1 +{
2 + "presets": [
3 + "next/babel"
4 + ],
5 + "plugins": [
6 + [
7 + "babel-plugin-styled-components",
8 + {
9 + "fileName": true,
10 + "displayName": true,
11 + "pure": true
12 + }
13 + ]
14 + ]
15 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +export const browserslist = ["defaults"];
1 +# Config
2 +!config/default.json
3 +!config/development.json.sample
4 +config/*.json
5 +
6 +# Next
7 +.next
8 +out
9 +
10 +# Logs
11 +npm-debug.log*
12 +
13 +# NPM
14 +node_modules/
15 +
16 +# Transpiled code
17 +dist
18 +out
19 +.out
20 +
21 +# Dev tools
22 +.DS_Store
23 +.vscode
24 +.idea
25 +*.swp
26 +*.bak
27 +
28 +node_modules.nosync/
29 +*.env.*
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +{
2 + "editor.formatOnSave": true,
3 + "prettier.semi": false,
4 + "prettier.trailingComma": "all",
5 + "prettier.singleQuote": true,
6 + "prettier.tslintIntegration": true,
7 + "prettier.tabWidth": 2,
8 + "prettier.printWidth": 120
9 +}
1 +node_modules
2 +dist/*
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +var blackTheme = {
2 + 'common.bi.image': 'https://uicdn.toast.com/toastui/img/tui-image-editor-bi.png',
3 + 'common.bisize.width': '251px',
4 + 'common.bisize.height': '21px',
5 + 'common.backgroundImage': 'none',
6 + 'common.backgroundColor': '#1e1e1e',
7 + 'common.border': '0px',
8 +
9 + // header
10 + 'header.backgroundImage': 'none',
11 + 'header.backgroundColor': 'transparent',
12 + 'header.border': '0px',
13 +
14 + // load button
15 + 'loadButton.backgroundColor': '#fff',
16 + 'loadButton.border': '1px solid #ddd',
17 + 'loadButton.color': '#222',
18 + 'loadButton.fontFamily': "'Noto Sans', sans-serif",
19 + 'loadButton.fontSize': '12px',
20 +
21 + // download button
22 + 'downloadButton.backgroundColor': '#fdba3b',
23 + 'downloadButton.border': '1px solid #fdba3b',
24 + 'downloadButton.color': '#fff',
25 + 'downloadButton.fontFamily': "'Noto Sans', sans-serif",
26 + 'downloadButton.fontSize': '12px',
27 +
28 + // main icons
29 + 'menu.normalIcon.color': '#8a8a8a',
30 + 'menu.activeIcon.color': '#555555',
31 + 'menu.disabledIcon.color': '#434343',
32 + 'menu.hoverIcon.color': '#e9e9e9',
33 + 'menu.iconSize.width': '24px',
34 + 'menu.iconSize.height': '24px',
35 +
36 + // submenu icons
37 + 'submenu.normalIcon.color': '#8a8a8a',
38 + 'submenu.activeIcon.color': '#e9e9e9',
39 + 'submenu.iconSize.width': '32px',
40 + 'submenu.iconSize.height': '32px',
41 +
42 + // submenu primary color
43 + 'submenu.backgroundColor': '#1e1e1e',
44 + 'submenu.partition.color': '#3c3c3c',
45 +
46 + // submenu labels
47 + 'submenu.normalLabel.color': '#8a8a8a',
48 + 'submenu.normalLabel.fontWeight': 'lighter',
49 + 'submenu.activeLabel.color': '#fff',
50 + 'submenu.activeLabel.fontWeight': 'lighter',
51 +
52 + // checkbox style
53 + 'checkbox.border': '0px',
54 + 'checkbox.backgroundColor': '#fff',
55 +
56 + // range style
57 + 'range.pointer.color': '#fff',
58 + 'range.bar.color': '#666',
59 + 'range.subbar.color': '#d1d1d1',
60 +
61 + 'range.disabledPointer.color': '#414141',
62 + 'range.disabledBar.color': '#282828',
63 + 'range.disabledSubbar.color': '#414141',
64 +
65 + 'range.value.color': '#fff',
66 + 'range.value.fontWeight': 'lighter',
67 + 'range.value.fontSize': '11px',
68 + 'range.value.border': '1px solid #353535',
69 + 'range.value.backgroundColor': '#151515',
