

1 +{
2 + "configurations": [
3 + {
4 + "name": "Win32",
5 + "includePath": [
6 + "${workspaceFolder}/**"
7 + ],
8 + "defines": [
9 + "_DEBUG",
10 + "UNICODE",
11 + "_UNICODE"
12 + ],
13 + "windowsSdkVersion": "10.0.18362.0",
14 + "compilerPath": "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.28.29910/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe",
15 + "cStandard": "c17",
16 + "cppStandard": "c++17",
17 + "intelliSenseMode": "windows-msvc-x64"
18 + }
19 + ],
20 + "version": 4
21 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +{
2 + "project_info": {
3 + "project_number": "515101468848",
4 + "project_id": "smartmedicinebox-e7163",
5 + "storage_bucket": "smartmedicinebox-e7163.appspot.com"
6 + },
7 + "client": [
8 + {
9 + "client_info": {
10 + "mobilesdk_app_id": "1:515101468848:android:ca3083a7ae6e9e83cff375",
11 + "android_client_info": {
12 + "package_name": "com.example.Smart_Medicine_Box"
13 + }
14 + },
15 + "oauth_client": [
16 + {
17 + "client_id": "515101468848-a5p2ifirr30l80fcetedid91vrcj1v8h.apps.googleusercontent.com",
18 + "client_type": 3
19 + }
20 + ],
21 + "api_key": [
22 + {
23 + "current_key": "AIzaSyCkglFpl-CsPetG2C--9BZjiXILK3-TZT0"
24 + }
25 + ],
26 + "services": {
27 + "appinvite_service": {
28 + "other_platform_oauth_client": [
29 + {
30 + "client_id": "515101468848-a5p2ifirr30l80fcetedid91vrcj1v8h.apps.googleusercontent.com",
31 + "client_type": 3
32 + }
33 + ]
34 + }
35 + }
36 + }
37 + ],
38 + "configuration_version": "1"
39 +}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ ...@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
15 <application 15 <application
16 android:name="io.flutter.app.FlutterApplication" 16 android:name="io.flutter.app.FlutterApplication"
17 android:label="Smart_Medicine_Box" 17 android:label="Smart_Medicine_Box"
18 - android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true"
19 android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher"> 18 android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher">
20 <activity 19 <activity
21 android:name=".MainActivity" 20 android:name=".MainActivity"
...@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ buildscript { ...@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ buildscript {
8 dependencies { 8 dependencies {
9 classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.5.0' 9 classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.5.0'
10 classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version" 10 classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
11 + classpath 'com.google.gms:google-services:4.3.10'
11 } 12 }
12 } 13 }
13 14
1 +// Copyright (c) 2018, codegrue. All rights reserved. Use of this source code
2 +// is governed by the MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
3 +
4 +import '../flutter_material_pickers.dart';
5 +import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
6 +import '../interfaces/common_dialog_properties.dart';
7 +
8 +// copied from flutter calendar picker
9 +const Duration _dialogSizeAnimationDuration = Duration(milliseconds: 200);
10 +
11 +/// This is a support widget that returns an Dialog with checkboxes as a Widget.
12 +/// It is designed to be used in the showDialog method of other fields.
