

1 -{
2 - "project_info": {
3 - "project_number": "606422301569",
4 - "project_id": "capstone2-1e126",
5 - "storage_bucket": "capstone2-1e126.appspot.com"
6 - },
7 - "client": [
8 - {
9 - "client_info": {
10 - "mobilesdk_app_id": "1:606422301569:android:cdb3484fc2a653fa620680",
11 - "android_client_info": {
12 - "package_name": "com.example.dataextraction"
13 - }
14 - },
15 - "oauth_client": [
16 - {
17 - "client_id": "606422301569-8b41bkeu0mckoidr8sv0nc88u193bcvt.apps.googleusercontent.com",
18 - "client_type": 3
19 - }
20 - ],
21 - "api_key": [
22 - {
23 - "current_key": "AIzaSyAh9wIKK8XmgdcPRfe_GV1r2uvhnB8v5KU"
24 - }
25 - ],
26 - "services": {
27 - "appinvite_service": {
28 - "other_platform_oauth_client": [
29 - {
30 - "client_id": "606422301569-8b41bkeu0mckoidr8sv0nc88u193bcvt.apps.googleusercontent.com",
31 - "client_type": 3
32 - }
33 - ]
34 - }
35 - }
36 - }
37 - ],
38 - "configuration_version": "1"
39 -}
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