70 + 'range.title.color': '#fff',
71 + 'range.title.fontWeight': 'lighter',
72 +
73 + // colorpicker style
74 + 'colorpicker.button.border': '1px solid #1e1e1e',
75 + 'colorpicker.title.color': '#fff',
76 +};
1 +<!DOCTYPE html>
2 +<html>
3 + <head>
4 + <meta charset="UTF-8" />
5 + <title>TUI Example</title>
6 + <link
7 + type="text/css"
8 + href="https://uicdn.toast.com/tui-color-picker/v2.2.6/tui-color-picker.css"
9 + rel="stylesheet"
10 + />
11 + <link type="text/css" href="./tui-image-editor.css" rel="stylesheet" />
12 + <style>
13 + @import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Noto+Sans);
14 + html,
15 + body {
16 + height: 100%;
17 + margin: 0;
18 + }
19 + </style>
20 + </head>
21 + <body>
22 + <div id="tui-image-editor-container"></div>
23 + <script
24 + type="text/javascript"
25 + src="https://api-storage.cloud.toast.com/v1/AUTH_e18353c4ea5746c097143946d0644e61/toast-ui-cdn/tui-image-editor/v3.11.0/example/fabric-v4.2.0.js"
26 + ></script>
27 + <script
28 + type="text/javascript"
29 + src="https://uicdn.toast.com/tui.code-snippet/v1.5.0/tui-code-snippet.min.js"
30 + ></script>
31 + <script
32 + type="text/javascript"
33 + src="https://uicdn.toast.com/tui-color-picker/v2.2.6/tui-color-picker.js"
34 + ></script>
35 + <script
36 + type="text/javascript"
37 + src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/FileSaver.js/1.3.3/FileSaver.min.js"
38 + ></script>
39 + <script type="text/javascript" src="./tui-image-editor.js"></script>
40 + <script type="text/javascript" src="./black-theme.js"></script>
41 + <script type="text/javascript" src="../../dist/gif-generator.js"></script>
42 + <script>
43 + // Image editor
44 + var imageEditor = new tui.ImageEditor("#tui-image-editor-container", {
45 + includeUI: {
46 + loadImage: {
47 + path: "./sampleImage2.png",
48 + name: "SampleImage",
49 + },
50 + theme: blackTheme, // or whiteTheme
51 + initMenu: "filter",
52 + menuBarPosition: "bottom",
53 + },
54 + cssMaxWidth: 700,
55 + cssMaxHeight: 500,
56 + usageStatistics: false,
57 + });
58 + window.onresize = function () {
59 + imageEditor.ui.resizeEditor();
60 + };
61 +
62 + let gifGenerator;
63 + setTimeout(function () {
64 + gifGenerator = new GifGenerator(imageEditor._graphics.getCanvas());
65 + }, 1000);
66 + </script>
67 + </body>
68 +</html>
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
1 +{
2 + "name": "gif-generator",
3 + "version": "1.0.0",
4 + "description": "",
5 + "main": "index.js",
6 + "scripts": {
7 + "start": "webpack -w",
8 + "build": "webpack"
9 + },
10 + "author": "",
11 + "license": "ISC",
12 + "devDependencies": {
13 + "@babel/cli": "^7.13.14",
14 + "@babel/core": "^7.13.15",
15 + "@babel/preset-env": "^7.13.15",
16 + "babel-loader": "^8.2.2",
17 + "fabric": "^4.4.0",
18 + "webpack": "^5.31.0",
19 + "webpack-cli": "^4.6.0"
20 + },
21 + "dependencies": {
22 + "@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties": "^7.13.0",
23 + "gifencoder": "^2.0.1",
24 + "stream": "0.0.2"
25 + }
26 +}
1 +import GIF from "gifencoder";
2 +
3 +class GifGenerator {
4 + constructor(canvas) {
5 + this.canvas = canvas;
6 + this.width = canvas.getWidth();
7 + this.height = canvas.getHeight();
8 + this.gif = new GIF(this.width, this.height);
9 +
10 + this.gif.start();
11 + this.gif.setTransparent(null);