13 +class ResponsiveDialog extends StatefulWidget
14 + implements ICommonDialogProperties {
15 + ResponsiveDialog({
16 + this.context,
17 + String title,
18 + Widget child,
19 + this.headerColor,
20 + this.headerTextColor,
21 + this.backgroundColor,
22 + this.buttonTextColor,
23 + this.forcePortrait = false,
24 + double maxLongSide,
25 + double maxShortSide,
26 + this.hideButtons = false,
27 + this.okPressed,
28 + this.cancelPressed,
29 + this.confirmText,
30 + this.cancelText,
31 + }) : title = title ?? "Title Here",
32 + child = child ?? Text("Content Here"),
33 + maxLongSide = maxLongSide ?? 600,
34 + maxShortSide = maxShortSide ?? 400;
35 +
36 + // Variables
37 + final BuildContext context;
38 + @override
39 + final String title;
40 + final Widget child;
41 + final bool forcePortrait;
42 + @override
43 + final Color headerColor;
44 + @override
45 + final Color headerTextColor;
46 + @override
47 + final Color backgroundColor;
48 + @override
49 + final Color buttonTextColor;
50 + @override
51 + final double maxLongSide;
52 + @override
53 + final double maxShortSide;
54 + final bool hideButtons;
55 + @override
56 + final String confirmText;
57 + @override
58 + final String cancelText;
59 +
60 + // Events
61 + final VoidCallback cancelPressed;
62 + final VoidCallback okPressed;
63 +
64 + @override
65 + _ResponsiveDialogState createState() => _ResponsiveDialogState();
66 +}
67 +
68 +class _ResponsiveDialogState extends State<ResponsiveDialog> {
69 + Color _headerColor;
70 + Color _headerTextColor;
71 + Color _backgroundColor;
72 + Color _buttonTextColor;
73 +
74 + Widget header(BuildContext context, Orientation orientation) {
75 + return Container(
76 + color: _headerColor,
77 + height: (orientation == Orientation.portrait)
78 + ? kPickerHeaderPortraitHeight
79 + : null,
80 + width: (orientation == Orientation.landscape)
81 + ? kPickerHeaderLandscapeWidth
82 + : null,
83 + child: Center(
84 + child: Text(
85 + widget.title,
86 + style: TextStyle(
87 + color: _headerTextColor,
88 + fontSize: 23,
89 + fontFamily: 'Noto',
90 + fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
91 + ),
92 + ),
93 + padding: EdgeInsets.all(20.0),
94 + );
95 + }
96 +
97 + Widget actionBar(BuildContext context) {
98 + if (widget.hideButtons) return Container();
99 +
100 + var localizations = MaterialLocalizations.of(context);
101 +
102 + return Container(
103 + height: kDialogActionBarHeight,
104 + child: Container(
105 + decoration: BoxDecoration(
106 + border: Border(
107 + top: BorderSide(width: 1.0, color: _headerColor),
108 + ),
109 + ),
110 + child: ButtonBar(
111 + children: <Widget>[
112 + FlatButton(
113 + textColor: _buttonTextColor,
114 + child: Text('취소'),
115 + onPressed: () => (widget.cancelPressed == null)
116 + ? Navigator.of(context).pop()
117 + : widget.cancelPressed(),
118 + ),
119 + FlatButton(
120 + textColor: _buttonTextColor,
121 + child: Text('확인'),
122 + onPressed: () => (widget.okPressed == null)
123 + ? Navigator.of(context).pop()
124 + : widget.okPressed(),
125 + ),
126 + ],
127 + ),
128 + ),
129 + );
130 + }
131 +
132 + @override
133 + Widget build(BuildContext context) {
134 + assert(context != null);
135 +
136 + var theme = Theme.of(context);
137 + _headerColor = widget.headerColor ?? theme.primaryColor;
138 + _headerTextColor =
139 + widget.headerTextColor ?? theme.primaryTextTheme.headline6.color;
140 + _buttonTextColor = widget.buttonTextColor ?? theme.textTheme.button.color;
141 + _backgroundColor = widget.backgroundColor ?? theme.dialogBackgroundColor;
142 +
143 + final Orientation orientation = MediaQuery.of(context).orientation;
144 +
145 + // constrain the dialog from expanding to full screen
146 + final Size dialogSize = (orientation == Orientation.portrait)
147 + ? Size(widget.maxShortSide, widget.maxLongSide)
148 + : Size(widget.maxLongSide, widget.maxShortSide);
149 +
150 + return Dialog(
151 + backgroundColor: _backgroundColor,
152 + child: AnimatedContainer(
153 + width: dialogSize.width,
154 + height: dialogSize.height * 0.8,
155 + duration: _dialogSizeAnimationDuration,
156 + child: OrientationBuilder(
157 + builder: (BuildContext context, Orientation orientation) {
158 + assert(orientation != null);
159 + assert(context != null);
160 +
161 + if (widget.forcePortrait) orientation = Orientation.portrait;
162 +
163 + switch (orientation) {
164 + case Orientation.portrait:
165 + return Column(
166 + children: <Widget>[
167 + header(context, orientation),
168 + Expanded(
169 + child: Container(
170 + child: widget.child,
171 + ),
172 + ),
173 + actionBar(context),
174 + ],
175 + );
176 + case Orientation.landscape:
177 + return Row(
178 + children: <Widget>[
179 + header(context, orientation),
180 + Expanded(
181 + child: Column(
182 + children: <Widget>[
183 + Expanded(
184 + child: widget.child,
185 + ),
186 + actionBar(context),
187 + ],
188 + ),
189 + ),
190 + ],
191 + );
192 + }
193 + return null;
194 + },
195 + ),
196 + ),
197 + );
198 + }
199 +}
1 +// Copyright (c) 2018, codegrue. All rights reserved. Use of this source code
2 +// is governed by the MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
3 +
4 +import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
5 +import '../pickers/scroll_picker.dart';
6 +
7 +import 'responsive_dialog.dart';
8 +import '../interfaces/common_dialog_properties.dart';
9 +
10 +/// This is a support widget that returns an Dialog with checkboxes as a Widget.
