test_common.py 3.73 KB
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import numpy as np
from tensorflow import keras
import keras_retinanet.backend

def test_bbox_transform_inv():
    boxes = np.array([[
        [100, 100, 200, 200],
        [100, 100, 300, 300],
        [100, 100, 200, 300],
        [100, 100, 300, 200],
        [80,  120, 200, 200],
        [80,  120, 300, 300],
        [80,  120, 200, 300],
        [80,  120, 300, 200],
    boxes = keras.backend.variable(boxes)

    deltas = np.array([[
        [0   , 0  , 0   , 0   ],
        [0   , 0.1, 0   , 0   ],
        [-0.3, 0  , 0   , 0   ],
        [0.2 , 0.2, 0   , 0   ],
        [0   , 0  , 0.1 , 0   ],
        [0   , 0  , 0   , -0.3],
        [0   , 0  , 0.2 , 0.2 ],
        [0.1 , 0.2, -0.3, 0.4 ],
    deltas = keras.backend.variable(deltas)

    expected = np.array([[
        [100  , 100  , 200   , 200  ],
        [100  , 104  , 300   , 300  ],
        [ 94  , 100  , 200   , 300  ],
        [108  , 104  , 300   , 200  ],
        [ 80  , 120  , 202.4 , 200  ],
        [ 80  , 120  , 300   , 289.2],
        [ 80  , 120  , 204.8 , 307.2],
        [ 84.4, 123.2, 286.8 , 206.4]

    result = keras_retinanet.backend.bbox_transform_inv(boxes, deltas)
    result = keras.backend.eval(result)

    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(result, expected, decimal=2)

def test_shift():
    shape  = (2, 3)
    stride = 8

    anchors = np.array([
        [-8,  -8,  8,  8],
        [-16, -16, 16, 16],
        [-12, -12, 12, 12],
        [-12, -16, 12, 16],
        [-16, -12, 16, 12]
    ], dtype=keras.backend.floatx())

    expected = [
        # anchors for (0, 0)
        [4 - 8,  4 - 8,  4 + 8,  4 + 8],
        [4 - 16, 4 - 16, 4 + 16, 4 + 16],
        [4 - 12, 4 - 12, 4 + 12, 4 + 12],
        [4 - 12, 4 - 16, 4 + 12, 4 + 16],
        [4 - 16, 4 - 12, 4 + 16, 4 + 12],

        # anchors for (0, 1)
        [12 - 8,  4 - 8,  12 + 8,  4 + 8],
        [12 - 16, 4 - 16, 12 + 16, 4 + 16],
        [12 - 12, 4 - 12, 12 + 12, 4 + 12],
        [12 - 12, 4 - 16, 12 + 12, 4 + 16],
        [12 - 16, 4 - 12, 12 + 16, 4 + 12],

        # anchors for (0, 2)
        [20 - 8,  4 - 8,  20 + 8,  4 + 8],
        [20 - 16, 4 - 16, 20 + 16, 4 + 16],
        [20 - 12, 4 - 12, 20 + 12, 4 + 12],
        [20 - 12, 4 - 16, 20 + 12, 4 + 16],
        [20 - 16, 4 - 12, 20 + 16, 4 + 12],

        # anchors for (1, 0)
        [4 - 8,  12 - 8,  4 + 8,  12 + 8],
        [4 - 16, 12 - 16, 4 + 16, 12 + 16],
        [4 - 12, 12 - 12, 4 + 12, 12 + 12],
        [4 - 12, 12 - 16, 4 + 12, 12 + 16],
        [4 - 16, 12 - 12, 4 + 16, 12 + 12],

        # anchors for (1, 1)
        [12 - 8,  12 - 8,  12 + 8,  12 + 8],
        [12 - 16, 12 - 16, 12 + 16, 12 + 16],
        [12 - 12, 12 - 12, 12 + 12, 12 + 12],
        [12 - 12, 12 - 16, 12 + 12, 12 + 16],
        [12 - 16, 12 - 12, 12 + 16, 12 + 12],

        # anchors for (1, 2)
        [20 - 8,  12 - 8,  20 + 8,  12 + 8],
        [20 - 16, 12 - 16, 20 + 16, 12 + 16],
        [20 - 12, 12 - 12, 20 + 12, 12 + 12],
        [20 - 12, 12 - 16, 20 + 12, 12 + 16],
        [20 - 16, 12 - 12, 20 + 16, 12 + 12],

    result = keras_retinanet.backend.shift(shape, stride, anchors)
    result = keras.backend.eval(result)

    np.testing.assert_array_equal(result, expected)