12 + this.gif.setRepeat(0);
13 + this.gif.setQuality(10);
14 + }
15 +
16 + addFrame(delay = 0) {
17 + this.gif.setDelay(delay);
18 + this.gif.addFrame(this.canvas.getContext());
19 + }
20 +
21 + render() {
22 + this.gif.finish();
23 + const byte = new Uint8Array(this.gif.out.data);
24 +
25 + return new Blob([byte], { type: "image/gif" });
26 + }
27 +}
28 +
29 +window.GifGenerator = GifGenerator;
1 +const path = require('path');
2 +
3 +module.exports = {
4 + entry: './src/index.js',
5 + output: {
6 + path: __dirname + '/dist',
7 + filename: 'gif-generator.js',
8 + sourceMapFilename: 'gif-generator.map',
9 + },
10 + module: {
11 + rules: [
12 + {
13 + test: /\.js$/,
14 + include: [
15 + path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/js')
16 + ],
17 + exclude: /node_modules/,
18 + use: {
19 + loader: 'babel-loader',
20 + options: {
21 + presets: ['@babel/preset-env'],
22 + plugins: ['@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties']
23 + }
24 + }
25 + }
26 + ]
27 + },
28 + devtool: 'source-map',
29 + mode: 'development'
30 +};
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +/// <reference types="next" />
2 +/// <reference types="next/types/global" />
1 +/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */
2 +const withBundleAnalyzer = require("@next/bundle-analyzer")({
3 + enabled: process.env.ANALYZE === "true",
4 +});
5 +
6 +module.exports = withBundleAnalyzer({
7 + target: "serverless",
8 + env: {
9 + BASE_URL: process.env.BASE_URL,
10 + },
11 +
12 + webpack(conf) {
13 + conf.module.rules.push({
14 + test: /\.svg$/,
15 + use: [
16 + {
17 + loader: "@svgr/webpack",
18 + options: {
19 + svgoConfig: {
20 + plugins: [
21 + {
22 + // Enable figma's wrong mask-type attribute work
23 + removeRasterImages: false,
24 + removeStyleElement: false,
25 + removeUnknownsAndDefaults: false,
26 + // Enable svgr's svg to fill the size
27 + removeViewBox: false,
28 + },
29 + ],
30 + },
31 + },
32 + },
33 + ],
34 + });
35 + // 절대경로
36 + conf.resolve.modules.push(__dirname);
37 + return conf;
38 + },
39 +});
1 +{
2 + "name": "website",
3 + "version": "0.1.0",
4 + "private": true,
5 + "dependencies": {
6 + "@next/bundle-analyzer": "^10.0.7",
7 + "@testing-library/jest-dom": "^5.11.4",
8 + "@testing-library/react": "^11.1.0",
9 + "@testing-library/user-event": "^12.1.10",
10 + "next": "^10.0.5",
11 + "react": "^17.0.2",
12 + "react-dom": "^17.0.2",
13 + "styled-components": "^5.2.3",
14 + "styled-reset": "^4.3.4",
15 + "tui-image-editor": "3.14.2",
16 + "@toast-ui/react-image-editor": "3.14.2",
17 + "web-vitals": "^1.0.1"
18 + },
19 + "devDependencies": {
20 + "@babel/core": "^7.13.10",
21 + "@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import": "^7.8.3",
22 + "@svgr/webpack": "^5.5.0",
23 + "@types/node": "^14.14.22",
24 + "@types/react": "^17.0.0",
25 + "@types/react-dom": "^17.0.0",
26 + "@types/react-window": "^1.8.2",
27 + "@types/styled-components": "^5.1.7",
28 + "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^4.14.1",
29 + "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin-tslint": "^4.14.1",
30 + "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^4.14.1",
31 + "babel-loader": "^8.2.2",
32 + "eslint": "^7.18.0",
33 + "eslint-config-airbnb-typescript": "^12.3.1",
34 + "eslint-config-prettier": "^8.1.0",
