Ma Suhyeon

Change framework to echo

1 +
2 +# Created by,vscode
3 +# Edit at,vscode
4 +
5 +### Go ###
6 +# Binaries for programs and plugins
7 +*.exe
8 +*.exe~
9 +*.dll
10 +*.so
11 +*.dylib
12 +
13 +# Test binary, built with `go test -c`
14 +*.test
15 +
16 +# Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE
17 +*.out
18 +
19 +# Dependency directories (remove the comment below to include it)
20 +# vendor/
21 +
22 +### Go Patch ###
23 +/vendor/
24 +/Godeps/
25 +
26 +### vscode ###
27 +.vscode/*
28 +!.vscode/settings.json
29 +!.vscode/tasks.json
30 +!.vscode/launch.json
31 +!.vscode/extensions.json
32 +*.code-workspace
33 +
34 +# End of,vscode
35 +
36 +__debug_bin
37 +config.json
38 +data
39 +mf-server
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +package main
2 +
3 +import (
4 + "fmt"
5 +
6 + ""
7 + ""
8 +
9 + _ ""
10 + ""
11 +)
12 +
13 +type Prop int
14 +
15 +const (
16 + PropUserNo Prop = iota
17 +)
18 +
19 +type App struct {
20 + Config Config
21 + db *sqlx.DB
22 + echo *echo.Echo
23 +}
24 +
25 +func NewApp(config Config) *App {
26 + app := new(App)
27 + app.Config = config
28 +
29 + dsn := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@tcp(%s)/%s?parseTime=true", config.Database.User, config.Database.Password, config.Database.Host, config.Database.Name)
30 + app.db = sqlx.MustOpen("mysql", dsn)
31 +
32 + auth := middleware.JWTWithConfig(middleware.JWTConfig{
33 + SigningKey: []byte(config.TokenSecret),
34 + Claims: &AuthClaims{},
35 + })
36 +
37 + app.echo = echo.New()
38 + app.echo.POST("/users", app.PostUsers)
39 + app.echo.POST("/users/tokens", app.PostTokens)
40 + app.echo.POST("/extractions", app.PostExtractions, auth)
41 +
42 + extraction := app.echo.Group("/extractions/:no")
43 + extraction.GET("/calls", app.GetCalls)
44 + extraction.GET("/messages", app.GetMessages)
45 + extraction.GET("/calls/analyses", app.GetCallsAnalyses)
46 + extraction.GET("/apps/analyses", app.GetAppsAnalyses)
47 + extraction.GET("/messages/analyses", app.GetMessagesAnalyses)
48 + extraction.GET("/processes", app.GetProcesses)
49 + extraction.GET("/alarms", app.GetAlarms)
50 +
51 + return app
52 +}
53 +
54 +func (app *App) Serve() {
55 + app.echo.Logger.Fatal(app.echo.Start(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", app.Config.Port)))
56 +}
1 +package main
2 +
3 +import (
4 + "encoding/json"
5 + "io/ioutil"
6 +)
7 +
8 +type Config struct {
9 + Port int `json:"port"`
10 + Database struct {
11 + Host string `json:"host"`
12 + Name string `json:"name"`
13 + User string `json:"user"`
14 + Password string `json:"password"`
15 + } `json:"database"`
16 + TokenSecret string `json:"token_secret"`
17 +}
18 +
19 +func LoadConfig(path string) (Config, error) {
20 + config := Config{}
21 +
22 + data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
23 + if err == nil {
24 + err = json.Unmarshal(data, &config)
25 + }
26 +
27 + return config, err
28 +}
1 +package main
2 +
3 +import (
4 + "fmt"
5 + "net/http"
6 + "strconv"
7 + "strings"
8 + "time"
9 +
10 + ""
11 + ""
12 +
13 + _ ""
14 +)
15 +
16 +type Call struct {
17 + ID int `json:"id" db:"id"`
18 + Type int `json:"type" db:"type"`
19 + Name *string `json:"name" db:"name"`
20 + Number int `json:"number" db:"number"`
21 + Duration int `json:"duration" db:"duration"`
22 + Date time.Time `json:"date" db:"date"`
23 +}
24 +
25 +func (app *App) GetCalls(c echo.Context) error {
26 + calls := []Call{}
27 +
28 + query := `SELECT * FROM calls WHERE extraction_no=?`
29 + app.db.Unsafe().Select(&calls, query, c.Param("no"))
30 +
31 + return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, calls)