11 +/// It is designed to be used in the showDialog method of other fields.
12 +class ScrollPickerDialog extends StatefulWidget
13 + implements ICommonDialogProperties {
14 + ScrollPickerDialog({
15 + this.title,
16 + this.items,
17 + this.initialItem,
18 + this.headerColor,
19 + this.headerTextColor,
20 + this.backgroundColor,
21 + this.buttonTextColor,
22 + this.maxLongSide,
23 + this.maxShortSide,
24 + this.confirmText,
25 + this.cancelText,
26 + });
27 +
28 + // Variables
29 + final List<String> items;
30 + final String initialItem;
31 + @override
32 + final String title;
33 + @override
34 + final Color headerColor;
35 + @override
36 + final Color headerTextColor;
37 + @override
38 + final Color backgroundColor;
39 + @override
40 + final Color buttonTextColor;
41 + @override
42 + final double maxLongSide;
43 + @override
44 + final double maxShortSide;
45 + @override
46 + final String confirmText;
47 + @override
48 + final String cancelText;
49 +
50 + @override
51 + State<ScrollPickerDialog> createState() =>
52 + _ScrollPickerDialogState(initialItem);
53 +}
54 +
55 +class _ScrollPickerDialogState extends State<ScrollPickerDialog> {
56 + _ScrollPickerDialogState(this.selectedItem);
57 +
58 + String selectedItem;
59 +
60 + @override
61 + Widget build(BuildContext context) {
62 + assert(context != null);
63 +
64 + return ResponsiveDialog(
65 + context: context,
66 + title: widget.title,
67 + headerColor: widget.headerColor,
68 + headerTextColor: widget.headerTextColor,
69 + backgroundColor: widget.backgroundColor,
70 + buttonTextColor: widget.buttonTextColor,
71 + maxLongSide: widget.maxLongSide,
72 + maxShortSide: widget.maxLongSide,
73 + confirmText: widget.confirmText,
74 + cancelText: widget.cancelText,
75 + child: ScrollPicker(
76 + items: widget.items,
77 + initialValue: selectedItem,
78 + onChanged: (value) => setState(() => selectedItem = value),
79 + ),
80 + okPressed: () => Navigator.of(context).pop(selectedItem),
81 + );
82 + }
83 +}
1 +// Copyright (c) 2018, codegrue. All rights reserved. Use of this source code
2 +// is governed by the MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
3 +
4 +/// Package for building card based settings forms
5 +library flutter_material_pickers;
6 +
7 +/// Helpers
8 +
9 +export 'package:Smart_Medicine_Box/helpers/show_scroll_picker.dart';
10 +
11 +// Constants
12 +const double kPickerHeaderPortraitHeight = 80.0;
13 +const double kPickerHeaderLandscapeWidth = 168.0;
14 +const double kDialogActionBarHeight = 52.0;
15 +const double kDialogMargin = 30.0;
1 +// Copyright (c) 2018, codegrue. All rights reserved. Use of this source code
2 +// is governed by the MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
3 +
4 +import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
5 +import '../dialogs/scroll_picker_dialog.dart';
6 +
7 +/// Allows selection of a string via a slot machine carousel
8 +void showMaterialScrollPicker({
9 + BuildContext context,
10 + String title,
11 + List<String> items,
12 + String selectedItem,
13 + Color headerColor,
14 + Color headerTextColor,
15 + Color backgroundColor,
16 + Color buttonTextColor,
17 + String confirmText,
18 + String cancelText,
19 + double maxLongSide,
20 + double maxShortSide,
21 + ValueChanged<String> onChanged,
22 + VoidCallback onConfirmed,
23 + VoidCallback onCancelled,
24 +}) {
25 + showDialog<String>(
26 + context: context,
27 + builder: (BuildContext context) {
28 + return ScrollPickerDialog(
29 + items: items,
30 + title: title,
31 + initialItem: selectedItem,
32 + headerColor: headerColor,
33 + headerTextColor: headerTextColor,
34 + backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
35 + buttonTextColor: buttonTextColor,
36 + confirmText: confirmText,
37 + cancelText: cancelText,
38 + maxLongSide: maxLongSide,