35 + "eslint-plugin-import": "^2.22.1",
36 + "eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y": "^6.4.1",
37 + "eslint-plugin-react": "^7.22.0",
38 + "eslint-plugin-react-hooks": "^4.2.0",
39 + "prettier": "^2.2.1",
40 + "typescript": "^4.1.3"
41 + },
42 + "scripts": {
43 + "dev": "next",
44 + "debug": "NODE_OPTIONS='--inspect' next dev",
45 + "build": "next build",
46 + "start": "next start",
47 + "export": "next export",
48 + "type-check": "tsc",
49 + "eslint": "eslint .",
50 + "analyze": "ANALYZE=true next build"
51 + },
52 + "eslintConfig": {
53 + "extends": [
54 + "react-app",
55 + "react-app/jest"
56 + ]
57 + },
58 + "browserslist": {
59 + "production": [
60 + ">0.2%",
61 + "not dead",
62 + "not op_mini all"
63 + ],
64 + "development": [
65 + "last 1 chrome version",
66 + "last 1 firefox version",
67 + "last 1 safari version"
68 + ]
69 + }
70 +}
No preview for this file type
1 +import styled from "styled-components";
2 +
3 +const Header = () => {
4 + return <Container>Gif Generator</Container>;
5 +};
6 +
7 +const Container = styled.div`
8 + position: fixed;
9 + top: 0;
10 + left: 0;
11 + width: 100%;
12 + padding: 1.5rem;
13 + background-color: white;
14 + box-shadow: ${({ theme }) => theme.boxShadow.normal};
15 + text-align: center;
16 + font-size: 1.6rem;
17 + font-weight: 500;
18 + font-style: italic;
19 +`;
20 +
21 +export default Header;
1 +import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
2 +import { useState } from "react";
3 +import styled from "styled-components";
4 +
5 +const ToastEditor = dynamic(() => import("components/ToastEditor"), {
6 + ssr: false,
7 +});
8 +const Image = ({ previewURL, setPreviewURL }) => {
9 + const [file, setFile] = useState(undefined);
10 + console.log("previewURL", previewURL);
11 +
12 + // const uploadImage = (file) => {
13 + // if (!file) {
14 + // return;
15 + // }
16 + // };
17 +
18 + // const selectImg = (e) => {
19 + // const reader = new FileReader();
20 + // const targetFile = e.target.files[0];
21 + // setFile(targetFile);
22 + // // uploadImage(targetFile);
23 +
24 + // reader.onloadend = () => {
25 + // setPreviewURL(reader.result);
26 + // };
27 +
28 + // reader.readAsDataURL(targetFile);
29 + // };
30 +
31 + // const [isEditorOpened, setIsEditorOpened] = useState(false);
32 + // const handleEditor = () => {
33 + // setIsEditorOpened(true);
34 + // };
35 +
36 + return (
37 + <>
38 + <Container>
39 + <ImgBox>
40 + {/* <div onClick={handleEditor}>asdf</div> */}
41 + {/* {file === undefined ? ( */}
42 + <>
43 + {/* <div className="sub-flex">
44 + <BlankBox />
45 + <div>Click to add a photo</div>
46 + <input
47 + type="file"
48 + style={{
49 + position: "absolute",
50 + top: 0,
51 + paddingLeft: 0,
52 + zIndex: 0,
53 + width: "90%",
54 + height: "100%",
55 + border: "none",
56 + cursor: "pointer",
57 + outline: "none",
58 + }}
59 + onChange={selectImg}
60 + />
61 + </div>
62 + <div className="sub-flex">Open Image Editor</div> */}
63 + </>
64 + {/* ) : ( */}
65 + <img
66 + id="image"
67 + alt={""}
68 + style={{
69 + objectFit: "cover",
70 + display: "flex",
71 + maxHeight: "90%",
72 + maxWidth: "90%",
73 + }}
74 + src={previewURL as string}
75 + />
76 + {/* )} */}
77 + </ImgBox>
78 + {/* <Menu /> */}
79 + </Container>
80 + {/* {isEditorOpened && <ToastEditor {...{ setPreviewURL, setIsImgAdded }} />} */}
