Orc.h 12.9 KB
/*===---------------- llvm-c/Orc.h - OrcV2 C bindings -----------*- C++ -*-===*\
|*                                                                            *|
|* Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM          *|
|* Exceptions.                                                                *|
|* See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.                  *|
|* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception                    *|
|*                                                                            *|
|*                                                                            *|
|* This header declares the C interface to libLLVMOrcJIT.a, which implements  *|
|* JIT compilation of LLVM IR. Minimal documentation of C API specific issues *|
|* (especially memory ownership rules) is provided. Core Orc concepts are     *|
|* documented in llvm/docs/ORCv2.rst and APIs are documented in the C++       *|
|* headers                                                                    *|
|*                                                                            *|
|* Many exotic languages can interoperate with C code but have a harder time  *|
|* with C++ due to name mangling. So in addition to C, this interface enables *|
|* tools written in such languages.                                           *|
|*                                                                            *|
|* Note: This interface is experimental. It is *NOT* stable, and may be       *|
|*       changed without warning. Only C API usage documentation is           *|
|*       provided. See the C++ documentation for all higher level ORC API     *|
|*       details.                                                             *|
|*                                                                            *|

#ifndef LLVM_C_ORC_H
#define LLVM_C_ORC_H

#include "llvm-c/Error.h"
#include "llvm-c/TargetMachine.h"
#include "llvm-c/Types.h"


 * Represents an address in the target process.
typedef uint64_t LLVMOrcJITTargetAddress;

 * A reference to an orc::ExecutionSession instance.
typedef struct LLVMOrcOpaqueExecutionSession *LLVMOrcExecutionSessionRef;

 * A reference to an orc::SymbolStringPool table entry.
typedef struct LLVMOrcQuaqueSymbolStringPoolEntryPtr

 * A reference to an orc::JITDylib instance.
typedef struct LLVMOrcOpaqueJITDylib *LLVMOrcJITDylibRef;

 * A reference to an orc::JITDylib::DefinitionGenerator.
typedef struct LLVMOrcOpaqueJITDylibDefinitionGenerator

 * Predicate function for SymbolStringPoolEntries.
typedef int (*LLVMOrcSymbolPredicate)(LLVMOrcSymbolStringPoolEntryRef Sym,
                                      void *Ctx);

 * A reference to an orc::ThreadSafeContext instance.
typedef struct LLVMOrcOpaqueThreadSafeContext *LLVMOrcThreadSafeContextRef;

 * A reference to an orc::ThreadSafeModule instance.
typedef struct LLVMOrcOpaqueThreadSafeModule *LLVMOrcThreadSafeModuleRef;

 * A reference to an orc::JITTargetMachineBuilder instance.
typedef struct LLVMOrcOpaqueJITTargetMachineBuilder

 * A reference to an orc::LLJITBuilder instance.
typedef struct LLVMOrcOpaqueLLJITBuilder *LLVMOrcLLJITBuilderRef;

 * A reference to an orc::LLJIT instance.
typedef struct LLVMOrcOpaqueLLJIT *LLVMOrcLLJITRef;

 * Intern a string in the ExecutionSession's SymbolStringPool and return a
 * reference to it. This increments the ref-count of the pool entry, and the
 * returned value should be released once the client is done with it by
 * calling LLVMOrReleaseSymbolStringPoolEntry.
 * Since strings are uniqued within the SymbolStringPool
 * LLVMOrcSymbolStringPoolEntryRefs can be compared by value to test string
 * equality.
 * Note that this function does not perform linker-mangling on the string.
LLVMOrcExecutionSessionIntern(LLVMOrcExecutionSessionRef ES, const char *Name);

 * Reduces the ref-count for of a SymbolStringPool entry.
void LLVMOrcReleaseSymbolStringPoolEntry(LLVMOrcSymbolStringPoolEntryRef S);

 * Dispose of a JITDylib::DefinitionGenerator. This should only be called if
 * ownership has not been passed to a JITDylib (e.g. because some error
 * prevented the client from calling LLVMOrcJITDylibAddGenerator).
void LLVMOrcDisposeJITDylibDefinitionGenerator(
    LLVMOrcJITDylibDefinitionGeneratorRef DG);

