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The LLVM compiler infrastructure supports a wide range of projects, from industrial strength compilers to specialized JIT applications to small research projects.

Similarly, documentation is broken down into several high-level groupings targeted at different audiences:

LLVM Design & Overview

Several introductory papers and presentations.

Introduction to the LLVM Compiler
Presentation providing a users introduction to LLVM.
Intro to LLVM
A chapter from the book "The Architecture of Open Source Applications" that describes high-level design decisions that shaped LLVM.
LLVM: A Compilation Framework for Lifelong Program Analysis & Transformation
Design overview.
LLVM: An Infrastructure for Multi-Stage Optimization
More details (quite old now).


Getting Started, How-tos, Developer Guides, and Tutorials.

For those new to the LLVM system.
User guides and How-tos.
LLVM and API reference documentation.


LLVM welcomes contributions of all kinds. To learn more, see the following articles:

Indices and tables