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Deep Video Compression

Our Test Sequence

The Common Test Conditions(CTC) of the test sequence we used are as follows.

  • Chroma Format: RGB 4:4:4
  • Input bit-depth: 8
  • Resolution: 768x768
  • HEVC & VVC QP: 22, 27, 32, 37
  • Compress AI Quality: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Sensor-generated Sequence

Input bit-depth Frame rate Test sequence name frame count
8 50 CrowdRun 100
8 50 DucksTakeOff 100
8 50 OldTownCross 100
8 50 Parkjoy 100

Reference Software

HEVC (HM 16.8): Download HM

VVC (VTM 12.1): Download VTM, Download Documents

Compress AI (bmshj2018-hyperprior, mbt2018, cheng2020-anchor): compressAI github

Our Proposed Codec


Code explanation



Our Codec