 * Add a JITDylib::DefinitionGenerator to the given JITDylib.
 * The JITDylib will take ownership of the given generator: The client is no
 * longer responsible for managing its memory.
void LLVMOrcJITDylibAddGenerator(LLVMOrcJITDylibRef JD,
                                 LLVMOrcJITDylibDefinitionGeneratorRef DG);

 * Get a DynamicLibrarySearchGenerator that will reflect process symbols into
 * the JITDylib. On success the resulting generator is owned by the client.
 * Ownership is typically transferred by adding the instance to a JITDylib
 * using LLVMOrcJITDylibAddGenerator,
 * The GlobalPrefix argument specifies the character that appears on the front
 * of linker-mangled symbols for the target platform (e.g. '_' on MachO).
 * If non-null, this character will be stripped from the start of all symbol
 * strings before passing the remaining substring to dlsym.
 * The optional Filter and Ctx arguments can be used to supply a symbol name
 * filter: Only symbols for which the filter returns true will be visible to
 * JIT'd code. If the Filter argument is null then all process symbols will
 * be visible to JIT'd code. Note that the symbol name passed to the Filter
 * function is the full mangled symbol: The client is responsible for stripping
 * the global prefix if present.
LLVMErrorRef LLVMOrcCreateDynamicLibrarySearchGeneratorForProcess(
    LLVMOrcJITDylibDefinitionGeneratorRef *Result, char GlobalPrefx,
    LLVMOrcSymbolPredicate Filter, void *FilterCtx);

 * Create a ThreadSafeContext containing a new LLVMContext.
 * Ownership of the underlying ThreadSafeContext data is shared: Clients
 * can and should dispose of their ThreadSafeContext as soon as they no longer
 * need to refer to it directly. Other references (e.g. from ThreadSafeModules
 * will keep the data alive as long as it is needed.
LLVMOrcThreadSafeContextRef LLVMOrcCreateNewThreadSafeContext(void);

 * Get a reference to the wrapped LLVMContext.
LLVMOrcThreadSafeContextGetContext(LLVMOrcThreadSafeContextRef TSCtx);

 * Dispose of a ThreadSafeContext.
void LLVMOrcDisposeThreadSafeContext(LLVMOrcThreadSafeContextRef TSCtx);

 * Create a ThreadSafeModule wrapper around the given LLVM module. This takes
 * ownership of the M argument which should not be disposed of or referenced
 * after this function returns.
 * Ownership of the ThreadSafeModule is unique: If it is transferred to the JIT
 * (e.g. by LLVMOrcLLJITAddLLVMIRModule), in which case the client is no longer
 * responsible for it. If it is not transferred to the JIT then the client
 * should call LLVMOrcDisposeThreadSafeModule to dispose of it.
LLVMOrcCreateNewThreadSafeModule(LLVMModuleRef M,
                                 LLVMOrcThreadSafeContextRef TSCtx);

 * Dispose of a ThreadSafeModule. This should only be called if ownership has
 * not been passed to LLJIT (e.g. because some error prevented the client from
 * adding this to the JIT).
void LLVMOrcDisposeThreadSafeModule(LLVMOrcThreadSafeModuleRef TSM);

 * Create a JITTargetMachineBuilder by detecting the host.
 * On success the client owns the resulting JITTargetMachineBuilder. It must be
 * passed to a consuming operation (e.g. LLVMOrcCreateLLJITBuilder) or disposed
 * of by calling LLVMOrcDisposeJITTargetMachineBuilder.
LLVMErrorRef LLVMOrcJITTargetMachineBuilderDetectHost(
    LLVMOrcJITTargetMachineBuilderRef *Result);

 * Create a JITTargetMachineBuilder from the given TargetMachine template.
 * This operation takes ownership of the given TargetMachine and destroys it
 * before returing. The resulting JITTargetMachineBuilder is owned by the client
 * and must be passed to a consuming operation (e.g. LLVMOrcCreateLLJITBuilder)
 * or disposed of by calling LLVMOrcDisposeJITTargetMachineBuilder.
LLVMOrcJITTargetMachineBuilderCreateFromTargetMachine(LLVMTargetMachineRef TM);