81 + </>
82 + );
83 +};
84 +
85 +const Menu = () => {
86 + return (
87 + <div style={{ width: "15rem", marginLeft: "2rem" }}>
88 + <Box />
89 + <Box />
90 + <Box />
91 + <Box />
92 + </div>
93 + );
94 +};
95 +
96 +const Container = styled.div`
97 + width: 100%;
98 + display: flex;
99 + justify-content: center;
100 + margin-top: 10rem;
101 +`;
102 +const ImgBox = styled.div`
103 + position: relative;
104 + width: 90%;
105 + /* height: 30rem; */
106 + background-color: white;
107 + box-shadow: ${({ theme }) => theme.boxShadow.normal};
108 + border-radius: 2rem;
109 + margin-top: 2rem;
110 + display: flex;
111 + align-items: center;
112 + justify-content: center;
113 + font-size: 1rem;
114 + display: flex;
115 + /* flex: 0.6; */
116 + padding: 1rem 0;
117 + /* .sub-flex {
118 + position: relative;
119 + width: 100%;
120 + height: 100%;
121 + display: flex;
122 + align-items: center;
123 + justify-content: center;
124 + :first-child {
125 + border-right: 1px solid ${({ theme }) => theme.color.gray};
126 + }
127 + } */
128 +`;
129 +
130 +const Box = styled.div`
131 + width: 100%;
132 + height: 10rem;
133 + margin-top: 2rem;
134 + border-radius: 1rem;
135 + background-color: white;
136 + box-shadow: ${({ theme }) => theme.boxShadow.normal};
137 +`;
138 +const BlankBox = styled.div`
139 + z-index: 1;
140 + position: absolute;
141 + top: 0;
142 + width: 90%;
143 + height: 50px;
144 + background-color: white;
145 +`;
146 +
147 +export default Image;
1 +/// <reference path="react-image-editor.d.ts" />
2 +import ImageEditor from "@toast-ui/react-image-editor";
3 +import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
4 +import styled from "styled-components";
5 +import "tui-image-editor/dist/tui-image-editor.css";
6 +
7 +const ToastEditor = ({ setPreviewURL, setIsImgAdded, setIsEditorOpened }) => {
8 + // const [lowerCanvas, setLowerCanvas] = useState<HTMLCanvasElement>();
9 + // const [upperCanvas, setUpperCanvas] = useState<HTMLCanvasElement>();
10 + // // console.log(
11 + // // document.getElementsByClassName("lower-canvas")[0]?.toDataURL("image/png")
12 + // // );
13 + // console.log("s");
14 +
15 + // // const [upperCanvas, setUpperCanvas] = useState(
16 + // // document.getElementsByClassName("upper-canvas ")[0]
17 + // // );
18 +
19 + // useEffect(() => {
20 + // window?.addEventListener("click", () => {
21 + // setLowerCanvas(
22 + // document.getElementsByClassName("lower-canvas")[0] as HTMLCanvasElement
23 + // );
24 + // setUpperCanvas(
25 + // document.getElementsByClassName("upper-canvas")[0] as HTMLCanvasElement
26 + // );
27 + // });
28 + // }, []);
29 +
30 + // useEffect(() => {
31 + // const img = lowerCanvas?.toDataURL("image/png");
32 + // const uploaded = document.getElementById("image");
33 + // console.log(uploaded);
34 + // // let w = window.open();
35 + // // if (w?.window) w.document.body.innerHTML = "<img src='" + img + "'>";
36 + // const image = new Image();
37 + // // image.onload = function () {
38 + // // lowerCanvas.width = uploaded.clientWidth;
39 + // // lowerCanvas.height = uploaded.clientHeight;
40 + // // lowerCanvas?.getContext("2d").drawImage(image, 0, 0);
41 + // // };
42 + // image.src = previewURL;
43 + // console.log("b");
44 + // if (lowerCanvas?.getContext&&upperCanvas?.getContext) {
45 + // image.onload = function () {
