   ^

int main(){
    return 0;
