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howhap list

npm install --save howhap-list

Stores a list of howhap errors for easy manipulation and display.


let HowhapList = require('howhap-list');

let list = new HowhapList({
    default: {
        message: 'An unknown error occurred',
        status: 500
    email: {
        message: '{{email}} is an invalid email address',
        status: 400,
        params: {
            email: 'foo'


let list = new HowhapList(errors, options);

Both errors and options are optional. Errors can be a plain vanilla javascript object that represents the list of keyed errors.


HowhapList.add(messageAndStatus, params, key)

Adds a new error to the list. The key defaults to 'default'. Below are some examples...

messageStatus can be an object
    message: '{{email}} is an invalid email address',
    status: 400
}, {email: 'foo'}, 'email');

    email: {
        message: '{{email}} is an invalid email address',
        status: 400,
        params: {
            email: 'foo'
messageStatus can be a string if the availableErrors option is supplied
list.add('AUTH.INVALID_EMAIL', {params: email: 'foo'}, 'email');

    email: {
        message: '{{email}} is an invalid email address',
        status: 400,
        params: {
            email: 'foo'
neither params nor key are required

    email: {
        message: '{{email}} is an invalid email address',
        status: 400
params can be supplied with out a key. The key will default to 'default'
list.add('AUTH.INVALID_EMAIL', {email: 'foo'});

    default: {
        message: '{{email}} is an invalid email address',
        status: 400,
        params: {
            email: 'foo'
key can be supplied with out a params. The params will default to an empty object
list.add('AUTH.INVALID_EMAIL', 'email');

    email: {
        message: '{{email}} is an invalid email address',
        status: 400,


Removes an error by its key.



Returns a JSON representation of the howhap list with error objects rendered to strings.

let plainObject = list.toJSON();


Returns a JSON representation of the howhap list with error objects preserved.

let plainObject = list.toObject();


Displays a specific error based on its (optional) key

let list = new HowhapList({
    default: {
        message: 'An unknown error occurred',
        status: 500
    email: {
        message: '{{email}} is an invalid email address',
        status: 400,
        params: {
            email: 'foo'

list.display(); // 'An unknown error occurred
list.display('default'); // 'An unknown error occurred
list.display('email'); // foo is an invalid email address



availableErrors can hold an objet of errors that can be easily added to the list. For example:

// Errors are defined once in the options argument
let list = new HowhapList(null, {
    availableErrors: {
        API: {
            UNKNOWN: {
                message: 'An unknown error occurred.',
                status: 500
            NOT_FOUND: {
                message: 'The model with id {{id}} was not found.',
                status: 404
            PERMISSION_DENIED: {
                message: 'You don\'t have permission to {{action}} the resource {{resource}}',
                status: 401
        EMAIL: {
            UNREACHABLE: {
                message: 'The email address {{email}} is unreachable.',
                status: 400

// Errors can be easily added via a string

list.add('API.NOT_FOUND', {id: 7});
list.add('EMAIL.UNREACHABLE', {email: ''});


logger is an object that will be called each time an error is added. Works natively with bunyan but you can also add your own logger. It should adhere to the following interface (for example):

let logger = {
    debug: function(message, status, params) {
        console.log('DEBUG:', message, status, params);
    warn: function(message, status, params) {
        console.log('WARN:', message, status, params);
    error: function(message, status, params) {
        console.log('ERROR:', message, status, params);

Here's an example of how to configure your logger.

let bunyan = require('bunyan');
let HowhapList = require('howhap-list');

let list = new HowhapList(null, {
    logger: bunyan.createLogger({name: "myapp"})