39 + maxShortSide: maxLongSide,
40 + );
41 + },
42 + ).then((selection) {
43 + if (onChanged != null && selection != null) onChanged(selection);
44 + if (onCancelled != null && selection == null) onCancelled();
45 + if (onConfirmed != null && selection != null) onConfirmed();
46 + });
47 +}
1 +import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
2 +
3 +abstract class ICommonDialogProperties {
4 + final String title = null;
5 + final Color headerColor = null;
6 + final Color headerTextColor = null;
7 + final Color backgroundColor = null;
8 + final Color buttonTextColor = null;
9 + final double maxLongSide = null;
10 + final double maxShortSide = null;
11 + final String confirmText = null;
12 + final String cancelText = null;
13 +}
1 +// Copyright (c) 2018, codegrue. All rights reserved. Use of this source code
2 +// is governed by the MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
3 +
4 +import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
5 +import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
6 +
7 +/// This helper widget manages the scrollable content inside a picker widget.
8 +class ScrollPicker extends StatefulWidget {
9 + ScrollPicker({
10 + Key key,
11 + @required this.items,
12 + @required this.initialValue,
13 + @required this.onChanged,
14 + }) : assert(items != null),
15 + super(key: key);
16 +
17 + // Events
18 + final ValueChanged<String> onChanged;
19 +
20 + // Variables
21 + final List<String> items;
22 + final String initialValue;
23 +
24 + @override
25 + _ScrollPickerState createState() => _ScrollPickerState(initialValue);
26 +}
27 +
28 +class _ScrollPickerState extends State<ScrollPicker> {
29 + _ScrollPickerState(this.selectedValue);
30 +
31 + // Constants
32 + static const double itemHeight = 50.0;
33 +
34 + // Variables
35 + double widgetHeight;
36 + int numberOfVisibleItems;
37 + int numberOfPaddingRows;
38 + double visibleItemsHeight;
39 + double offset;
40 +
41 + String selectedValue;
42 +
43 + ScrollController scrollController;
44 +
45 + @override
46 + void initState() {
47 + super.initState();
48 +
49 + int initialItem = widget.items.indexOf(selectedValue);
50 + scrollController = FixedExtentScrollController(initialItem: initialItem);
51 + }
52 +
53 + @override
54 + Widget build(BuildContext context) {
55 + final ThemeData themeData = Theme.of(context);
56 + TextStyle defaultStyle = themeData.textTheme.bodyText2;
57 + TextStyle selectedStyle =
58 + themeData.textTheme.headline5.copyWith(color: themeData.accentColor);
59 +
60 + return LayoutBuilder(
61 + builder: (BuildContext context, BoxConstraints constraints) {
62 + widgetHeight = constraints.maxHeight;
63 +
64 + return Stack(
65 + children: <Widget>[
66 + GestureDetector(
67 + onTapUp: _itemTapped,
68 + child: ListWheelScrollView.useDelegate(
69 + childDelegate: ListWheelChildBuilderDelegate(
70 + builder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
71 + if (index < 0 || index > widget.items.length - 1) {
72 + return null;
73 + }
74 +
75 + var value = widget.items[index];
76 +
77 + final TextStyle itemStyle =
78 + (value == selectedValue) ? selectedStyle : defaultStyle;
79 +
80 + return Center(
81 + child: Text(value, style: itemStyle),
82 + );
83 + }),
84 + controller: scrollController,
85 + itemExtent: itemHeight,
86 + onSelectedItemChanged: _onSelectedItemChanged,
87 + physics: FixedExtentScrollPhysics(),
88 + ),
89 + ),
90 + Center(child: Divider()),
91 + Center(
92 + child: Container(
93 + height: itemHeight,
94 + decoration: BoxDecoration(
95 + border: Border(
96 + top: BorderSide(color: themeData.accentColor, width: 1.0),
97 + bottom:
98 + BorderSide(color: themeData.accentColor, width: 1.0),
99 + ),
100 + ),
101 + ),
102 + )
103 + ],
104 + );
105 + },
106 + );
107 + }
108 +
109 + void _itemTapped(TapUpDetails details) {
