593 Bytes

async-each 1.0.0 (26 November 2015)

  • Bumped version to 1.0.0 (no functional changes)

async-each 0.1.6 (5 November 2014)

  • Add license to package.json

async-each 0.1.5 (22 October 2014)

  • Clean up package.json to fix npm warning about repo

async-each 0.1.4 (12 November 2013)

  • Fixed AMD definition.

async-each 0.1.3 (25 July 2013)

  • Fixed double wrapping of errors.

async-each 0.1.2 (7 July 2013)

  • Fixed behaviour on empty arrays.

async-each 0.1.1 (14 June 2013)

  • Wrapped function in closure, enabled strict mode.

async-each 0.1.0 (14 June 2013)

  • Initial release.