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Building a JIT: Remote-JITing -- Process Isolation and Laziness at a Distance

This tutorial is under active development. It is incomplete and details may change frequently. Nonetheless we invite you to try it out as it stands, and we welcome any feedback.

Chapter 5 Introduction

Welcome to Chapter 5 of the "Building an ORC-based JIT in LLVM" tutorial. This chapter introduces the ORC RemoteJIT Client/Server APIs and shows how to use them to build a JIT stack that will execute its code via a communications channel with a different process. This can be a separate process on the same machine, a process on a different machine, or even a process on a different platform/architecture. The code builds on top of the lazy-AST-compiling JIT stack from Chapter 4.

To be done -- this is going to be a long one:

(1) Introduce channels, RPC, RemoteJIT Client and Server APIs

(2) Describe the client code in greater detail. Discuss modifications of the KaleidoscopeJIT class, and the REPL itself.

(3) Describe the server code.

(4) Describe how to run the demo.

Full Code Listing

Here is the complete code listing for our running example that JITs lazily from Kaleidoscope ASTS. To build this example, use:

# Compile
clang++ -g toy.cpp `llvm-config --cxxflags --ldflags --system-libs --libs core orcjit native` -O3 -o toy
clang++ -g Server/server.cpp `llvm-config --cxxflags --ldflags --system-libs --libs core orcjit native` -O3 -o toy-server
# Run
./toy-server &

Here is the code for the modified KaleidoscopeJIT:

And the code for the JIT server: