
Chore printStyle

Showing 1 changed file with 3 additions and 3 deletions
......@@ -274,13 +274,13 @@ client.on("message", msg => {
var t2 = moment(String(now.getFullYear()) + "-" + dDayWhen[0] + "-" + dDayWhen[1] , 'YYYY-MM-DD'); // 저장된 날짜
var dDayPrint = (Number(t2.diff(t1,'days')) + 2);
if (dDayPrint > 0) {
msg.reply(el.replace('.txt','') + "까지 D - "+ dDayPrint); //dDay 답장 (날짜안지난경우)
msg.channel.send(el.replace('.txt','') + "까지 D - "+ dDayPrint); //dDay 답장 (날짜안지난경우)
else if (dDayPrint < 0) {
msg.reply(el.replace('.txt','') + "까지 D + "+ (-dDayPrint)); //dDay 답장 (날짜지난경우)
msg.channel.send(el.replace('.txt','') + "까지 D + "+ (-dDayPrint)); //dDay 답장 (날짜지난경우)
else {
msg.reply(el.replace('.txt','') + "까지 D - day"); //dDay 답장 (오늘인경우)
msg.channel.send(el.replace('.txt','') + "까지 D - day"); //dDay 답장 (오늘인경우)