DEMO_UIManager.cs 3.47 KB
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI; //Import this to quickly access Unity's UI classes
using VIDE_Data; //Import this to use VIDE Dialogue's VD class

public class DEMO_UIManager : MonoBehaviour {

    public Text NPC_text; //References
    public Text[] PLAYER_text; //References
    public KeyCode continueButton; //Button to continue

    private bool keyDown = false;

    void Start () {
        //Disable UI when starting just in case
        foreach (Text t in PLAYER_text)

        //Subscribe to some events and Begin the Dialogue
        VD.OnNodeChange += UpdateUI;
        VD.OnEnd += End;
        VD.BeginDialogue(GetComponent<VIDE_Assign>()); //This is the first most important method when using VIDE

    //Check if a dialogue is active and if we are NOT in a player node in order to continue
    void Update()
        if (VD.isActive)
            if (!VD.nodeData.isPlayer && Input.GetKeyUp(continueButton))
                if (keyDown)
                    keyDown = false;
                } else
                    VD.Next(); //Second most important method when using VIDE
        } else
            if (Input.GetKeyUp(continueButton))

    //This method is called by the UI Buttons! Check their button component in the Inspector!
    public void SelectChoiceAndGoToNext(int playerChoice)
        keyDown = true;
        VD.nodeData.commentIndex = playerChoice; //Setting this when on a player node will decide which node we go next
    //Every time VD.nodeData is updated, this method will be called. (Because we subscribed it to OnNodeChange event)
	void UpdateUI (VD.NodeData data) {

        WipeAll(); //Turn stuff off first

		if (!data.isPlayer) //For NPC. Activate text gameobject and set its text
            NPC_text.text = data.comments[data.commentIndex];
        } else //For Player. It will activate the required Buttons and set their text
            for (int i = 0; i < PLAYER_text.Length; i++)
                if (i < data.comments.Length)
                    PLAYER_text[i].text = data.comments[i];
                } else


    //Set all UI references off
    void WipeAll()
        foreach (Text t in PLAYER_text)

    //This will be called when we reach the end of the dialogue.
    //Very important that this gets called before we call BeginDialogue again!
    void End(VD.NodeData data)
        VD.OnNodeChange -= UpdateUI;
        VD.OnEnd -= End;
        VD.EndDialogue(); //Third most important method when using VIDE     

    //Just in case something happens to this script
    void OnDisable()
        VD.OnNodeChange -= UpdateUI;
        VD.OnEnd -= End;