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A pure javascript Bmp encoder and decoder for node.js

Supports all bits decoding(1,4,8,16,24,32) and encoding with 24bit.


$ npm install bmp-js

How to use?

###Decode BMP

var bmp = require("bmp-js");
var bmpBuffer = fs.readFileSync('bit24.bmp');
var bmpData = bmp.decode(bmpBuffer);

bmpData has all properties includes:

  1. fileSize,reserved,offset

  2. headerSize,width,height,planes,bitPP,compress,rawSize,hr,vr,colors,importantColors

  3. palette

  4. data-------byte array order by ABGR ABGR ABGR,4 bytes per pixel

###Encode RGB

var bmp = require("bmp-js");
var rawData = bmp.encode(bmpData);//default no compression,write rawData to .bmp file


U can use on free with MIT License