32 +}
33 +
34 +type CallStats struct {
35 + Number string `json:"number" db:"number"`
36 + Name *string `json:"name" db:"name"`
37 + Incoming int `json:"incoming" db:"incoming"`
38 + Outgoing int `json:"outgoing" db:"outgoing"`
39 + Duration int `json:"duration" db:"duration"`
40 +}
41 +
42 +func (app *App) GetCallsAnalyses(c echo.Context) error {
43 + calls := []CallStats{}
44 +
45 + query := `SELECT number, name,
46 + (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM calls s WHERE s.extraction_no=c.extraction_no AND s.number=c.number AND s.type=1) incoming,
47 + (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM calls s WHERE s.extraction_no=c.extraction_no AND s.number=c.number AND s.type=2) outgoing,
48 + SUM(duration) duration
49 + FROM calls c WHERE extraction_no=? GROUP BY number ORDER BY duration DESC`
50 + app.db.Select(&calls, query, c.Param("no"))
51 +
52 + return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, calls)
53 +}
54 +
55 +type AppInfo struct {
56 + PackageName string `json:"package_name" db:"package_name"`
57 + Name string `json:"name" db:"name"`
58 + Version string `json:"version" db:"version"`
59 + WifiUsage int `json:"wifi_usage" db:"wifi_usage"`
60 + CellularUsage int `json:"cellular_usage" db:"cellular_usage"`
61 + LastUsed time.Time `json:"last_used" db:"last_used"`
62 + ForegroundTime int64 `json:"foreground_time" db:"foreground_time"`
63 +}
64 +
65 +func (app *App) GetAppsAnalyses(c echo.Context) error {
66 + apps := []AppInfo{}
67 +
68 + query := `SELECT * FROM apps WHERE extraction_no=? ORDER BY foreground_time DESC LIMIT 0, 100`
69 + app.db.Unsafe().Select(&apps, query, c.Param("no"))
70 +
71 + return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, apps)
72 +}
73 +
74 +type Message struct {
75 + ID int `json:"id" db:"id"`
76 + Type int `json:"type" db:"type"`
77 + Address string `json:"address" db:"address"`
78 + Body string `json:"body" db:"body"`
79 + Date time.Time `json:"date" db:"date"`
80 +}
81 +
82 +func (app *App) GetMessages(c echo.Context) error {
83 + messages := []Message{}
84 +
85 + query := `SELECT * FROM messages WHERE extraction_no=?`
86 + app.db.Unsafe().Select(&messages, query, c.Param("no"))
87 +
88 + return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, messages)
89 +}
90 +
91 +type MessageStats struct {
92 + Address string `json:"address" db:"address"`
93 + Receive int `json:"receive" db:"receive"`
94 + Send int `json:"send" db:"send"`
95 +}
96 +
97 +func (app *App) GetMessagesAnalyses(c echo.Context) error {
98 + messages := []MessageStats{}
99 +
100 + query := `SELECT address,
101 + (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM messages m WHERE m.extraction_no=s.extraction_no AND m.address=s.address AND m.type=1) receive,
102 + (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM messages m WHERE m.extraction_no=s.extraction_no AND m.address=s.address AND m.type=2) send
103 + FROM messages s WHERE extraction_no=? GROUP BY address ORDER BY receive + send DESC`
104 + app.db.Select(&messages, query, c.Param("no"))
105 +
106 + return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, messages)
107 +}
108 +
109 +type Process struct {
110 + UID string `json:"uid" db:"UID"`
111 + PID int `json:"pid" db:"PID"`
112 + PPID int `json:"ppid" db:"PPID"`
113 + STIME string `json:"stime" db:"STIME"`
114 + TIME string `json:"time" db:"TIME"`
115 + CMD string `json:"cmd" db:"CMD"`
116 +}
117 +
118 +func (app *App) GetProcesses(c echo.Context) error {
119 + processes := []Process{}
120 + db, err := sqlx.Connect("sqlite3", fmt.Sprintf("data/1/%s", c.Param("file")))
