History.md 2.03 KB

4.2.0 / 2017-03-21

  • feat: ctx.request.rawBody to get raw request body (#70)

4.1.0 / 2017-03-02

  • deps: upgrade co-body@5 (#64)

4.0.0 / 2017-02-27

  • refactor: use async function and support koa@2 (#62)

2.3.0 / 2016-11-14

  • feat: support dynamic disable body parser

2.2.0 / 2016-05-16

  • feat: support enableTypes and text (#44)

2.1.0 / 2016-05-10

  • deps: co-body@4

2.0.1 / 2015-08-12

  • chore: upgrade co-body@3.1.0

2.0.0 / 2015-05-07

  • deps: co-body@2, default to strict mode

1.6.0 / 2015-05-01

  • feat: support custom error handler

1.5.0 / 2015-04-04

  • Use an empty object instead of null, if no body is parsed

1.4.1 / 2015-03-10

  • bump co-body@1.1.0

1.4.0 / 2015-02-26

  • feat: custom json request detect

1.3.1 / 2015-01-27

  • fix: extend

1.3.0 / 2014-11-27

  • support extendTypes
  • Merge pull request #8 from coderhaoxin/json-patch
  • add support for json patch

1.2.0 / 2014-11-07

  • add example.js
  • bump dependencies
  • Merge pull request #7 from rudijs/develop
  • Add support for JSON-API

1.1.0 / 2014-10-28

1.0.0 / 2014-04-23

  • update readme
  • refactor

0.1.0 / 2014-03-06

  • Merge pull request #2 from fengmk2/remove-co
  • Remove co deps and improve coverage to 100%

0.0.2 / 2014-02-26

  • Merge pull request #1 from fengmk2/jsonLimit
  • add jsonLimit options to fix json and form body limit confuse

0.0.1 / 2014-02-18

  • update package name, merge middleware into module.exports
  • complete readme
  • complete bodyparser and bodyparser.middleware
  • Initial commit