46 +
47 + // lowerCanvas.width = 1000;
48 + // lowerCanvas.height = 572;
49 + // upperCanvas.width = 1000;
50 + // upperCanvas.height = 572;
51 + // lowerCanvas?.getContext("2d").drawImage(image, 0, 0);
52 + // };
53 + // console.log(lowerCanvas.getContext("2d"));
54 + // }
55 + // }, [lowerCanvas?.toDataURL("image/png")]);
56 +
57 + const handleEnd = () => {
58 + const lowerCanvas = document.getElementsByClassName(
59 + "lower-canvas"
60 + )[0] as HTMLCanvasElement;
61 + setPreviewURL(lowerCanvas.toDataURL("image/png"));
62 + console.log("asdf");
63 + setIsImgAdded(true);
64 + setIsEditorOpened(false);
65 + };
66 +
67 + return (
68 + <Container>
69 + <div onClick={handleEnd} className="upload">
70 + Upload
71 + </div>
72 + <ImageEditor
73 + includeUI={{
74 + loadImage: {
75 + // path: 'img/sampleImage.jpg',
76 + name: "SampleImage",
77 + },
78 + // theme: myTheme,
79 + menu: ["shape", "filter"],
80 + initMenu: "filter",
81 + uiSize: {
82 + width: "100%",
83 + height: "700px",
84 + },
85 + menuBarPosition: "bottom",
86 + }}
87 + cssMaxHeight={500}
88 + cssMaxWidth={700}
89 + selectionStyle={{
90 + cornerSize: 20,
91 + rotatingPointOffset: 70,
92 + }}
93 + usageStatistics={true}
94 + />
95 + </Container>
96 + );
97 +};
98 +
99 +const Container = styled.div`
100 + position: fixed;
101 + width: 90%;
102 + top: 10rem;
103 + border-radius: 1.5rem;
104 + box-shadow: ${({ theme }) => theme.boxShadow.normal};
105 + display: flex;
106 + flex-direction: column;
107 + align-items: center;
108 + .upload {
109 + font: 800 11.5px Arial;
110 + position: absolute;
111 + right: 0;
112 + top: 0;
113 + width: 120px;
114 + height: 40px;
115 + background: red;
116 + z-index: 10;
117 + border-radius: 20px;
118 + margin: 8px;
119 + background-color: #fdba3b;
120 + display: flex;
121 + align-items: center;
122 + justify-content: center;
123 + cursor: pointer;
124 + }
125 + .tui-image-editor-container {
126 + border-radius: 1.5rem;
127 + }
128 + .tui-image-editor-container .tui-image-editor-help-menu.top {
129 + top: 2rem;
130 + }
131 +`;
132 +
133 +export default ToastEditor;
1 +declare module "@toast-ui/react-image-editor";
1 +import type { AppProps } from "next/app";
2 +import Head from "next/head";
3 +import { ThemeProvider } from "styled-components";
4 +import { GlobalStyle } from "styles/global-style";
5 +import { theme } from "styles/theme";
6 +
7 +function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
8 + return (
9 + <>
10 + <Head>
11 + <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
12 + <title>Gif Generator</title>
13 + </Head>
14 + <GlobalStyle />
15 + <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
16 + <Component {...pageProps} />
17 + <div id="modal-root" />
18 + </ThemeProvider>
19 + </>
20 + );
21 +}
22 +
23 +export default MyApp;
1 +import Document, {
2 + Html,
3 + Head,
4 + Main,
5 + NextScript,
6 + DocumentContext,
7 +} from "next/document";
8 +import { ServerStyleSheet } from "styled-components";
9 +
10 +class MyDocument extends Document {
11 + static async getInitialProps(ctx: DocumentContext) {
12 + const sheet = new ServerStyleSheet();
13 + const originalRenderPage = ctx.renderPage;
14 + try {
15 + ctx.renderPage = () =>
16 + originalRenderPage({
17 + enhanceApp: (App) => (props) =>
18 + sheet.collectStyles(<App {...props} />),
