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crypto; from kruptein to hide or conceal.


Known Vulnerabilities Build Status


To install npm install kruptein


  • .set(secret, plaintext, [aad], callback)
  • .get(secret, ciphertext, [{at: auth_tag, aad: aad}], callback)


Industry standards are used for the algorithm, hashing algorithm, key & IV sizes. The default key derivation is pbkdf2, however use of the scrypt derivation function can be enabled.

  • algorithm: (Optional) Cipher algorithm from crypto.getCiphers(). Default: aes-256-gcm.
  • hashing: (Optional) Hash algorithm from crypto.getHashes(). Default: sha512.
  • encodeas: (Optional) Output encoding. Currently supports binary, hex, & base64. Default: binary.
  • key_size: (Optional) Key size bytes (should match block size of algorithm). Default: 32
  • iv_size: (Optional) IV size bytes. Default: 16.
  • at_size: (Optional) Authentication tag size. Applicable to gcm & ocb cipher modes. Default: 128.
  • use_scrypt: (Optional) Use .scrypt() to derive a key. Requires node > v10. Default/Fallback: .pbkdf2().
  • use_asn1: (Optional) If enabled the resulting object is ASN.1 encoded. Default: false


To test use npm test or node .test/vanilla.js


When selecting an algorithm from crypto.getCiphers() the iv and key_size values are calculated auto-magically to make implementation easy.

You can always define your own if the defaults per algorithm and mode aren't what you would like; see the options section above.

Create ciphertext from plaintext

To create a new ciphertext object.

const kruptein = require("kruptein")(opts);
let secret = "squirrel";

kruptein.set(secret, "Operation mincemeat was an example of deception", (err, ct) => {
  if (err)
    throw err;


Get plaintext from ciphertext

To retrieve plaintext from a ciphertext object.

const kruptein = require("kruptein")(opts);
let ciphertext, secret = "squirrel";

kruptein.get(secret, ciphertext, (err, pt) => {
  if (err)
    throw err;



The .set() method output depends on three factors; the encodeas, algorithm and use_asn1.

For any algorithm that supports authentication (AEAD), the object structure includes the Authentication Tag and the Additional Authentication Data attribute and value.

When the use_asn1 option is enabled, the result is an ASN.1 value using the encodeas value. While this is a more complex encoding option, it should help standardize the output for database storage.

Non-Authenticated Ciphers

For those ciphers that DO NOT support authentication modes the following structure is returned.

  'hmac': "<binary format of calculated hmac>",
  'ct': "<binary format of resulting ciphertext>",
  'iv': "<buffer format of generated/supplied iv>",
  'salt': "<buffer format of generated/supplied salt>"

Authenticated Ciphers

For those ciphers that DO support authentication modes the following structure is returned.

Important: Note that in the event additional authentication data (aad) is not provided a random 128 byte salt is used.

  'hmac': "<binary format of calculated hmac>",
  'ct': "<binary format of resulting ciphertext>",
  'iv': "<buffer format of generated/supplied iv>",
  'salt': "<buffer format of generated/supplied salt>",
  'at': "<buffer format of generated authentication tag>",
  'aad': "<buffer format of generated/supplied additional authentication data>"

ASN.1 Encoding

When the use_asn1 option is enabled an ASN.1 value encoded with the format specifed with encodeas option is returned regardless of the cipher mode. This return type will ensure compatibility with various database engines and the character set encoding available for them.


# enocdeas = binary
0\u0001n\u0004\u0019Âû ìÃ#$Ãôý\u001d(a6'P>\u00042éUÃÃ2è©kÂdkçEö«\"°ÂÂLI,ý<\rñI»\b\u0004\u0010N6K±ü\u001eC\nÃî.E\u0004À¿K¼nO¶%­ÃÃ&jc6_ê.Wû}Ãy`1KCZiÂÃ'QHï\rÂqæàô\u0011÷ÂFfÂë\\`\u0015º§ÂÂÂ\u000fÂÃÂ\u0014TÂÂPå¸Ãô}ý\u0002°1¡Ã¯ð­Ã\u0015%j$<ãå\nýæÃdæëL ÂT@v\\]\u001a\u0006³Ã;XÂ\b\u0005Â¥d8\u0017袧µý\"ôû\u0019\u0004\u0010:\"çM¦ÔÖÌE\u001fEÌ\b\u00046=²Â¿ý9á Ã\u0001øáõÂý#þÂãþùºN%àÃÂH

# encodeas = hex

# encodeas = base64

Cryptography References

This module conforms to industry recommendations regarding algorithm type, mode, key size, iv size & implementation, digests, key derivation & management etc. References used provided here:


  • RFC 2104: HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication
  • RFC 4086: Randomness Requirements for Security
  • RFC 5084: Using AES-CCM and AES-GCM Authenticated Encryption
  • RFC 7914: The scrypt Password-Based Key Derivation Function
  • RFC 8018: Password-Based Cryptography Specification
  • X.697: ASN.1 encoding rules: Specifications of JavaScript Object Notation Encoding Rules (JER)


  • SP 800-38A: Block cipher modes of operation
  • SP 800-38B: Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) and GMAC
  • SP 800-57P1: Recommendations for key management
  • SP 800-107: Recommendation for Applications Using Approved Hash Algorithms
  • SP 800-108: Recommendation for Key Derivation Using Pseudorandom Functions
  • SP 800-131A: Transitioning the Use of Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Lengths
  • SP 800-132: Recommendation for Password-Based Key Derivation
  • SP 800-175B: Guideline for Using Cryptographic Standards in the Federal Government


  • FIPS 197: Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
  • FIPS 198-1: The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC)
  • FIPS 180-4: Secure Hash Standard (SHS)


Contributions are welcome & appreciated!

Refer to the contributing document to help facilitate pull requests.


This software is licensed under the MIT License.

Copyright Jason Gerfen, 2019.