121 + if err != nil {
122 + return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Could not open db file")
123 + }
124 + defer db.Close()
125 +
127 + db.Select(&processes, query)
128 +
129 + return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, processes)
130 +}
131 +
132 +type Alarm struct {
133 + ID string `json:"id"`
134 + When time.Time `json:"when"`
135 + History []AlarmHistory `json:"history"`
136 +}
137 +
138 +type AlarmHistory struct {
139 + Type string `json:"type"`
140 + When time.Time `json:"when"`
141 +}
142 +
143 +func (app *App) GetAlarms(c echo.Context) error {
144 + db, err := sqlx.Connect("sqlite3", fmt.Sprintf("data/1/%s", c.Param("file")))
145 + if err != nil {
146 + return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Could not open db file")
147 + }
148 + defer db.Close()
149 +
150 + alarms := map[string]Alarm{}
151 + rows, _ := db.Queryx("SELECT * FROM alarm ORDER BY TIME")
152 +
153 + for rows.Next() {
154 + var tm string
155 + var typ string
156 + var detail string
157 +
158 + rows.Scan(&tm, &typ, &detail)
159 +
160 + detail = detail[strings.Index(detail, "{")+1 : strings.Index(detail, "}")]
161 + s := strings.Split(detail, " ")
162 + timestamp, _ := strconv.ParseInt(s[4], 10, 64)
163 + timestamp /= 1000
164 +
165 + if _, ok := alarms[s[0]]; !ok {
166 + alarms[s[0]] = Alarm{ID: s[0], When: time.Unix(timestamp, 0)}
167 + }
168 +
169 + when, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05", tm)
170 + alarm := alarms[s[0]]
171 + alarm.History = append(alarms[s[0]].History, AlarmHistory{
172 + Type: typ,
173 + When: when,
174 + })
175 + alarms[s[0]] = alarm
176 + }
177 +
178 + results := []Alarm{}
179 + for _, v := range alarms {
180 + results = append(results, v)
181 + }
182 +
183 + return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, results)
184 +}
1 +package main
2 +
3 +import (
4 + "fmt"
5 + "io"
6 + "io/ioutil"
7 + "net/http"
8 + "os"
9 +
10 + ""
11 + ""
12 + ""
13 +)
14 +
15 +func (app *App) PostExtractions(c echo.Context) error {
16 + userNo := c.Get("user").(*jwt.Token).Claims.(*AuthClaims).UserNo
17 +
18 + form, err := c.FormFile("file")
19 + if err != nil {
20 + return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unknown error")
21 + }
22 +
23 + src, err := form.Open()
24 + if err != nil {
25 + return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unknown error")
26 + }
27 + defer src.Close()
28 +
29 + file, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "extraction")
30 + if err != nil {
31 + return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unknown error")
32 + }
33 + defer os.Remove(file.Name())
34 +
35 + if _, err := io.Copy(file, src); err != nil {
36 + return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unknown error")
37 + }
38 + file.Close()
39 +
40 + db, err := sqlx.Connect("sqlite3", file.Name())
41 + if err != nil {
42 + return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Could not open db file")
43 + }
44 + defer db.Close()
45 +
46 + tx, err := app.db.Beginx()
47 + if err != nil {
48 + return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unknown error")
49 + }
50 +
51 + res, _ := tx.Exec("INSERT INTO extractions (`owner`) VALUES (?)", userNo)
52 + extNo, _ := res.LastInsertId()
53 +
54 + rows, err := db.Queryx("SELECT * FROM calllog")
55 + fmt.Println(err)
56 + if err == nil {
57 + for rows.Next() {
58 + vals, _ := rows.SliceScan()
59 + fmt.Println(vals)
60 + _, err = tx.Exec("INSERT INTO calls VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", append([]interface{}{extNo}, vals...)...)
