
Update README.md

......@@ -64,16 +64,18 @@ Our Proposed Codec
Performance Test
#### PSNR
#### PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio)
#### MS-SSIM
#### MS-SSIM (multi-scale Structural SIMilarity)
구조적 유사도 지수
#### BPP
(#압축에 사용된 전체 Bit 수) / (#전체 화소수)
#### RD-Curve
MSE Curve | MS-SSIM Curve
![anchor_curve](./RD_curve.PNG) | ![ms-ssim_curve](./RD_curve_msssim.PNG)
#### BD-rate
#### BD-rate (Bjontegaard-Delta rate)
Code explanation
......@@ -127,9 +129,9 @@ PostProcessing: HEVC 또는 VVC에서 Decoding된 영상(10bit, BGR)을 8it, RGB
codec_allIntra: ALL Intra Compression Codec
codec_proposed: First Frame Intra Compression + Other Frame Residual(clip(recon-ref, -0.5, 0.5)+0.5) Compression Codec
codec_anotherMethod: First Frame Intra + Other Frame Residual1(clip(recon-ref, 0, 1)), Residual2(-clip(recon-ref, -1, 0)) Codec
train_RGB.py: Training code of RGB 444 format residual image with MSE loss
train_RGB_MS-SSIMloss.py: Training code of RGB 444 format residual image with MS-SSIM loss
train_YCbCr.py: Training code of YCbCr 444 format residual image with MSE loss
train_RGB.py: Training code of RGB 444 format residual image with MSE loss
train_RGB_MS-SSIMloss.py: Training code of RGB 444 format residual image with MS-SSIM loss
train_YCbCr.py: Training code of YCbCr 444 format residual image with MSE loss