Name Last Update
holiday-counter-recommend-activity @ cc12bd6b
node_modules Loading commit data...
public/css Loading commit data...
views Loading commit data...
.gitignore Loading commit data... Loading commit data...
package-lock.json Loading commit data...
package.json Loading commit data...
server.js Loading commit data...

About The Project

공휴일·기념일 카운터 및 활동 추천

Getting Started (Installation)


  • Node.js


  1. Clone the repository [copy content=""]
  2. Install NPM packages [copy content="npm install"]
  3. Open Server [copy content="npm server.js"]

Built with


다음 과정을 통해 프로젝트에 기여할 수 있습니다.

  1. Fork the project repository
  2. Create your branch
  3. Make changes and commit
  4. Push to your own Gibhub repository
  5. Create a pull request



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