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# koa-router

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> Router middleware for [koa](

* Express-style routing using `app.get`, `app.put`, ``, etc.
* Named URL parameters.
* Named routes with URL generation.
* Responds to `OPTIONS` requests with allowed methods.
* Support for `405 Method Not Allowed` and `501 Not Implemented`.
* Multiple route middleware.
* Multiple routers.
* Nestable routers.
* ES7 async/await support.

{{#module name="koa-router"}}{{>body}}{{/module}}## Migrating to 7 / Koa 2

- The API has changed to match the new promise-based middleware
  signature of koa 2. See the
  [koa 2.x readme]( for more
- Middleware is now always run in the order declared by `.use()` (or `.get()`,
  etc.), which matches Express 4 API.

## Installation

Install using [npm](

npm install koa-router

## API Reference
{{#module name="koa-router"~}}

## Contributing

Please submit all issues and pull requests to the [alexmingoia/koa-router]( repository!

## Tests

Run tests using `npm test`.

## Support

If you have any problem or suggestion please open an issue [here](