

1 # 음악 추천 웹사이트 1 # 음악 추천 웹사이트
2 2
3 ## About the Project 3 ## About the Project
4 -> 사용자의 취향에 따른 음악을 추천해준다. 4 +> 사용자의 위치를 분석해 해당 지역의 날씨에 기반한 음악 추천 프로그램을 제공한다. 햇살이 비칠 때는 신나는 음악, 비가 올 때는 잔잔하고 푸근한 음악을 통해 날씨에 맞는 분위기 있는 음악을 즐겨보자!
5 -처음 가입 시에 자신이 좋아하는 장르를 선택하고, 그날 날씨에 따른 음악을 추천해주는 시스템이다. 5 +부가적으로 노래를 부르는 것이 취미인 사람들을 위해 자신의 성별, 음역대에 따른 부를 노래를 추천해주는 시스템 또한 제공한다.
6 -노래를 부르는 것이 취미인 사람들을 위해, 부가적으로 자신의 성별, 음역대에 따른 노래를 추천해주는 시스템 또한 존재한다.
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9 <p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p> 8 <p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p>
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11 ## Getting Started 10 ## Getting Started
12 ### Installation 11 ### Installation
12 +1. clone the repo
13 + ```sh
14 + git clone http://khuhub.khu.ac.kr/2021105563/Music_Recommendation_Website.git
15 + ```
16 +2. Install NPM packages
17 + ```sh
18 + npm install
19 + ```
20 +
13 <br/><br/> 21 <br/><br/>
14 <p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p> 22 <p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p>
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...@@ -19,13 +27,17 @@ ...@@ -19,13 +27,17 @@
19 <p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p> 27 <p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p>
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21 ## Built With 29 ## Built With
22 -- Node.js 30 +- <a href="https://nodejs.org/ko/about/"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Node.js-339933?style=flat-square&logo=nodedotjs&logoColor=white"/></a>
23 -- HTML 31 +- <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/HTML-E34F26?style=flat-square&logo=html5&logoColor=white"/>
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25 <p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p> 33 <p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p>
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27 ## Roadmap 35 ## Roadmap
28 - 36 +- [ ] 회원가입
37 +- [ ] 날씨 및 gps API
38 +- [ ] 음원차트 crawling
39 +- [ ] HTML 구현
40 +- [ ]
29 <br/><br/> 41 <br/><br/>
30 <p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p> 42 <p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p>
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1 +<svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><title>Node.js</title><path d="M11.998,24c-0.321,0-0.641-0.084-0.922-0.247l-2.936-1.737c-0.438-0.245-0.224-0.332-0.08-0.383 c0.585-0.203,0.703-0.25,1.328-0.604c0.065-0.037,0.151-0.023,0.218,0.017l2.256,1.339c0.082,0.045,0.197,0.045,0.272,0l8.795-5.076 c0.082-0.047,0.134-0.141,0.134-0.238V6.921c0-0.099-0.053-0.192-0.137-0.242l-8.791-5.072c-0.081-0.047-0.189-0.047-0.271,0 L3.075,6.68C2.99,6.729,2.936,6.825,2.936,6.921v10.15c0,0.097,0.054,0.189,0.139,0.235l2.409,1.392 c1.307,0.654,2.108-0.116,2.108-0.89V7.787c0-0.142,0.114-0.253,0.256-0.253h1.115c0.139,0,0.255,0.112,0.255,0.253v10.021 c0,1.745-0.95,2.745-2.604,2.745c-0.508,0-0.909,0-2.026-0.551L2.28,18.675c-0.57-0.329-0.922-0.945-0.922-1.604V6.921 c0-0.659,0.353-1.275,0.922-1.603l8.795-5.082c0.557-0.315,1.296-0.315,1.848,0l8.794,5.082c0.57,0.329,0.924,0.944,0.924,1.603 v10.15c0,0.659-0.354,1.273-0.924,1.604l-8.794,5.078C12.643,23.916,12.324,24,11.998,24z M19.099,13.993 c0-1.9-1.284-2.406-3.987-2.763c-2.731-0.361-3.009-0.548-3.009-1.187c0-0.528,0.235-1.233,2.258-1.233 c1.807,0,2.473,0.389,2.747,1.607c0.024,0.115,0.129,0.199,0.247,0.199h1.141c0.071,0,0.138-0.031,0.186-0.081 c0.048-0.054,0.074-0.123,0.067-0.196c-0.177-2.098-1.571-3.076-4.388-3.076c-2.508,0-4.004,1.058-4.004,2.833 c0,1.925,1.488,2.457,3.895,2.695c2.88,0.282,3.103,0.703,3.103,1.269c0,0.983-0.789,1.402-2.642,1.402 c-2.327,0-2.839-0.584-3.011-1.742c-0.02-0.124-0.126-0.215-0.253-0.215h-1.137c-0.141,0-0.254,0.112-0.254,0.253 c0,1.482,0.806,3.248,4.655,3.248C17.501,17.007,19.099,15.91,19.099,13.993z"/></svg>
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