110 + Offset position = details.localPosition;
111 + double center = widgetHeight / 2;
112 + double changeBy = position.dy - center;
113 + double newPosition = scrollController.offset + changeBy;
114 +
115 + // animate to and center on the selected item
116 + scrollController.animateTo(newPosition,
117 + duration: Duration(milliseconds: 500), curve: Curves.easeInOut);
118 + }
119 +
120 + void _onSelectedItemChanged(int index) {
121 + String newValue = widget.items[index];
122 + if (newValue != selectedValue) {
123 + selectedValue = newValue;
124 + widget.onChanged(newValue);
125 + }
126 + }
127 +}
...@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import 'models/Medicine.dart'; ...@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import 'models/Medicine.dart';
10 import 'package:Smart_Medicine_Box/src/screens/SettingPage.dart'; 10 import 'package:Smart_Medicine_Box/src/screens/SettingPage.dart';
11 import 'BottleList.dart'; 11 import 'BottleList.dart';
12 import 'MainPage.dart'; 12 import 'MainPage.dart';
13 -import 'Register/SearchMedicine.dart'; 13 +import 'FeedBack.dart';
14 14
15 class DashBoard extends StatefulWidget { 15 class DashBoard extends StatefulWidget {
16 int pageNumber; 16 int pageNumber;
...@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class _DashBoardState extends State<DashBoard> { ...@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class _DashBoardState extends State<DashBoard> {
60 var _tabs = [ 60 var _tabs = [
61 ineerInformationpage(context), 61 ineerInformationpage(context),
62 MainPage(), 62 MainPage(),
63 - feedBackPage(context), 63 + FeedbackPage(),
64 ]; 64 ];
65 65
66 return WillPopScope( 66 return WillPopScope(
...@@ -502,149 +502,3 @@ Widget ineerInformationpage(BuildContext context) { ...@@ -502,149 +502,3 @@ Widget ineerInformationpage(BuildContext context) {
502 ), 502 ),
503 ); 503 );
504 } 504 }
505 -
506 -Widget feedBackPage(BuildContext context) {
507 - Bottle _bottleinformation = new Bottle();
508 - //get bottle
509 - Future<Bottle> _getbottle() async {
510 - String usertoken = await UserSecureStorage.getUserToken();
511 - String bottleid = await UserSecureStorage.getBottleId();
512 - Bottle _bottleinformation = new Bottle();
513 - http.Response response = await http.get(
514 - Uri.encodeFull(DotEnv().env['SERVER_URL'] + 'bottle/' + bottleid),
515 - headers: {"authorization": usertoken});
516 -
517 - if (response.statusCode == 200) {
518 - Map<String, dynamic> jsonData = jsonDecode(response.body);
519 -
520 - _bottleinformation = Bottle.fromJson(jsonData);
521 - }
522 - return _bottleinformation;
523 - }
524 -
525 - final Size size = MediaQuery.of(context).size;
526 - return Scaffold(
527 - backgroundColor: Colors.white,
528 - body: FutureBuilder(
529 - future: _getbottle(),
530 - builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot snapshot) {
531 - if (snapshot.hasData == false) {
532 - return CircularProgressIndicator();
533 - } else if (snapshot.hasError) {
534 - return Padding(
535 - padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
536 - child: Text(
537 - 'Error: ${snapshot.error}',
538 - style: TextStyle(fontSize: 15),
539 - ),
540 - );
541 - } else {
542 - return Container(
543 - height: size.height * 0.9,
544 - margin: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(0, 30, 0, 0),
545 - padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(5, 0, 5, 5),
546 - child: Column(
547 - crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.center,
548 - children: <Widget>[
549 - Container(
550 - padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(5, 5, 5, 5),
551 - height: size.height * 0.08,
552 - width: size.width,
553 - child: Center(
554 - child: Text(
555 - 'Outside Information',
556 - textAlign: TextAlign.center,