61 + fmt.Println(err)
62 + }
63 + }
64 +
65 + sql := `SELECT
66 + a.packagename,, a.version, a.wifiusage, a.cellularusage,
67 + u.lasttimeused, u.totaltimeforeground
68 + FROM AppInfo a JOIN AppUsageYear u ON a.packagename=u.packagename`
69 + rows, err = db.Queryx(sql)
70 + if err == nil {
71 + for rows.Next() {
72 + vals, _ := rows.SliceScan()
73 + tx.Exec("INSERT INTO apps VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", append([]interface{}{extNo}, vals...)...)
74 + }
75 + }
76 +
77 + rows, err = db.Queryx("SELECT mid, type, address, body, date FROM sms")
78 + if err == nil {
79 + for rows.Next() {
80 + vals, _ := rows.SliceScan()
81 + tx.Exec("INSERT INTO messages VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", append([]interface{}{extNo}, vals...)...)
82 + }
83 + }
84 +
85 + rows, err = db.Queryx("SELECT PID, UID, PPID, STIME, TIME, CMD FROM process")
86 + if err == nil {
87 + for rows.Next() {
88 + vals, _ := rows.SliceScan()
89 + tx.Exec("INSERT INTO processes VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", append([]interface{}{extNo}, vals...)...)
90 + }
91 + }
92 +
93 + /*alarms := map[string]Alarm{}
94 + rows, _ = db.Queryx("SELECT * FROM alarm ORDER BY TIME")
95 +
96 + for rows.Next() {
97 + var tm string
98 + var typ string
99 + var detail string
100 +
101 + rows.Scan(&tm, &typ, &detail)
102 +
103 + detail = detail[strings.Index(detail, "{")+1 : strings.Index(detail, "}")]
104 + s := strings.Split(detail, " ")
105 + timestamp, _ := strconv.ParseInt(s[4], 10, 64)
106 + timestamp /= 1000
107 +
108 + if _, ok := alarms[s[0]]; !ok {
109 + alarms[s[0]] = Alarm{ID: s[0], When: time.Unix(timestamp, 0)}
110 + }
111 +
112 + when, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05", tm)
113 + alarm := alarms[s[0]]
114 + alarm.History = append(alarms[s[0]].History, AlarmHistory{
115 + Type: typ,
116 + When: when,
117 + })
118 + alarms[s[0]] = alarm
119 + }
120 +
121 + for _, v := range alarms {
122 + tx.Exec("INSERT INTO alarms VALUES (?, ?, ?)", extNo, v.ID, v.When)
123 +
124 + for _, h := range v.History {
125 + tx.Exec("INSERT INTO alarm_histories VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", extNo, v.ID, h.Type, h.When)
126 + }
127 + }*/
128 +
129 + tx.Commit()
130 +
131 + return c.NoContent(http.StatusNoContent)
132 +}
1 +module mf-server
2 +
3 +go 1.15
4 +
5 +require (
6 + v3.2.0+incompatible
7 + v1.5.0
8 + v1.1.2
9 + v1.5.1
10 + v1.8.0
11 + v1.2.0
12 + v3.3.10+incompatible
13 + v4.2.2
14 + v1.9.0
15 + v0.0.0-20201217014255-9d1352758620
16 +)
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 +package main
2 +
3 +import (
4 + "log"
5 +)
6 +
7 +func main() {
8 + config, err := LoadConfig("config.json")
9 + if err != nil {
10 + log.Fatal(err)
11 + }
12 +
13 + app := NewApp(config)
14 + app.Serve()
15 +}
1 +package main
2 +
3 +import (
4 + "time"
5 +)
6 +
7 +type Time time.Time
8 +
9 +func (t *Time) Scan(v interface{}) error {
10 + p, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05", string(v.([]byte)))
11 + *t = Time(p)
12 + return err
13 +}
14 +
15 +func (t *Time) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
16 + return time.Time(*t).MarshalJSON()
17 +}
1 +package main
2 +
3 +import (
4 + "context"
5 + "net/http"
6 + "strings"
7 + "time"
8 +
9 + ""
10 + ""
11 + ""
12 + ""
13 +)
14 +
15 +type User struct {
16 + No uint64 `json:"no"`
17 + ID string `json:"id"`
18 + Name string `json:"name"`
19 + CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`
20 + ExpiredAt time.Time `json:"expired_at"`
21 +}
22 +
