TestCompletion.cpp 10.8 KB
//===-- TestCompletion.cpp ------------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

#include "lldb/Host/FileSystem.h"
#include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandCompletions.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/StringList.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/TildeExpressionResolver.h"

#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"

#include "TestingSupport/MockTildeExpressionResolver.h"
#include "TestingSupport/SubsystemRAII.h"
#include "TestingSupport/TestUtilities.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"

namespace fs = llvm::sys::fs;
namespace path = llvm::sys::path;
using namespace llvm;
using namespace lldb_private;

namespace {

class CompletionTest : public testing::Test {
  SubsystemRAII<FileSystem> subsystems;

  /// Unique temporary directory in which all created filesystem entities must
  /// be placed. It is removed at the end of the test suite.
  SmallString<128> BaseDir;

  /// The working directory that we got when starting the test. Every test
  /// should chdir into this directory first because some tests maybe chdir
  /// into another one during their run.
  static SmallString<128> OriginalWorkingDir;

  SmallString<128> DirFoo;
  SmallString<128> DirFooA;
  SmallString<128> DirFooB;
  SmallString<128> DirFooC;
  SmallString<128> DirBar;
  SmallString<128> DirBaz;
  SmallString<128> DirTestFolder;
  SmallString<128> DirNested;

  SmallString<128> FileAA;
  SmallString<128> FileAB;
  SmallString<128> FileAC;
  SmallString<128> FileFoo;
  SmallString<128> FileBar;
  SmallString<128> FileBaz;

  void SetUp() override {
    // chdir back into the original working dir this test binary started with.
    // A previous test may have have changed the working dir.

    // Get the name of the current test. To prevent that by chance two tests
    // get the same temporary directory if createUniqueDirectory fails.
    auto test_info = ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info();
    ASSERT_TRUE(test_info != nullptr);
    std::string name = test_info->name();
    ASSERT_NO_ERROR(fs::createUniqueDirectory("FsCompletion-" + name, BaseDir));

    const char *DirNames[] = {"foo", "fooa", "foob",        "fooc",
                              "bar", "baz",  "test_folder", "foo/nested"};
    const char *FileNames[] = {"aa1234.tmp",  "ab1234.tmp",  "ac1234.tmp",
                               "foo1234.tmp", "bar1234.tmp", "baz1234.tmp"};
    SmallString<128> *Dirs[] = {&DirFoo, &DirFooA, &DirFooB,       &DirFooC,
                                &DirBar, &DirBaz,  &DirTestFolder, &DirNested};
    for (auto Dir : llvm::zip(DirNames, Dirs)) {
      auto &Path = *std::get<1>(Dir);
      Path = BaseDir;
      path::append(Path, std::get<0>(Dir));

    SmallString<128> *Files[] = {&FileAA,  &FileAB,  &FileAC,
                                 &FileFoo, &FileBar, &FileBaz};
    for (auto File : llvm::zip(FileNames, Files)) {
      auto &Path = *std::get<1>(File);
      Path = BaseDir;
      path::append(Path, std::get<0>(File));
      int FD;
      ASSERT_NO_ERROR(fs::createUniqueFile(Path, FD, Path));

  static void SetUpTestCase() {

  void TearDown() override {

  static bool HasEquivalentFile(const Twine &Path, const StringList &Paths) {
    for (size_t I = 0; I < Paths.GetSize(); ++I) {
      if (fs::equivalent(Path, Paths[I]))
        return true;
    return false;

  void DoDirCompletions(const Twine &Prefix,
                        StandardTildeExpressionResolver &Resolver,
                        StringList &Results) {
    // When a partial name matches, it returns all matches.  If it matches both
    // a full name AND some partial names, it returns all of them.
    CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories(Prefix + "foo", Results, Resolver);
    ASSERT_EQ(4u, Results.GetSize());
    EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFoo, Results));
    EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFooA, Results));
    EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFooB, Results));
    EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFooC, Results));

    // If it matches only partial names, it still works as expected.
    CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories(Twine(Prefix) + "b", Results, Resolver);
    ASSERT_EQ(2u, Results.GetSize());
    EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirBar, Results));
    EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirBaz, Results));

SmallString<128> CompletionTest::OriginalWorkingDir;
} // namespace

static std::vector<std::string> toVector(const StringList &SL) {
  std::vector<std::string> Result;
  for (size_t Idx = 0; Idx < SL.GetSize(); ++Idx)
  return Result;
using testing::UnorderedElementsAre;

TEST_F(CompletionTest, DirCompletionAbsolute) {
  // All calls to DiskDirectories() return only directories, even when
  // there are files which also match.  The tests below all check this
  // by asserting an exact result count, and verifying against known
  // folders.

  std::string Prefixes[] = {(Twine(BaseDir) + "/").str(), ""};