557 - textScaleFactor: 1.0,
558 - style: TextStyle(
559 - color: Colors.black,
560 - fontSize: 32,
561 - fontFamily: 'NotoSansKR',
562 - fontWeight: FontWeight.w700),
563 - ),
564 - ),
565 - ),
566 - Container(
567 - padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(5, 0, 5, 5),
568 - margin: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(0, 10, 0, 0),
569 - height: size.height * 0.20,
570 - width: size.width,
571 - child: Column(
572 - children: <Widget>[
573 - Flexible(
574 - child: Column(
575 - mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
576 - children: <Widget>[
577 - Container(
578 - padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(5, 5, 5, 0),
579 - width: size.width * 0.9,
580 - height: size.height * 0.18,
581 - decoration: BoxDecoration(
582 - color: Color(0xff8E97FD),
583 - borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),
584 - ),
585 - child: Column(
586 - children: [
587 - Container(
588 - width: size.width,
589 - height: size.height * 0.05,
590 - child: Center(
591 - child: Text(
592 - '권장 약 복용량',
593 - textAlign: TextAlign.center,
594 - textScaleFactor: 1.0,
595 - style: TextStyle(
596 - color: Colors.white,
597 - fontSize: 28,
598 - fontFamily: 'NotoSansKR',
599 - fontWeight: FontWeight.w800),
600 - ),
601 - ),
602 - ),
603 - Container(
604 - width: size.width,
605 - height: size.height * 0.12,
606 - child: Row(
607 - mainAxisAlignment:
608 - MainAxisAlignment.center,
609 - children: [
610 - Text(
611 - snapshot.data.dosage == null
612 - ? '-'
613 - : snapshot.data.dosage
614 - .toString(),
615 - textAlign: TextAlign.center,
616 - textScaleFactor: 1.0,
617 - style: TextStyle(
618 - color: Colors.white,
619 - fontSize: 80,
620 - fontFamily: 'NotoSansKR',
621 - fontWeight: FontWeight.w800),
622 - ),
623 - Text(
624 - ' 개',
625 - textScaleFactor: 1.0,
626 - style: TextStyle(
627 - color: Colors.white,
628 - fontSize: 64,
629 - fontFamily: 'NotoSansKR',
630 - fontWeight: FontWeight.w800),
631 - )
632 - ],
633 - ),
634 - ),
635 - ],
636 - ),
637 - ),
638 - ],
639 - ),
640 - ),
641 - ],
642 - ),
643 - ),
644 - ],
645 - ),
646 - );
647 - }
648 - }),
649 - );
650 -}
...@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import '../utils/user_secure_stoarge.dart'; ...@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import '../utils/user_secure_stoarge.dart';
8 import 'models/Medicine.dart'; 8 import 'models/Medicine.dart';
9 9
10 import 'Register/SearchMedicine.dart'; 10 import 'Register/SearchMedicine.dart';
11 -//import 'package:flutter_material_pickers/flutter_material_pickers.dart'; 11 +import '../../flutter_material_pickers.dart';
12 12
13 class MainPage extends StatefulWidget { 13 class MainPage extends StatefulWidget {
14 @override 14 @override
...@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ class MainPage extends StatefulWidget { ...@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ class MainPage extends StatefulWidget {
16 } 16 }
17 17
18 class _MainPageState extends State<MainPage> { 18 class _MainPageState extends State<MainPage> {
19 + String _seletedDoctor = '';
19 Widget build(BuildContext context) { 20 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
20 Medicine _medicineInformation = new Medicine(); 21 Medicine _medicineInformation = new Medicine();
21 List<String> doctorlist = ['temp1', 'temp2', 'temp3', 'temp4']; 22 List<String> doctorlist = ['temp1', 'temp2', 'temp3', 'temp4'];
22 23
23 - String seletedDoctor = '';
24 Future<Medicine> _getmedicine() async { 24 Future<Medicine> _getmedicine() async {
25 String usertoken = await UserSecureStorage.getUserToken(); 25 String usertoken = await UserSecureStorage.getUserToken();
26 String medicineid = await UserSecureStorage.getMedicineId(); 26 String medicineid = await UserSecureStorage.getMedicineId();
