index.d.ts 1.93 KB
import type { TreeAdapter, TreeAdapterTypeMap } from '../tree-adapters/interface';
import { type DefaultTreeAdapterMap } from '../tree-adapters/default.js';
export interface SerializerOptions<T extends TreeAdapterTypeMap> {
     * Specifies input tree format.
     * @default `treeAdapters.default`
    treeAdapter?: TreeAdapter<T>;
     * The [scripting flag]( If set
     * to `true`, `noscript` element content will not be escaped.
     *  @default `true`
    scriptingEnabled?: boolean;
 * Serializes an AST node to an HTML string.
 * @example
 * ```js
 * const parse5 = require('parse5');
 * const document = parse5.parse('<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body>Hi there!</body></html>');
 * // Serializes a document.
 * const html = parse5.serialize(document);
 * // Serializes the <html> element content.
 * const str = parse5.serialize(document.childNodes[1]);
 * console.log(str); //> '<head></head><body>Hi there!</body>'
 * ```
 * @param node Node to serialize.
 * @param options Serialization options.
export declare function serialize<T extends TreeAdapterTypeMap = DefaultTreeAdapterMap>(node: T['parentNode'], options?: SerializerOptions<T>): string;
 * Serializes an AST element node to an HTML string, including the element node.
 * @example
 * ```js
 * const parse5 = require('parse5');
 * const document = parse5.parseFragment('<div>Hello, <b>world</b>!</div>');
 * // Serializes the <div> element.
 * const html = parse5.serializeOuter(document.childNodes[0]);
 * console.log(str); //> '<div>Hello, <b>world</b>!</div>'
 * ```
 * @param node Node to serialize.
 * @param options Serialization options.
export declare function serializeOuter<T extends TreeAdapterTypeMap = DefaultTreeAdapterMap>(node: T['node'], options?: SerializerOptions<T>): string;