
Update README.md

Showing 1 changed file with 12 additions and 18 deletions
......@@ -176,15 +176,18 @@ config.json
<!-- ROADMAP -->
## Roadmap
- [x] Add Changelog
- [x] Add back to top links
- [ ] Add Additional Templates w/ Examples
- [ ] Add "components" document to easily copy & paste sections of the readme
- [ ] Multi-language Support
- [ ] Chinese
- [ ] Spanish
See the [open issues](https://github.com/othneildrew/Best-README-Template/issues) for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
- [x] Discord API 연동
- [x] Discord ChatBot 구현 through discord.js
- [x] StopWatch 구현
- [x] StudyTime Ranking 구현
- [x] dDay 구현
- [x] Youtube API 연동
- [x] Music Play Function in Discord Bot 구현
- [x] AWS EC2 활용
- [x] Amazon Cloud Server Hosting
- [x] DiscordBot online for 24/7 구현
See the [open issues](http://khuhub.khu.ac.kr/2020104050/studyChatBot/issues) for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
<p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p>
......@@ -231,16 +234,7 @@ Project Link: [http://khuhub.khu.ac.kr/2020104050/studyChatBot.git](http://khuhu
## Acknowledgments
Use this space to list resources you find helpful and would like to give credit to. I've included a few of my favorites to kick things off!
* [Choose an Open Source License](https://choosealicense.com)
* [GitHub Emoji Cheat Sheet](https://www.webpagefx.com/tools/emoji-cheat-sheet)
* [Malven's Flexbox Cheatsheet](https://flexbox.malven.co/)
* [Malven's Grid Cheatsheet](https://grid.malven.co/)
* [Img Shields](https://shields.io)
* [GitHub Pages](https://pages.github.com)
* [Font Awesome](https://fontawesome.com)
* [React Icons](https://react-icons.github.io/react-icons/search)
<p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p>