23 +func (app *App) PostUsers(c echo.Context) error {
24 + body := struct {
25 + ID string `json:"id"`
26 + Password string `json:"password"`
27 + Name string `json:"name"`
28 + }{}
29 + if c.Bind(&body) != nil {
30 + return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, "Failed to parse request json")
31 + }
32 +
33 + hash := sha3.Sum256([]byte(body.Password))
34 +
35 + res, err := app.db.Exec("INSERT INTO users (`id`, `password`, `name`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", body.ID, hash[:], body.Name)
36 + if err != nil {
37 + if merr, ok := err.(*mysql.MySQLError); ok {
38 + if merr.Number == 1062 {
39 + return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusConflict, "Already registered")
40 + }
41 + }
42 +
43 + return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Failed to register")
44 + }
45 +
46 + no, _ := res.LastInsertId()
47 + return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, echo.Map{"user_no": no})
48 +}
49 +
50 +type AuthClaims struct {
51 + UserNo uint64 `json:"user_no"`
52 + jwt.StandardClaims
53 +}
54 +
55 +func (app *App) PostTokens(c echo.Context) error {
56 + body := struct {
57 + ID string `json:"id"`
58 + Password string `json:"password"`
59 + }{}
60 + if c.Bind(&body) != nil {
61 + return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, "Failed to parse request json")
62 + }
63 +
64 + hash := sha3.Sum256([]byte(body.Password))
65 + rows, err := app.db.Query("SELECT `no` FROM users WHERE `id`=? AND `password`=?", body.ID, hash[:])
66 + if err != nil {
67 + return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Failed to register")
68 + }
69 +
70 + if !rows.Next() {
71 + return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusUnauthorized, "Login failed")
72 + }
73 +
74 + no := uint64(0)
75 + rows.Scan(&no)
76 +
77 + token := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.SigningMethodHS256, AuthClaims{UserNo: no})
78 + auth, err := token.SignedString([]byte(app.Config.TokenSecret))
79 + if err != nil {
80 + return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Login failed")
81 + }
82 +
83 + return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, map[string]interface{}{"token": auth})
84 +}
85 +
86 +func (app *App) Authenticate(next func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)) http.Handler {
87 + return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
88 + auth := r.Header.Get("Authorization")
89 + if len(auth) > 6 && strings.Index(auth, "Bearer ") == 0 {
90 + token, err := jwt.ParseWithClaims(auth[7:], &AuthClaims{}, func(token *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) {
91 + return []byte(app.Config.TokenSecret), nil
92 + })
93 +
94 + if err == nil {
95 + claims := token.Claims.(*AuthClaims)
96 + ctx := context.WithValue(r.Context(), PropUserNo, claims.UserNo)
97 + next(w, r.WithContext(ctx))
98 + return
99 + }
100 + }
101 +
102 + WriteError(w, http.StatusUnauthorized, "Authorization failed")
103 + })
104 +}
1 +package main
2 +
3 +import (
4 + "encoding/json"
5 + "net/http"
6 +)
7 +
8 +func WriteJson(w http.ResponseWriter, data interface{}) {
9 + w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
10 + json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(data)
11 +}
12 +
13 +func WriteError(w http.ResponseWriter, status int, message string) {
14 + w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
15 + w.WriteHeader(status)
16 + json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(map[string]interface{}{"msg": message})
17 +}