 * Dispose of a JITTargetMachineBuilder.
void LLVMOrcDisposeJITTargetMachineBuilder(
    LLVMOrcJITTargetMachineBuilderRef JTMB);

 * Create an LLJITTargetMachineBuilder.
 * The client owns the resulting LLJITBuilder and should dispose of it using
 * LLVMOrcDisposeLLJITBuilder once they are done with it.
LLVMOrcLLJITBuilderRef LLVMOrcCreateLLJITBuilder(void);

 * Dispose of an LLVMOrcLLJITBuilderRef. This should only be called if ownership
 * has not been passed to LLVMOrcCreateLLJIT (e.g. because some error prevented
 * that function from being called).
void LLVMOrcDisposeLLJITBuilder(LLVMOrcLLJITBuilderRef Builder);

 * Set the JITTargetMachineBuilder to be used when constructing the LLJIT
 * instance. Calling this function is optional: if it is not called then the
 * LLJITBuilder will use JITTargeTMachineBuilder::detectHost to construct a
 * JITTargetMachineBuilder.
void LLVMOrcLLJITBuilderSetJITTargetMachineBuilder(
    LLVMOrcLLJITBuilderRef Builder, LLVMOrcJITTargetMachineBuilderRef JTMB);

 * Create an LLJIT instance from an LLJITBuilder.
 * This operation takes ownership of the Builder argument: clients should not
 * dispose of the builder after calling this function (even if the function
 * returns an error). If a null Builder argument is provided then a
 * default-constructed LLJITBuilder will be used.
 * On success the resulting LLJIT instance is uniquely owned by the client and
 * automatically manages the memory of all JIT'd code and all modules that are
 * transferred to it (e.g. via LLVMOrcLLJITAddLLVMIRModule). Disposing of the
 * LLJIT instance will free all memory managed by the JIT, including JIT'd code
 * and not-yet compiled modules.
                                LLVMOrcLLJITBuilderRef Builder);

 * Dispose of an LLJIT instance.

 * Get a reference to the ExecutionSession for this LLJIT instance.
 * The ExecutionSession is owned by the LLJIT instance. The client is not
 * responsible for managing its memory.
LLVMOrcExecutionSessionRef LLVMOrcLLJITGetExecutionSession(LLVMOrcLLJITRef J);

 * Return a reference to the Main JITDylib.
 * The JITDylib is owned by the LLJIT instance. The client is not responsible
 * for managing its memory.

 * Return the target triple for this LLJIT instance. This string is owned by
 * the LLJIT instance and should not be freed by the client.
const char *LLVMOrcLLJITGetTripleString(LLVMOrcLLJITRef J);

 * Returns the global prefix character according to the LLJIT's DataLayout.
char LLVMOrcLLJITGetGlobalPrefix(LLVMOrcLLJITRef J);

 * Mangles the given string according to the LLJIT instance's DataLayout, then
 * interns the result in the SymbolStringPool and returns a reference to the
 * pool entry. Clients should call LLVMOrcReleaseSymbolStringPoolEntry to
 * decrement the ref-count on the pool entry once they are finished with this
 * value.
LLVMOrcLLJITMangleAndIntern(LLVMOrcLLJITRef J, const char *UnmangledName);

 * Add a buffer representing an object file to the given JITDylib in the given
 * LLJIT instance. This operation transfers ownership of the buffer to the
 * LLJIT instance. The buffer should not be disposed of or referenced once this
 * function returns.
                                       LLVMMemoryBufferRef ObjBuffer);

 * Add an IR module to the given JITDylib of the given LLJIT instance. This
 * operation transfers ownership of the TSM argument to the LLJIT instance.
 * The TSM argument should not be 3disposed of or referenced once this
 * function returns.
                                         LLVMOrcJITDylibRef JD,
                                         LLVMOrcThreadSafeModuleRef TSM);
 * Look up the given symbol in the main JITDylib of the given LLJIT instance.
 * This operation does not take ownership of the Name argument.
                                LLVMOrcJITTargetAddress *Result,
                                const char *Name);


#endif /* LLVM_C_ORC_H */