...@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ class _MainPageState extends State<MainPage> { ...@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ class _MainPageState extends State<MainPage> {
106 Text( 106 Text(
107 _medicineInformation.company == null 107 _medicineInformation.company == null
108 ? '-' 108 ? '-'
109 - : '대강 처방의 이름', 109 + : _seletedDoctor,
110 style: TextStyle( 110 style: TextStyle(
111 color: Colors.black, 111 color: Colors.black,
112 fontSize: 16, 112 fontSize: 16,
...@@ -272,14 +272,15 @@ class _MainPageState extends State<MainPage> { ...@@ -272,14 +272,15 @@ class _MainPageState extends State<MainPage> {
272 child: FlatButton( 272 child: FlatButton(
273 padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(0, 5, 0, 5), 273 padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(0, 5, 0, 5),
274 onPressed: () async { 274 onPressed: () async {
275 - /*showMaterialScrollPicker( 275 + await showMaterialScrollPicker(
276 context: context, 276 context: context,
277 title: '처방의', 277 title: '처방의',
278 items: doctorlist, 278 items: doctorlist,
279 - selectedItem: seletedDoctor, 279 + selectedItem: _seletedDoctor,
280 - onChanged: (value) => 280 + onChanged: (value) => setState(() {
281 - setState(() => seletedDoctor = value), 281 + _seletedDoctor = value;
282 - );*/ 282 + }),
283 + );
283 }, 284 },
284 child: Text( 285 child: Text(
285 '처방의 변경', 286 '처방의 변경',
...@@ -407,12 +407,9 @@ class _AlarmnState extends State<Alarm> { ...@@ -407,12 +407,9 @@ class _AlarmnState extends State<Alarm> {
407 times[index - 1] = timeString; 407 times[index - 1] = timeString;
408 timesHours[index - 1] = timeHour; 408 timesHours[index - 1] = timeHour;
409 timesMinutes[index - 1] = timesMinite; 409 timesMinutes[index - 1] = timesMinite;
410 -
411 _prefs.setString('time' + (saveIndex[index - 1]).toString(), 410 _prefs.setString('time' + (saveIndex[index - 1]).toString(),
412 savetimeStrings); 411 savetimeStrings);
413 -
414 print(savetimeStrings); 412 print(savetimeStrings);
415 -
416 setState(() { 413 setState(() {
417 savetimeStrings = savetimeStrings; 414 savetimeStrings = savetimeStrings;
418 }); 415 });
1 +class BottleMedicine {
2 + int dosage;
3 + int bottleId;
4 + int medicineId;
5 + String doctorId;
6 + String doctorName;
7 + DateTime regDtm;
8 +
9 + BottleMedicine(
10 + {this.dosage,
11 + this.bottleId,
12 + this.medicineId,
13 + this.doctorId,
14 + this.doctorName,
15 + this.regDtm});
16 +
17 + factory BottleMedicine.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> parsedJson) {
18 + return BottleMedicine(
19 + dosage: parsedJson['dosage'],
20 + bottleId: parsedJson['bottleId'],
21 + medicineId: parsedJson['medicineId'],
22 + doctorId: parsedJson['doctorId'],
23 + regDtm: DateTime.parse(parsedJson['regDtm']).toLocal(),
24 + );
25 + }
26 +
27 + Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
28 + "dosage": dosage,
29 + "bottleId": bottleId,
30 + "medicineId": medicineId,
31 + "doctorId": doctorId,
32 + "doctorName": doctorName,
33 + "regDtm": regDtm
34 + };
35 +}
1 +import 'BottleMedicine.dart';
2 +
3 +class Doctor {
4 + String fdbType;
5 + String doctorId;
6 + String feedback;
7 + DateTime fdbDtm;
8 + BottleMedicine bmId;
9 +
10 + Doctor({this.fdbType, this.doctorId, this.feedback, this.fdbDtm, this.bmId});
11 +
12 + factory Doctor.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> parsedJson) {
13 + var list = parsedJson['bmId'] as List;
14 + List<BottleMedicine> data =
15 + list.map((i) => BottleMedicine.fromJson(i)).toList();
16 +
17 + return Doctor(
18 + fdbType: parsedJson['fdbType'],
19 + doctorId: parsedJson['doctorId'],
20 + feedback: parsedJson['feedback'],
21 + fdbDtm: DateTime.parse(parsedJson['fdbDtm']).toLocal(),
22 + bmId: data[0],
23 + );
24 + }
25 +}