branch-folder-oneinst.mir 781 Bytes
# RUN: llc -o - %s -mtriple=aarch64 -run-pass branch-folder -verify-machineinstrs | FileCheck %s
# Check that BranchFolding pass is able to hoist a common instruction into a block with a single branch instruction.
name: func
tracksRegLiveness: true
body: |
    ; CHECK-LABEL: name: func
    ; CHECK-LABEL: bb.0:
    ; CHECK: $x0 = ADDXri $x0, 1, 0
    ; CHECK: CBZX $x1, %bb.2
    liveins: $x0, $x1
    CBZX $x1, %bb.2

    ; CHECK-LABEL: bb.1:
    ; CHECK-NOT: $x0 = ADDXri $x0, 1, 0
    liveins: $x0
    $x0 = ADDXri $x0, 1, 0
    $x0 = ADDXri $x0, 2, 0
    RET_ReallyLR implicit $x0

    ; CHECK-LABEL: bb.2:
    ; CHECK-NOT: $x0 = ADDXri $x0, 1, 0
    liveins: $x0
    $x0 = ADDXri $x0, 1, 0
    $x0 = ADDXri $x0, 3, 0
    RET_ReallyLR implicit $x0