html_output.test 1.1 KB
// FIXME: Actually, "perl".

RUN: rm -rf %t.output_dir && mkdir %t.output_dir
RUN: %scan-build -o %t.output_dir %clang -S %S/Inputs/single_null_dereference.c \
RUN:     | FileCheck %s -check-prefix CHECK-STDOUT

// Test html output

CHECK-STDOUT: scan-build: Using '{{.*}}' for static analysis
CHECK-STDOUT: scan-build: 1 bug found.
CHECK-STDOUT: scan-build: Run 'scan-view {{.*}}' to examine bug reports.

// We expect an index file, a file for the report, and sibling support files.
RUN: ls %t.output_dir/*/ | FileCheck %s -check-prefix CHECK-FILENAMES

CHECK-FILENAMES: report-{{.*}}.html
CHECK-FILENAMES: scanview.css
CHECK-FILENAMES: sorttable.js

// The index should have a link to the report for the single issue.
RUN: cat %t.output_dir/*/index.html \
RUN:     | FileCheck %s -check-prefix CHECK-INDEX-HTML

CHECK-INDEX-HTML: <!-- REPORTBUG id="report-{{.*}}.html" -->

// The report should describe the issue.
RUN: cat %t.output_dir/*/report-*.html \
RUN:     | FileCheck %s -check-prefix CHECK-REPORT-HTML

CHECK-REPORT-HTML: <!-- BUGTYPE Dereference of null pointer -->