19 + });
20 +
21 + const initialProps = await Document.getInitialProps(ctx);
22 + return {
23 + ...initialProps,
24 + styles: (
25 + <>
26 + {initialProps.styles}
27 + {sheet.getStyleElement()}
28 + </>
29 + ),
30 + };
31 + } finally {
32 + sheet.seal();
33 + }
34 + }
35 +
36 + render() {
37 + return (
38 + <Html>
39 + <Head>
40 + <meta charSet="utf-8" />
41 + <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
42 + <meta property="og:title" content="네이버 예약" />
43 + <link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.gstatic.com" />
44 + <link
45 + href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Noto+Sans+KR:wght@100;300;400;500;700;900&display=swap"
46 + rel="preload"
47 + as="style"
48 + />
49 + <link
50 + href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Noto+Sans+KR:wght@100;300;400;500;700;900&display=swap"
51 + rel="stylesheet"
52 + />
53 + <script
54 + type="text/javascript"
55 + src="https://openapi.map.naver.com/openapi/v3/maps.js?ncpClientId=3ioixdkru3"
56 + />
57 + </Head>
58 + <body>
59 + <Main />
60 + <NextScript />
61 + <script src="libs/code-snippet.min.js"></script>
62 + <script src="libs/jquery.min.js"></script>
63 + <script src="libs/fabric.min.js"></script>
64 + <script src="js/image-editor.js"></script>
65 + <div id="my-image-editor">
66 + <canvas></canvas>
67 + </div>
68 + </body>
69 + </Html>
70 + );
71 + }
72 +}
73 +
74 +export default MyDocument;
1 +import Header from "components/Header";
2 +import Image from "components/Image";
3 +import styled from "styled-components";
4 +import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
5 +import { useState } from "react";
6 +
7 +const ToastEditor = dynamic(() => import("components/ToastEditor"), {
8 + ssr: false,
9 +});
10 +
11 +const Index = () => {
12 + const [isEditorOpened, setIsEditorOpened] = useState(false);
13 + const [previewURL, setPreviewURL] = useState<string | ArrayBuffer>("");
14 + const [isImgAdded, setIsImgAdded] = useState(false);
15 +
16 + return (
17 + <Container>
18 + <Header />
19 +
20 + {!isImgAdded ? (
21 + <div
22 + style={{
23 + height: "80vh",
24 + width: "100%",
25 + display: "flex",
26 + alignItems: "center",
27 + justifyContent: "center",
28 + }}
29 + >
30 + <button
31 + className="open-button"
32 + onClick={() => setIsEditorOpened(true)}
33 + >
34 + Open Image Editor
35 + </button>
36 + </div>
37 + ) : (
38 + !isEditorOpened && (
39 + <>
40 + <div style={{ position: "fixed", top: "5rem" }}>
41 + <button
42 + className="open-button"
43 + onClick={() => setIsEditorOpened(true)}
44 + >
45 + Change Image
46 + </button>
47 + </div>
48 + <Image {...{ previewURL, setPreviewURL }} />
49 + </>
50 + )
51 + )}
52 + {isEditorOpened && (
53 + <ToastEditor {...{ setPreviewURL, setIsImgAdded, setIsEditorOpened }} />
54 + )}
55 + </Container>
56 + );
57 +};
58 +
59 +const Container = styled.div`
60 + display: flex;
61 + flex-direction: column;
62 + align-items: center;
63 + .open-button {
64 + margin-top: 3rem;
65 + padding: 0.5rem 2rem;
66 + display: flex;
67 + align-items: center;
68 + transition: 0.3s;
69 + :hover {
70 + font-size: 1.1rem;
71 + transition: 0.3s;
72 + }
73 + ::before {
74 + width: 2.315rem;
75 + content: "+";
76 + font-size: 2rem;
77 + margin-right: 1rem;
78 + box-shadow: ${({ theme }) => theme.boxShadow.normal};