  StandardTildeExpressionResolver Resolver;
  StringList Results;

  // When a directory is specified that doesn't end in a slash, it searches
  // for that directory, not items under it.
  // Sanity check that the path we complete on exists and isn't too long.
  CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories(Twine(BaseDir) + "/fooa", Results,
  ASSERT_EQ(1u, Results.GetSize());
  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFooA, Results));

  CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories(Twine(BaseDir) + "/.", Results, Resolver);
  ASSERT_EQ(0u, Results.GetSize());

  // When the same directory ends with a slash, it finds all children.
  CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories(Prefixes[0], Results, Resolver);
  ASSERT_EQ(7u, Results.GetSize());
  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFoo, Results));
  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFooA, Results));
  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFooB, Results));
  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFooC, Results));
  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirBar, Results));
  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirBaz, Results));
  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirTestFolder, Results));

  DoDirCompletions(Twine(BaseDir) + "/", Resolver, Results);
  DoDirCompletions("", Resolver, Results);

TEST_F(CompletionTest, FileCompletionAbsolute) {
  // All calls to DiskFiles() return both files and directories  The tests below
  // all check this by asserting an exact result count, and verifying against
  // known folders.

  StandardTildeExpressionResolver Resolver;
  StringList Results;
  // When an item is specified that doesn't end in a slash but exactly matches
  // one item, it returns that item.
  CommandCompletions::DiskFiles(Twine(BaseDir) + "/fooa", Results, Resolver);
  ASSERT_EQ(1u, Results.GetSize());
  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFooA, Results));

  // The previous check verified a directory match.  But it should work for
  // files too.
  CommandCompletions::DiskFiles(Twine(BaseDir) + "/aa", Results, Resolver);
  ASSERT_EQ(1u, Results.GetSize());
  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(FileAA, Results));

  // When it ends with a slash, it should find all files and directories.
  CommandCompletions::DiskFiles(Twine(BaseDir) + "/", Results, Resolver);
  ASSERT_EQ(13u, Results.GetSize());
  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFoo, Results));
  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFooA, Results));
  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFooB, Results));
  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFooC, Results));
  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirBar, Results));
  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirBaz, Results));
  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirTestFolder, Results));

  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(FileAA, Results));
  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(FileAB, Results));
  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(FileAC, Results));
  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(FileFoo, Results));
  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(FileBar, Results));
  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(FileBaz, Results));

  // When a partial name matches, it returns all file & directory matches.
  CommandCompletions::DiskFiles(Twine(BaseDir) + "/foo", Results, Resolver);
  ASSERT_EQ(5u, Results.GetSize());
  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFoo, Results));
  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFooA, Results));
  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFooB, Results));
  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(DirFooC, Results));
  EXPECT_TRUE(HasEquivalentFile(FileFoo, Results));

TEST_F(CompletionTest, DirCompletionUsername) {
  MockTildeExpressionResolver Resolver("James", BaseDir);
  Resolver.AddKnownUser("Kirk", DirFooB);
  Resolver.AddKnownUser("Lars", DirFooC);
  Resolver.AddKnownUser("Jason", DirFoo);
  Resolver.AddKnownUser("Larry", DirFooA);
  std::string sep = std::string(path::get_separator());

  // Just resolving current user's home directory by itself should return the
  // directory.
  StringList Results;
  CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories("~", Results, Resolver);
  EXPECT_THAT(toVector(Results), UnorderedElementsAre("~" + sep));

  // With a slash appended, it should return all items in the directory.
  CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories("~/", Results, Resolver);
                  "~/foo" + sep, "~/fooa" + sep, "~/foob" + sep, "~/fooc" + sep,
                  "~/bar" + sep, "~/baz" + sep, "~/test_folder" + sep));

  // Check that we can complete directories in nested paths
  CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories("~/foo/", Results, Resolver);
  EXPECT_THAT(toVector(Results), UnorderedElementsAre("~/foo/nested" + sep));

  CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories("~/foo/nes", Results, Resolver);
  EXPECT_THAT(toVector(Results), UnorderedElementsAre("~/foo/nested" + sep));

  // With ~username syntax it should return one match if there is an exact
  // match.  It shouldn't translate to the actual directory, it should keep the
  // form the user typed.
  CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories("~Lars", Results, Resolver);
  EXPECT_THAT(toVector(Results), UnorderedElementsAre("~Lars" + sep));

  // But with a username that is not found, no results are returned.
  CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories("~Dave", Results, Resolver);
  EXPECT_THAT(toVector(Results), UnorderedElementsAre());

  // And if there are multiple matches, it should return all of them.
  CommandCompletions::DiskDirectories("~La", Results, Resolver);
              UnorderedElementsAre("~Lars" + sep, "~Larry" + sep));