
Merge branch 'feature/CGV_Crawling' into 'master'

Feature/cgv crawling

First Merge from feature/CGV_Crawling to master

See merge request !16
1 +# Default ignored files
2 +/shelf/
3 +/workspace.xml
4 +# Editor-based HTTP Client requests
5 +/httpRequests/
6 +# Datasource local storage ignored files
7 +/dataSources/
8 +/dataSources.local.xml
1 +<component name="libraryTable">
2 + <library name="jsoup-1.15.1">
4 + <root url="jar://$PROJECT_DIR$/jsoup-1.15.1.jar!/" />
5 + </CLASSES>
6 + <JAVADOC />
7 + <SOURCES />
8 + </library>
9 +</component>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 +<project version="4">
3 + <component name="ProjectRootManager" version="2" languageLevel="JDK_15" default="true" project-jdk-name="15" project-jdk-type="JavaSDK">
4 + <output url="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/out" />
5 + </component>
6 +</project>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 +<project version="4">
3 + <component name="ProjectModuleManager">
4 + <modules>
5 + <module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/WebCrawling.iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/WebCrawling.iml" />
6 + </modules>
7 + </component>
8 +</project>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 +<project version="4">
3 + <component name="VcsDirectoryMappings">
4 + <mapping directory="$PROJECT_DIR$/.." vcs="Git" />
5 + </component>
6 +</project>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 +<module type="JAVA_MODULE" version="4">
3 + <component name="NewModuleRootManager" inherit-compiler-output="true">
4 + <exclude-output />
5 + <content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$">
6 + <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/src" isTestSource="false" />
7 + </content>
8 + <orderEntry type="inheritedJdk" />
9 + <orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />
10 + <orderEntry type="library" name="jsoup-1.15.1" level="project" />
11 + </component>
12 +</module>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
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