79 + border-radius: 50%;
80 + }
81 + }
82 +`;
83 +
84 +export default Index;
1 +import { createGlobalStyle } from "styled-components";
2 +import { reset } from "styled-reset";
3 +import { media } from "./theme";
4 +
5 +export const GlobalStyle = createGlobalStyle`
6 + ${reset}
7 + :focus {
8 + outline: none;
9 + border: none;
10 + }
11 + div[role="button"] {
12 + cursor: pointer;
13 + }
14 + ::-webkit-scrollbar {
15 + display: none;
16 + }
17 + html{
18 + -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
19 + font-family: -apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,helvetica,Apple SD Gothic Neo,sans-serif;
20 + font-display: fallback;
21 + ${media.tablet}{
22 + font-size: 10px;
23 + }
24 + -ms-overflow-style: none;
25 + scrollbar-width: none;
26 + }
27 + button {
28 + background: none;
29 + padding: 0;
30 + border: none;
31 + cursor: pointer;
32 + &:disabled {
33 + cursor: default;
34 + fill: #f2f3f4;
35 + }
36 + }
37 +
38 + .pc-tablet-only {
39 + display: block;
40 + ${media.mobile} {
41 + display: none;
42 + }
43 + }
44 + .tablet-mobile-only{
45 + display: none;
46 + ${media.tablet}{
47 + display:block;
48 + }
49 + }
50 + .mobile-only {
51 + display: none;
52 + ${media.mobile} {
53 + display: block;
54 + }
55 + }
56 +`;
1 +import "styled-components";
2 +
3 +declare module "styled-components" {
4 + export interface DefaultTheme {
5 + color: {
6 + purple: "#8661de";
7 + blue: "#00bac7";
8 + gray: "#f6f6f6";
9 + green: "#07b495";
10 + lightGreen: "#99ecdd";
11 + darkGray: "#54595d";
12 + };
13 + boxShadow: {
14 + normal: "0 3px 8px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 10%)";
15 + purple: "0 3px 8px 0 #d6c9ff";
16 + blue: "0 3px 8px 0 #b3e2e6";
17 + };
18 + }
19 +}
1 +import { DefaultTheme } from "styled-components";
2 +
3 +export const theme: DefaultTheme = {
4 + color: {
5 + purple: "#8661de",
6 + blue: "#00bac7",
7 + gray: "#f6f6f6",
8 + green: "#07b495",
9 + lightGreen: "#99ecdd",
10 + darkGray: "#54595d",
11 + },
12 + boxShadow: {
13 + normal: "0 3px 8px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 10%)",
14 + purple: "0 3px 8px 0 #d6c9ff",
15 + blue: "0 3px 8px 0 #b3e2e6",
16 + },
17 +};
18 +
19 +const customMediaQuery = (maxWidth: number): string =>
20 + `@media (max-width: ${maxWidth}px)`;
21 +
22 +export const media = {
23 + custom: customMediaQuery,
24 + pc: customMediaQuery(1440),
25 + tablet: customMediaQuery(768),
26 + mobile: customMediaQuery(576),
27 +};
1 +{
2 + "compilerOptions": {
3 + "target": "es5",
4 + "lib": [
5 + "dom",
6 + "dom.iterable",
7 + "esnext"
8 + ],
9 + "allowJs": true,
10 + "skipLibCheck": true,
11 + "strict": false,
12 + "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
13 + "noEmit": true,
14 + "esModuleInterop": true,
15 + "module": "esnext",
16 + "moduleResolution": "node",
17 + "resolveJsonModule": true,
18 + "isolatedModules": true,
19 + "jsx": "preserve",
20 + "baseUrl": "src",
21 + "rootDir": "src",
22 + },
23 + "include": [
24 + "next-env.d.ts",
25 + "**/*.ts",
26 + "**/*.tsx",
27 + "next.config.js",
28 + "custom.d.ts",
29 + "styled.d.ts",
30 + "src/styles",
31 + "src/pages",
32 + "public",
33 + "**/*.scss",
34 + "src/components",
35 + "resources",
36 + ],
37 + "exclude": [
38 + "node_modules",
39 + ]
40 +}
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