Wonseok Kwak

Update : IMU Serial logging 및 monitoring을 위한 소스

\ No newline at end of file
import CoDrone
import math
ac_x = 0
ac_y = 0
ac_z = 0
normal_x = 0
normal_y = 0
normal_z = 0
deltha_x = [0,0,0]
deltha_y = [0,0,0]
deltha_z = [0,0,0]
deltha = 0
def map(x,input_min,input_max,output_min,output_max):
return (x-input_min)*(output_max-output_min)/(input_max-input_min)+output_min
def main():
drone = CoDrone.CoDrone()
......@@ -6,8 +23,67 @@ def main():
# print the acceleration of drone
while 1:
acceleration = drone.get_accelerometer()
print(acceleration.X, acceleration.Y, acceleration.Z)
normal_x = 0
normal_y = 0
normal_z = 0
for i in range(3):
deltha_x[i] = 0
deltha_y[i] = 0
deltha_z[i] = 0
angle = 0
angle_value = 0
for i in range(4):
acceleration = drone.get_accelerometer()
normal_x = 0
normal_y = 0
normal_z = 0
ac_x = acceleration.X
ac_y = acceleration.Y
ac_z = acceleration.Z
normal_x = map(ac_x, -32768,32767,-5000,5000)
normal_y = map(ac_y, -32768,32767,-5000,5000)
normal_z = map(ac_z, -32768,32767,-5000,5000)
deltha_x[1] = deltha_x[1]+(normal_x)
deltha_y[1] = deltha_y[1]+(normal_y)
deltha_z[1] = deltha_z[1]+(normal_z)
deltha_x[1] = int(deltha_x[1]/4)
deltha_y[1] = int(deltha_y[1]/4)
deltha_z[1] = int(deltha_z[1]/4)
for i in range(4):
acceleration = drone.get_accelerometer()
normal_x = 0
normal_y = 0
normal_z = 0
ac_x = acceleration.X
ac_y = acceleration.Y
ac_z = acceleration.Z
normal_x = map(ac_x, -32768,32767,-5000,5000)
normal_y = map(ac_y, -32768,32767,-5000,5000)
normal_z = map(ac_z, -32768,32767,-5000,5000)
deltha_x[2] = deltha_x[2]+(normal_x)
deltha_y[2] = deltha_y[2]+(normal_y)
deltha_z[2] = deltha_z[2]+(normal_z)
deltha_x[2] = int(deltha_x[2]/4)
deltha_y[2] = int(deltha_y[2]/4)
deltha_z[2] = int(deltha_z[2]/4)
deltha_x[0] = abs(deltha_x[1]-deltha_x[2])
deltha_y[0] = abs(deltha_y[1]-deltha_y[2])
deltha_z[0] = abs(deltha_z[1]-deltha_z[2])
deltha = deltha_x[0] + deltha_y[0] + deltha_z[0]
print("AcX : ", deltha_x[0], "AcY : ", deltha_y[0], "AcZ : ", deltha_z[0] - 230, "Total : ", deltha)
if __name__ == '__main__':